seata @TwoPhaseBusinessAction annotation name attribute uniqueness assurance

rdlzhqv9  于 22天前  发布在  其他
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Ⅰ. Issue Description

name属性是由用户侧来保证唯一的,并且最终将会被当作资源id进行注册。但是即使有两个相同的名称,应用启动时也不会报告此错误,这将导致 TCCResourceManager 中 tccResourceCache 中的相同键被覆盖
name is guaranteed to be unique by the user side and will eventually be registered as a resource id. However, even if there are two identical names, this error will not be reported at startup, which would result in an overwrite of the same key in the tccResourceCache in the TCCResourceManager

Ⅱ. Describe what happened

If there is an exception, please attach the exception trace:

Just paste your stack trace here!

Ⅲ. Describe what you expected to happen

  1. 为什么不由我们替用户生成一个唯一的tcc资源名称,比如通过注解所在方法的method.toGenericString()方法,而不是让用户自己去在注解上指定和维护 why don't we generate a unique tcc resource name for the user, e.g. through the method.toGenericString() method of the method where the annotation is located, instead of letting the user specify and maintain it in the annotation themselves
  2. 在注册资源时增加判断,如果有相同名称的资源,通过抛出异常的方式告知用户是不是会比较好 add judgment when registering resources, if there is a resource with the same name, inform the user by throwing an exception is not better

Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx

Minimal yet complete reproducer code (or URL to code):

Ⅴ. Anything else we need to know?

Ⅵ. Environment:

  • JDK version(e.g. java -version ):
  • Seata client/server version:
  • Database version:
  • OS(e.g. uname -a ):
  • Others:


  1. 如何生成一个唯一id在业务应用或者tc重启的时候还能记录在案,并且正常下发二阶段指令?
  2. 如何确认相同资源名的类,一定不能使用?比如子类和父类的关系?
  3. How to generate a unique ID that can be recorded and used even after a business application or TC restart, ensuring the ability to issue two-phase commands?
  4. How to ensure that classes with the same resource name cannot be used, especially in the relationship between subclasses and parent classes?


  1. 如何生成一个唯一id在业务应用或者tc重启的时候还能记录在案,并且正常下发二阶段指令?

  2. 如何确认相同资源名的类,一定不能使用?比如子类和父类的关系?

  3. How to generate a unique ID that can be recorded and used even after a business application or TC restart, ensuring the ability to issue two-phase commands?

  4. How to ensure that classes with the same resource name cannot be used, especially in the relationship between subclasses and parent classes?

  5. 通过接口名 + 方法名 + 方法参数的方式,比如io.seata.samples.tcc.springboot.dubbo.action.Test.method1(int),资源id指定后就保持不变,本质上都是静态的,不会影响重启相关的逻辑 By means of interface name + method name + method parameters, such as io.seata.samples.tcc.springboot.dubbo.action.Test.method1(int), the resource id is specified to remain unchanged, and the change in the generation method will not affect the restart of the relevant logic

  6. TCC资源有父子类的情况吗?能麻烦讲一下场景吗 Is there a parent-child class scenario for TCC resources? Can you please tell us about the scenario?



  1. 如何生成一个唯一id在业务应用或者tc重启的时候还能记录在案,并且正常下发二阶段指令?

  2. 如何确认相同资源名的类,一定不能使用?比如子类和父类的关系?

  3. How to generate a unique ID that can be recorded and used even after a business application or TC restart, ensuring the ability to issue two-phase commands?

  4. How to ensure that classes with the same resource name cannot be used, especially in the relationship between subclasses and parent classes?

  5. 通过接口名 + 方法名 + 方法参数的方式,比如io.seata.samples.tcc.springboot.dubbo.action.Test.method1(int),资源id指定后就保持不变,本质上都是静态的,不会影响重启相关的逻辑 By means of interface name + method name + method parameters, such as io.seata.samples.tcc.springboot.dubbo.action.Test.method1(int), the resource id is specified to remain unchanged, and the change in the generation method will not affect the restart of the relevant logic

  6. TCC资源有父子类的情况吗?能麻烦讲一下场景吗 Is there a parent-child class scenario for TCC resources? Can you please tell us about the scenario?

1.全限定名+方法+参数确实应该是一个唯一的id Fully qualified name + method + parameter should indeed be a unique id
2.第二种我认为是有可能的情况 The second I think is a possible scenario



Then I think there is a kind of compatibility problem, for example, the update of the service, when the old service's resourceid is a, because it made an update, at this time his resourceid may be called b, at this time if tc makes a two-phase download will not be able to find the corresponding rm



然后我认为存在一种兼容性问题,比如服务的更新,当旧服务的resourceid为a时,因为它进行了更新,此时他的resourceid就可能叫做b,此时如果tc进行二阶段下发就会找不到相应的rm Then I think there is a kind of compatibility problem, for example, the update of the service, when the old service's resourceid is a, because it made an update, at this time his resourceid may be called b, at this time if tc makes a two-phase download will not be able to find the corresponding rm

If the name is specified by the user, the problem you mentioned will also exist if the name is updated during his version update. Isn't it possible to do a graceful offline processing for this piece, where the RM goes offline by first disconnecting all requests so that no new branch transactions are registered. Then wait for all the branch transactions registered on the current RM via branchRegister to finish, then deregister the TC's ChannelManager#RM_CHANNELS to remove the current node's Channel, and then go offline again. This ensures that the TC does not request the old RM, and that the old RM completes all the old global transactions related to the RM before going offline



It is necessary to support customized resource identification, but it is not recommended to introduce additional service management costs. We cannot guarantee that every user can log off gracefully. If a user changes their fully qualified name, is there any way we can expose the risk to the user?



It is necessary to support customized resource identification, but it is not recommended to introduce additional service management costs. We cannot guarantee that every user can log off gracefully. If a user changes their fully qualified name, is there any way we can expose the risk to the user? 支持自定义的资源标识是有必要的,不是很建议引入额外的服务治理成本。我们不能保证每位用户都能做到优雅下线,如果用户更换了全限定名,我们有没有什么办法将风险暴露给用户?

  1. 正常的版本更新是可以做到优雅下线的 normal version updates can be done gracefully offline
  2. 即使是现在,如果没有优雅下线,而用户在版本更新时私自修改了name注解的值,也会出现找不到资源的问题。可以通过文档/注释的方式告知用户此风险,比如“如果下线后尝试进行接口更新/修改资源名,请务必保证优雅下线“ Even now, if there is no graceful offline and the user changes the value of the name annotation privately during a version update, there will be a problem of not finding the resource. This risk can be communicated to the user via documentation/annotation, e.g. "If you try to update the interface/modify the resource name after going offline, please make sure to go offline gracefully".
  3. 有关唯一性你觉得这是一个值得考虑的安全性问题吗?因为我觉得如果由用户指定的话,当用户注册了两个相同名称的资源,会出现branchCommit和branchRollback操作中获取到具有相同名称但毫无关联的TCC的资源,发生混乱。Regarding uniqueness do you think this is a security issue worth considering? Because I think if it is specified by the user, when the user registers two resources with the same name, there will be confusion when the branchCommit and branchRollback operations fetch resources with the same name but unrelated TCCs.


Elegant offline is one solution, getting a new resourceid format compatible with both is also a solution. The former has uncertainty, the latter is more reliable, but the solution is more complex.



If the user does not configure resource identification, I think it is acceptable to generate default rules; if the user configures it by himself, just ensure that different applications do not affect each other (remember that previous versions will affect each other, not sure if it is completely fixed) .
In fact, this is similar to the Mapping configuration in SpringMVC.

