
mbskvtky  于 22天前  发布在  其他
  • I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.

Ⅰ. Issue Description

在全局事务内先 insert 里一条数据,然后批量 update 这个表里的部分数据(前面 insert 的数据也包含在里面),我查看日志发现到这里的时候分支事务都是注册成功的,后面发生异常回滚的时候失败了。

Ⅱ. Describe what happened

If there is an exception, please attach the exception trace:

Just paste your stack trace here!

Creating a new SqlSession
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@80c571] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active
JDBC Connection [io.seata.rm.datasource.ConnectionProxy@3098dae] will not be managed by Spring
==> Preparing: insert into zuzhizhongxin_jiaozhigong_bumen(jzgbmbm, jzgbm, jsxm, bmbm, bmmc, jglxbh, jglx, jgbm, jgmc, xqbm, xqmc, cjsj, cjr, cjip, bzw, shzt, jsztbh, jszt, jszwbm, jszw, gh) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
==> Parameters: a9c77a9c81a74d0a880f700b722cbb21(String), bef36ea03b09454894e782d5d247231e(String), 导入老师12245(String), aa49c3e795cf42eaaae1c88c1cb794db(String), 教师室(String), 99664955531330010(String), 区属学校(String), b9ce321ad966487e8b53e35ade527f35(String), 上海市杨浦区向阳幼儿园(String), b9ce321ad966487e8b53e35ade527f35(String), 上海市杨浦区向阳幼儿园(String), 2024-01-22T18:09:04.657(LocalDateTime), liucc5415(String),, I(String), 通过(String), jszt_11(String), 在职(String), null, null, (String)
2024-01-22 18:09:04.665 INFO 1 --- [TaskExecutor-48] io.seata.rm.AbstractResourceManager : branch register success, xid:, branchId:27481549239641925, lockKeys:zuzhizhongxin_jiaozhigong_bumen:1216
<== Updates: 1
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@80c571]
Creating a new SqlSession
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1eba080b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active
JDBC Connection [io.seata.rm.datasource.ConnectionProxy@1817ede0] will not be managed by Spring
==> Preparing: update zuzhizhongxin_jiaozhigong_bumen SET gxsj = ?, gxr = ?, gxip = ?, bzw = ?, jsztbh = ?, jszt = ?, gh = ? where bzw != 'D' and jzgbm = ? and jgbm = ?
==> Parameters: 2024-01-22T18:09:04.667(LocalDateTime), liucc5415(String),, M(String), jszt_11(String), 在职(String), (String), bef36ea03b09454894e782d5d247231e(String), b9ce321ad966487e8b53e35ade527f35(String)
2024-01-22 18:09:04.672 INFO 1 --- [TaskExecutor-48] io.seata.rm.AbstractResourceManager : branch register success, xid:, branchId:27481549239641926, lockKeys:zuzhizhongxin_jiaozhigong_bumen:1216
<== Updates: 1

2024-01-22 18:09:04.725 INFO 1 --- [TaskExecutor-48] : transaction will be rollback
2024-01-22 18:09:04.728 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_2_8] i.s.c.r.p.c.RmBranchRollbackProcessor : rm handle branch rollback process:BranchRollbackRequest{xid='', branchId=27481549239641925, branchType=AT, resourceId='jdbc:postgresql://', applicationData='null'}
2024-01-22 18:09:04.728 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_2_8] io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler : Branch Rollbacking: 27481549239641925 jdbc:postgresql://
2024-01-22 18:09:04.733 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_2_8] i.s.r.d.undo.AbstractUndoExecutor : Field not equals, name bzw, old value I, new value M
2024-01-22 18:09:04.734 ERROR 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_2_8] i.seata.rm.datasource.DataSourceManager : branchRollback failed. branchType:[AT], xid:[], branchId:[27481549239641925], resourceId:[jdbc:postgresql://], applicationData:[null]. reason:[Branch session rollback failed because of dirty undo log, please delete the relevant undolog after manually calibrating the data. xid = branchId = 27481549239641925]
2024-01-22 18:09:04.734 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_2_8] io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler : Branch Rollbacked result: PhaseTwo_RollbackFailed_Unretryable
2024-01-22 18:09:04.741 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_7_8] i.s.c.r.p.c.RmBranchCommitProcessor : rm client handle branch commit process:BranchCommitRequest{xid='', branchId=27481549239641920, branchType=AT, resourceId='jdbc:postgresql://', applicationData='null'}
2024-01-22 18:09:04.741 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_7_8] io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler : Branch committing: 27481549239641920 jdbc:postgresql:// null
2024-01-22 18:09:04.741 INFO 1 --- [ch_RMROLE_1_7_8] io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler : Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed
2024-01-22 18:09:04.744 INFO 1 --- [TaskExecutor-48] : transaction end, xid =
2024-01-22 18:09:04.744 INFO 1 --- [TaskExecutor-48] : [] rollback status: RollbackFailed

Ⅲ. Describe what you expected to happen

bzw这个字段在 insert 的时候我设置的是 I ,后面 update 的时候设置成了 M ,看日志好像是这里出了问题,求教一下大家,这里为什么没能回滚成功?

Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx

Minimal yet complete reproducer code (or URL to code):

Ⅴ. Anything else we need to know?

Ⅵ. Environment:

  • JDK 1.8
  • Seata 1.7.1
  • Database 业务数据库PostgreSQL 9.2.4 Seata数据库MySQL8.0


Data is modified without Seata transaction management, resulting in dirty data.



seata server版本是什么?客户端的日志是否能发到这看下?
What is the seata server version? Can the client logs be posted here to see?



Check the precision of datetime in your database branchtable
