[Feature request] A k8s seata server operator

ybzsozfc  于 22天前  发布在  其他

Why you need it?

To manage k8s based seata server resource by operator way: https://kubernetes.io/zh-cn/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/

How it could be?

Base on the k8s operator template to create a seata one.
I can contribute it if we can have a repo for it.

Some operators we contributed:



Thank you very much for your proposal. I have also had the same idea for some time. Currently, seata-server is stateless, so it can be deployed using deployment in the official documentation. With the evolution of 2.x, Seata will introduce raft's cluster mode, which will be applicable to statefulsets. How to help businesses quickly maintain and reduce the cost of operations is an important means of helping Seata quickly become popular.




What operational capabilities can Seata operator provide to seata-server in the current version?




What operational capabilities can Seata operator provide to seata-server in the current version?


Some benefits of operator:

  • Easy to understand and manage resource: normally, a service need a k8s deployment and a k8s service work together, in operator we can create a CRD to let all in one resources, we can directly detect the status and others.
  • More auto operations: base on CR, we can do auto operation in the operator, for example, auto restart, keep cluster up and so on.
  • Multi-cluster ability: we can use operator to deploy cluster mode of service in different k8s cluster for high availability
  • ...

And there are lots of use cases we can support in future.

For now, I think a very easy operator to manage Deployment and Service is a good start for us.



Your contribution is very welcome, in stateful raft storage mode, one has to get the full ip list and ports of the cluster before starting the Seata-Server process, which is exactly what is needed for the k8s operator's capabilities, unfortunately at the moment #5226 is not yet merged
非常欢迎你的贡献,在有状态的raft存储模式下,必须得到完整的集群的ip列表和端口之后,才能启动Seata-Server的进程,这正是需要k8s operator的能力,遗憾的是目前 #5226 还未合并



Your contribution is very welcome, in stateful raft storage mode, one has to get the full ip list and ports of the cluster before starting the Seata-Server process, which is exactly what is needed for the k8s operator's capabilities, unfortunately at the moment #5226 is not yet merged 非常欢迎你的贡献,在有状态的raft存储模式下,必须得到完整的集群的ip列表和端口之后,才能启动Seata-Server的进程,这正是需要k8s operator的能力,遗憾的是目前 #5226 还未合并

Thanks for your message, I will notice that in our internal seats-operator (currently not open sources) logic.
