ant-design DatePicker doesn't focus on picker panel on tab

ercv8c1e  于 3个月前  发布在  其他

Steps to reproduce

Click on any of the DatePicker input field and press tab. It will focus on other DatePicker inputs and close the picker panel.

What is expected?

In AntD v4 ( ), when the DatePicker input field is clicked and tab is pressed, the picker panel will be focused and you can use the arrow keys to select new dates.

What is actually happening?

Other DatePicker input fields are being focused and the picker panel is closed when the tab key is pressed.
| Environment | Info |
| ------------ | ------------ |
| antd | 5.16.1 |
| React | 18 |
| System | MacOS |
| Browser | Chrome |



Yes. The panel accessible is removed since it's not well work with accessibility.
