ant-design Some last characters got trimmed for some custom (Other than system) font families.
- I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce
- It's already reproduced. The link is attached.
- Here we added 75000 characters.
What is expected?
- All characters should be shown with any type of font family.
What is actually happening?
- Some last characters got trimmed for some custom (Other than system) font families.
| Environment | Info |
| ------------ | ------------ |
| antd | 4.18.6 |
| React | 16.14.0 |
| System | Mac OS 12.2 |
| Browser | Google Chrome Version 98.0.4758.80 (Official Build) (x86_64) |
回答(1) 发布于 7个月前
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回答(1) 发布于 7个月前
I can't find any problem, could you indicate it with a screenshot?
while going to the end of the input :
Here you can see all characters in the input are visible.
Here some characters get trimmed at the last. The last character is shown in half.
Similar with #33829 , works fine in Firefox. It seems to be a browser rendering issue.
Similar with #33829 , works fine in Firefox. It seems to be a browser rendering issue.
yes, this issue with google chrome.
And in #33829 not shown any characters but here it's shown characters and trimmed some characters at the last.