
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]See the general contract of the readLong method of DataInput.

Bytes for this operation are read from the contained input stream.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/geode

public AuthIds(byte[] bytes) throws Exception {
 DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
 if (bytes.length == 8) {
  // only connectionid
  connectionId = dis.readLong();
 } else if (bytes.length == 16) {
  // first connectionId and then uniqueID
  connectionId = dis.readLong();
  uniqueId = dis.readLong();
 } else {
  throw new Exception("Auth ids are not in right form");

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-pinot

private void loadCreationMeta(File crcFile)
  throws IOException {
 if (crcFile.exists()) {
  final DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(crcFile));
  _crc = ds.readLong();
  _creationTime = ds.readLong();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

private String readUUID(final DataInputStream in, final int serializationVersion) throws IOException {
  if (serializationVersion < 8) {
    final long msb = in.readLong();
    final long lsb = in.readLong();
    return new UUID(msb, lsb).toString();
  } else {
    // before version 8, we serialized UUID's as two longs in order to
    // write less data. However, in version 8 we changed to just writing
    // out the string because it's extremely expensive to call UUID.fromString.
    // In the end, since we generally compress, the savings in minimal anyway.
    final String uuid = in.readUTF();
    if (!UUID_PATTERN.matcher(uuid).matches()) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to parse Provenance Event Record: expected a UUID but got: " + uuid);
    return uuid;

代码示例来源:origin: addthis/stream-lib

public static QDigest deserialize(byte[] b) {
  ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
  DataInputStream s = new DataInputStream(bis);
  try {
    long size = s.readLong();
    double compressionFactor = s.readDouble();
    long capacity = s.readLong();
    int count = s.readInt();
    QDigest d = new QDigest(compressionFactor);
    d.size = size;
    d.capacity = capacity;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
      long k = s.readLong();
      long n = s.readLong();
      d.node2count.put(k, n);
    return d;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: aNNiMON/Lightweight-Stream-API

public void testSafeWithOnFailedConsumer() throws IOException {
  final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(30);
  final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
  LongConsumer consumer = UnsafeConsumer(dos), new LongConsumer() {
    public void accept(long value) {
  final byte[] result = baos.toByteArray();
  DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(result));
  assertThat(dis.readLong(), is(10L));
  assertThat(dis.readLong(), is(20L));
  assertThat(dis.readByte(), is((byte) 0));
  assertThat(dis.readByte(), is((byte) 0));
  assertThat(dis.readLong(), is(500L));

代码示例来源:origin: RoaringBitmap/RoaringBitmap

private long[][] deserialize(final String bitsetResource) throws IOException {
  final DataInputStream dos = new DataInputStream(
    new GZIPInputStream(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(bitsetResource)));
  try {
   final long[][] bitset = new long[dos.readInt()][];
   for (int i = 0; i < bitset.length; i++) {
    final int wordSize = dos.readInt();
    // for duplication, to make bitsets wider
    final int clone = 0;
    final long words[] = new long[wordSize * (clone + 1)];
    for (int j = 0; j < wordSize; j++) {
     words[j] = dos.readLong();
    // duplicate long[] n times to the right
    for (int j = 0; j < clone; j++) {
     System.arraycopy(words, 0, words, (j + 1) * wordSize, wordSize);
    bitset[i] = words;
   return bitset;
  } finally {
   if (dos != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

public SwapSummary getSwapSummary(final DataInputStream in, final String swapLocation, final ResourceClaimManager claimManager) throws IOException {
  final int swapEncodingVersion = in.readInt();
  if (swapEncodingVersion > SWAP_ENCODING_VERSION) {
    final String errMsg = "Cannot swap FlowFiles in from " + swapLocation + " because the encoding version is "
      + swapEncodingVersion + ", which is too new (expecting " + SWAP_ENCODING_VERSION + " or less)";
    throw new IOException(errMsg);
  final int numRecords;
  final long contentSize;
  Long maxRecordId = null;
  try {
    in.readUTF(); // ignore Connection ID
    numRecords = in.readInt();
    contentSize = in.readLong();
    if (numRecords == 0) {
      return StandardSwapSummary.EMPTY_SUMMARY;
    if (swapEncodingVersion > 7) {
      maxRecordId = in.readLong();
  } catch (final EOFException eof) {
    logger.warn("Found premature End-of-File when reading Swap File {}. EOF occurred before any FlowFiles were encountered", swapLocation);
    return StandardSwapSummary.EMPTY_SUMMARY;
  final QueueSize queueSize = new QueueSize(numRecords, contentSize);
  final SwapContents swapContents = deserializeFlowFiles(in, queueSize, maxRecordId, swapEncodingVersion, claimManager, swapLocation);
  return swapContents.getSummary();

