
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Run a raw execute SQL statement to the database. The arguments are optional but can be set with strings to expand ? type of SQL. If you have no arguments, you may want to call #executeRawNoArgs(String).
[中]对数据库运行原始的execute SQL语句。参数是可选的,但可以使用字符串进行设置以展开?SQL的类型。如果没有参数,则可能需要调用#executeRawNoArgs(String)。


代码示例来源:origin: magefree/mage

private boolean migrateFrom1To2() {
    try {
      Logger.getLogger(AuthorizedUserRepository.class).info("Starting " + VERSION_ENTITY_NAME + " DB migration from version 1 to version 2");
      dao.executeRaw("ALTER TABLE authorized_user ADD COLUMN active BOOLEAN DEFAULT true;");
      dao.executeRaw("ALTER TABLE authorized_user ADD COLUMN lockedUntil DATETIME;");
      dao.executeRaw("ALTER TABLE authorized_user ADD COLUMN chatLockedUntil DATETIME;");
      dao.executeRaw("ALTER TABLE authorized_user ADD COLUMN lastConnection DATETIME;");
      RepositoryUtil.updateVersion(dao.getConnectionSource(), VERSION_ENTITY_NAME, DB_VERSION);
      Logger.getLogger(AuthorizedUserRepository.class).info("Migration finished.");
      return true;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      Logger.getLogger(AuthorizedUserRepository.class).error("Error while migrating from version 1 to version 2 - ", ex);
      return false;


 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, ConnectionSource connectionSource, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
   if(oldVersion == 1) {
     try {
       Dao dao = getCardDao();
       dao.executeRaw("ALTER TABLE `Card` ADD COLUMN ccv STRING;");
       dao.executeRaw("ALTER TABLE `Card` ADD COLUMN validFrom STRING;");
     } catch (SQLException e) {
       Log.e(DatabaseHelper.class.getName(), "Error ", e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mycontroller.standalone/mycontroller-core

private void executeSqlQuery(String sqlQuery) {
  try {
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int deleteCount = DaoUtils.getMetricsDoubleTypeDeviceDao().getDao().executeRaw(sqlQuery);
    _logger.debug("Sql Query[{}], Deletion count:{}, Time taken:{} ms", sqlQuery, deleteCount,
        System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
  } catch (SQLException ex) {
    _logger.error("Exception when executing query[{}] ", sqlQuery, ex);

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void dropSequence(String sequenceName) throws SQLException {
  int dropCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao()
      .executeRaw("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS " + getSequenceName(sequenceName) + " CASCADE");"Dropped sequence:{}, drop count:{}", sequenceName, dropCount);

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

  public void dropSequence(String sequenceName) throws SQLException {
    int dropCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao()
        .executeRaw("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS " + getSequenceName(sequenceName));"Dropped sequence:{}, drop count:{}", sequenceName, dropCount);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mycontroller.standalone/mycontroller-core

  public void dropSequence(String sequenceName) throws SQLException {
    int dropCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao()
        .executeRaw("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS " + getSequenceName(sequenceName));"Dropped sequence:{}, drop count:{}", sequenceName, dropCount);

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void alterColumn(String tableName, String columnName, String columnDefinition) throws SQLException {
  int alterCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw("ALTER TABLE "
      + tableName + " ALTER COLUMN " + getColumnName(columnName) + " TYPE " + columnDefinition);
  _logger.debug("Altered column:{}, columnDefinition:{}, table:{}, add count:{}",
      columnName, columnDefinition, tableName, alterCount);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mycontroller.standalone/mycontroller-core

public void dropTable(String tableName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasTable(tableName)) {
    int dropCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw("DROP TABLE " + getTableName(tableName));
    _logger.debug("Dropped table:{}, drop count:{}", tableName, dropCount);
  } else {
    _logger.warn("Selected table[{}] not found!", tableName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mycontroller.standalone/mycontroller-core

public void renameTable(String tableName, String newTableName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasTable(tableName)) {
    int changeCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw(
        "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(tableName) + " RENAME TO " + getTableName(newTableName));
    _logger.debug("Renamed table:{}, NewTable:{}, Change count:{}", tableName, newTableName, changeCount);
  } else {
    _logger.warn("Selected table[{}] not found!", tableName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mycontroller.standalone/mycontroller-core

public void alterColumn(String tableName, String columnName, String columnDefinition) throws SQLException {
  int alterCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw("ALTER TABLE "
      + getTableName(tableName) + " MODIFY COLUMN " + getColumnName(columnName) + " " + columnDefinition);
  _logger.debug("Altered column:{}, columnDefinition:{}, table:{}, add count:{}",
      columnName, columnDefinition, tableName, alterCount);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mycontroller.standalone/mycontroller-core

public void renameTable(String tableName, String newTableName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasTable(tableName)) {
    int changeCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw(
        "RENAME TABLE " + getTableName(tableName) + " TO " + getColumnName(newTableName));
    _logger.debug("Renamed table:{}, NewTable:{}, Change count:{}", tableName, newTableName, changeCount);
  } else {
    _logger.warn("Selected table[{}] not found!", tableName);

