Sentinel Metrics is inaccurant in highly concurrent conditions , is it necessary to make accurant way?

velaa5lx  于 23天前  发布在  其他

Issue Description

Metrics is accurant in highly concurrent conditions
Type: feature request

Describe what feature you want

when reporting use "copy on right" way , or sliding windows use MVCC to store

Describe your initial design (if present)

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.



Hi, would you like to give a POC for this?



Each LeapArray node is a linked list, when the bucket is deprecated, it creates a history snapshot as its next node and then resets;when the request hits the bucket, it iterates through the linked list until a suitable one is found; it gets a slightly earlier time statistic data instead of getting the current statistic; the length of the linked list has a threadhold that can be configured.



Hi, would you like to give a POC for this?
Each LeapArray node is a linked list, when the bucket is deprecated, it creates a history snapshot as its next node and then resets;when the request hits the bucket, it iterates through the linked list until a suitable one is found; it gets a slightly earlier time statistic data instead of getting the current statistic; the length of the linked list has a threadhold that can be configured.



Looks cool! But I don't quite understand how this new data structure makes the metrics more accurate, I was wondering if you could provide some specific scenarios where the metrics are inaccurate and explain how this new data structure works in these scenarios. 🙋🙋🙋



Looks cool! But I don't quite understand how this new data structure makes the metrics more accurate, I was wondering if you could provide some specific scenarios where the metrics are inaccurate and explain how this new data structure works in these scenarios.

sorry , I may have misunderstood, when i read this code,
public Map<Long, MetricNode> metrics() {
// The fetch operation is thread-safe under a single-thread scheduler pool.
long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
currentTime = currentTime - currentTime % 1000;
Map<Long, MetricNode> metrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
List nodesOfEverySecond = rollingCounterInMinute.details();
long newLastFetchTime = lastFetchTime;
// Iterate metrics of all resources, filter valid metrics (not-empty and up-to-date).
for (MetricNode node : nodesOfEverySecond) {
if (isNodeInTime(node, currentTime) && isValidMetricNode(node)) {
metrics.put(node.getTimestamp(), node);
newLastFetchTime = Math.max(newLastFetchTime, node.getTimestamp());
lastFetchTime = newLastFetchTime;

return metrics;

it`s taking metrics of every second of the past, and it seems to be no possible of concurrent reads and writes. i used to think it was conting the hole window
