echarts [Bug] Heatmap tooltip stuck when data refreshes

9wbgstp7  于 5个月前  发布在  Echarts



Steps to Reproduce

  1. I create the chart setting it's option chart?.setOption(currentOption);
  2. Every 10 seconds I receive fresh data from an API
  3. When I receive the data I format it in the way the chart expects it
  4. Set the new option
  5. Hover over the chart very swiftly and try to hover over the tooltip

Current Behavior

When the new data is on it's way and seems like at the moment the chart content is re-rendering if I manage to hover over the tooltip it gets stuck on the screen. I have to hover again on the chart in order it to disappear

NB. It's not possible the issue to be reproduced using the provided codepen because it happens when the data reloads (new data comes from the API)

Expected Behavior

The tooltip disappears when I hover out of the chart


- OS: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Browser: Chromium Version 127.0.6533.26 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)
- Framework: React

Any additional comments?

No response



could not reproduce, tooltip works as intended.
Demo mimics data entry every 2 seconds. By holding mouse over top portion of red series, tooltip stays on screen and shows changing data.
Suggestion - use tootip.confine to keep tooltip window inside chart boundaries. Also try enterable:true .
You could also try setOption(option, true); to replace chart on data change.



Hi! Thanks for the answer and that you've checked my request! I cannot reproduce it in such a isolated demo.
I'm attaching a screen where you can see what exactly is happening in the project I'm working on. There you can see how the tooltip keeps staying visible.