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void renameTable(String tableName, String newTableName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasTable(tableName)) {
    int changeCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw(
        "RENAME TABLE " + getTableName(tableName) + " TO " + getColumnName(newTableName));
    _logger.debug("Renamed table:{}, NewTable:{}, Change count:{}", tableName, newTableName, changeCount);
  } else {
    _logger.warn("Selected table[{}] not found!", tableName);

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void renameColumn(String tableName, String oldColumnName, String newColumnName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasColumn(tableName, oldColumnName)) {
    int dropCount = DaoUtils.getUserDao().getDao().executeRaw(
        "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(tableName) + " RENAME COLUMN "
            + getColumnName(oldColumnName) + " TO " + getColumnName(newColumnName));
    _logger.debug("Renamed OldColumn:{}, NewColumn:{}, Table:{}, Drop count:{}", oldColumnName, newColumnName,
        tableName, dropCount);
  } else {
    _logger.warn("Selected column[{}] not found! Table:{}", oldColumnName, tableName);

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void addColumn(String tableName, String columnName, String columnDefinition) throws SQLException {
  if (!hasColumn(tableName, columnName)) {
    int addCount = DaoUtils
            "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(tableName) + " ADD COLUMN " + getColumnName(columnName)
                + " " + columnDefinition);
    _logger.debug("Added column:{}, columnDefinition:{}, table:{}, add count:{}",
        columnName, columnDefinition, tableName, addCount);

代码示例来源:origin: j256/ormlite-core

public void testExecuteRaw() throws Exception {
  Dao<Foo, String> dao = (Dao<Foo, String>) createMock(Dao.class);
  RuntimeExceptionDao<Foo, String> rtDao = new RuntimeExceptionDao<Foo, String>(dao);

代码示例来源:origin: j256/ormlite-core

@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void testExecuteRawThrow() throws Exception {
  Dao<Foo, String> dao = (Dao<Foo, String>) createMock(Dao.class);
  RuntimeExceptionDao<Foo, String> rtDao = new RuntimeExceptionDao<Foo, String>(dao);
  expect(dao.executeRaw(null)).andThrow(new SQLException("Testing catch"));

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void createIndex(String indexSuffix, String tableName, String columnName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasColumn(tableName, columnName)) {
        "CREATE INDEX " + getIndexName(indexSuffix, tableName, columnName) + " ON "
            + getTableName(tableName) + "(" + getColumnName(columnName) + ")");

代码示例来源:origin: mycontroller-org/mycontroller

public void createIndex(String indexSuffix, String tableName, String columnName) throws SQLException {
  if (hasColumn(tableName, columnName)) {
        "CREATE INDEX " + getIndexName(indexSuffix, tableName, columnName) + " ON "
            + getTableName(tableName) + "(" + getColumnName(columnName) + ")");

代码示例来源:origin: j256/ormlite-core

public void testExecuteRaw() throws Exception {
  Dao<Foo, Integer> dao = createDao(Foo.class, true);
  Foo foo1 = new Foo();
  assertEquals(1, dao.create(foo1));
  Foo foo2 = new Foo();
  assertEquals(1, dao.create(foo2));
  assertEquals(2, dao.queryForAll().size());
  dao.executeRaw("TRUNCATE TABLE FOO");
  assertEquals(0, dao.queryForAll().size());

代码示例来源:origin: j256/ormlite-core

@Test(expected = SQLException.class)
public void testExecuteRawThrow() throws Exception {
  Dao<Foo, Integer> dao = createDao(Foo.class, true);
  Foo foo = new Foo();
  assertEquals(1, dao.create(foo));
  DatabaseConnection conn = connectionSource.getReadWriteConnection(FOO_TABLE_NAME);
  try {
    dao.executeRaw("TRUNCATE TABLE FOO");
  } finally {