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

Class<?> type = element.field.getType();
if (type == int.class) {
  element.fieldValue = input.readInt();
} else if (type == byte.class) {
  element.fieldValue = input.readByte();
} else if (type == char.class) {
  element.fieldValue = input.readChar();
  element.fieldValue = input.readBoolean();
} else if (type == long.class) {
  element.fieldValue = input.readLong();
} else if (type == float.class) {
  element.fieldValue = input.readFloat();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(outputFile));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
 long size = dis.readLong();
 Assert.assertEquals(size, records[i].length + 1);
 for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++) {
  Assert.assertEquals(dis.readByte(), records[i][j]);
 Assert.assertEquals(dis.readByte(), '\n');

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

boolean handleRequest(DataInputStream in, DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    while(true) {
      byte type=(byte);
      if(type == -1)
        return false;
      switch(type) {
        case START:
          int num=in.readInt();
        case RECEIVE_ASYNC:
        case RECEIVE_SYNC:
          long val=in.readLong();
          int len=in.readInt();
          byte data[]=new byte[len];
          in.readFully(data, 0, data.length);
          receiveData(val, data);
          if(type == RECEIVE_SYNC) {
          System.err.println("type " + type + " not known");

代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j

String compressionAlgorithm = s.readUTF();
long compressedLength = s.readLong();
long originalLength = s.readLong();
long numberOfElements = s.readLong();
  temp[i] = s.readByte();

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

protected long parseSize (final DataInputStream din, final byte type, final boolean useIntOnError, final long defaultValue)
  throws IOException {
  if (type == 'i') return (long)readUChar(din);
  if (type == 'I') return (long)readUShort(din);
  if (type == 'l') return (long)readUInt(din);
  if (type == 'L') return din.readLong();
  if (useIntOnError) {
    long result = (long)((short)type & 0xFF) << 24;
    result |= (long)((short)din.readByte() & 0xFF) << 16;
    result |= (long)((short)din.readByte() & 0xFF) << 8;
    result |= (long)((short)din.readByte() & 0xFF);
    return result;
  return defaultValue;

代码示例来源:origin: addthis/stream-lib

public static CountMinSketch deserialize(byte[] data) {
  ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
  DataInputStream s = new DataInputStream(bis);
  try {
    CountMinSketch sketch = new CountMinSketch();
    sketch.size = s.readLong();
    sketch.depth = s.readInt();
    sketch.width = s.readInt();
    sketch.eps = 2.0 / sketch.width;
    sketch.confidence = 1 - 1 / Math.pow(2, sketch.depth);
    sketch.hashA = new long[sketch.depth];
    sketch.table = new long[sketch.depth][sketch.width];
    for (int i = 0; i < sketch.depth; ++i) {
      sketch.hashA[i] = s.readLong();
      for (int j = 0; j < sketch.width; ++j) {
        sketch.table[i][j] = s.readLong();
    return sketch;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // Shouldn't happen
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

public Long deserialize(final byte[] input) throws DeserializationException, IOException {
  if ( input == null || input.length == 0 ) {
    return null;
  final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(input));
  return dis.readLong();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-compress

private StartHeader readStartHeader(final long startHeaderCrc) throws IOException {
  final StartHeader startHeader = new StartHeader();
  // using Stream rather than ByteBuffer for the benefit of the
  // built-in CRC check
  try (DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new CRC32VerifyingInputStream(
      new BoundedSeekableByteChannelInputStream(channel, 20), 20, startHeaderCrc))) {
     startHeader.nextHeaderOffset = Long.reverseBytes(dataInputStream.readLong());
     startHeader.nextHeaderSize = Long.reverseBytes(dataInputStream.readLong());
     startHeader.nextHeaderCrc = 0xffffFFFFL & Integer.reverseBytes(dataInputStream.readInt());
     return startHeader;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

private SnapshotHeader validateHeader(final DataInputStream dataIn) throws IOException {
  final String snapshotClass = dataIn.readUTF();
  logger.debug("Snapshot Class Name for {} is {}", storageDirectory, snapshotClass);
  if (!snapshotClass.equals(HashMapSnapshot.class.getName())) {
    throw new IOException("Write-Ahead Log Snapshot located at " + storageDirectory + " was written using the "
      + snapshotClass + " class; cannot restore using " + getClass().getName());
  final int snapshotVersion = dataIn.readInt();
  logger.debug("Snapshot version for {} is {}", storageDirectory, snapshotVersion);
  if (snapshotVersion > getVersion()) {
    throw new IOException("Write-Ahead Log Snapshot located at " + storageDirectory + " was written using version "
      + snapshotVersion + " of the " + snapshotClass + " class; cannot restore using Version " + getVersion());
  final String serdeEncoding = dataIn.readUTF(); // ignore serde class name for now
  logger.debug("Serde encoding for Snapshot at {} is {}", storageDirectory, serdeEncoding);
  final int serdeVersion = dataIn.readInt();
  logger.debug("Serde version for Snapshot at {} is {}", storageDirectory, serdeVersion);
  final long maxTransactionId = dataIn.readLong();
  logger.debug("Max Transaction ID for Snapshot at {} is {}", storageDirectory, maxTransactionId);
  final int numRecords = dataIn.readInt();
  logger.debug("Number of Records for Snapshot at {} is {}", storageDirectory, numRecords);
  final SerDe<T> serde = serdeFactory.createSerDe(serdeEncoding);
  return new SnapshotHeader(serde, serdeVersion, maxTransactionId, numRecords);

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

return new JsonValue((long)readUChar(din));
else if (type == 'i')
  return new JsonValue(oldFormat ? (long)din.readShort() : (long)din.readByte());
else if (type == 'I')
  return new JsonValue(oldFormat ? (long)din.readInt() : (long)din.readShort());
else if (type == 'l')
  return new JsonValue((long)din.readInt());
else if (type == 'L')
  return new JsonValue(din.readLong());
else if (type == 'd')
  return new JsonValue(din.readFloat());

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/Sentinel

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(idxFileName);
DataInputStream indexIn = new DataInputStream(in);
long offset;
try {
  long second;
  lastPosition.offsetInIndex = in.getChannel().position();
  while ((second = indexIn.readLong()) < beginSecond) {
    offset = indexIn.readLong();
    lastPosition.offsetInIndex = in.getChannel().position();
  offset = indexIn.readLong();
  lastPosition.metricFileName = metricFileName;
  lastPosition.indexFileName = idxFileName;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(outputFile));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
 long size = dis.readLong();
 Assert.assertEquals(size, records[i].length);
 for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
  Assert.assertEquals(dis.readByte(), records[i][j]);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Read the root-level metadata of a multi-level block index. Based on
 * {@link #readRootIndex(DataInput, int)}, but also reads metadata
 * necessary to compute the mid-key in a multi-level index.
 * @param blk the HFile block
 * @param numEntries the number of root-level index entries
 * @throws IOException
public void readMultiLevelIndexRoot(HFileBlock blk,
  final int numEntries) throws IOException {
 DataInputStream in = readRootIndex(blk, numEntries);
 // after reading the root index the checksum bytes have to
 // be subtracted to know if the mid key exists.
 int checkSumBytes = blk.totalChecksumBytes();
 if ((in.available() - checkSumBytes) < MID_KEY_METADATA_SIZE) {
  // No mid-key metadata available.
 midLeafBlockOffset = in.readLong();
 midLeafBlockOnDiskSize = in.readInt();
 midKeyEntry = in.readInt();
