
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Recursively decends the DOM tree and finds a DOM that has the given key and the type name.

TODO: the current algorithm does a full tree scan. Expand the model so that we can detect deadends that are statically known not to contain the kind we are looking for, and use that to cut the search space.


代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish

   * Resolves a reference to the given type by the given id.
  public final <T> T reference(Dom dom, String id, Class<T> type) {
    // TODO: this doesn't work in case where type is a subtype of indexed type.
    String name = type.getName();
    dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(name);
    return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,name).get());

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish

 * Recursively decends the DOM tree and finds a DOM that has the given key
 * and the type name.
 * <p>
 * TODO: the current algorithm does a full tree scan. Expand the model
 * so that we can detect deadends that are statically known not to contain
 * the kind we are looking for, and use that to cut the search space.
public Dom resolveReference(String key, String typeName) {
  String keyedAs = model.keyedAs;
  if(keyedAs!=null && keyedAs.equals(typeName) && getKey().equals(key))
    return this; // found it
  for (Child child : children) {
    if (child instanceof NodeChild) {
      NodeChild n = (NodeChild) child;
      Dom found = n.dom.resolveReference(key,typeName);
      if(found!=null) return found;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish

protected Object convertLeafValue(Dom parent, Class<?> returnType, String v) {
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = parent.getHabitat().getService(returnType, v);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(candidate);
  parent = parent.getSymbolSpaceRoot(v);
  Dom dom = parent.resolveReference(v,returnType.getName());
  if (dom!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(dom.get());
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find an instance of " + returnType + " named " + v);

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.leafElement(xmlName);
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getService(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.attribute(xmlName);
  // since the id is supposed to be the element's key, if no key, no element.
  if (id==null) {
    return null;
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getService(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/config

   * Resolves a reference to the given type by the given id.
  public final <T> T reference(Dom dom, String id, Class<T> type) {
    // TODO: this doesn't work in case where type is a subtype of indexed type.
    String name = type.getName();
    dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(name);
    return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,name).get());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/hk2-config

   * Resolves a reference to the given type by the given id.
  public final <T> T reference(Dom dom, String id, Class<T> type) {
    // TODO: this doesn't work in case where type is a subtype of indexed type.
    String name = type.getName();
    dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(name);
    return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,name).get());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/config

   * Resolves a reference to the given type by the given id.
  public final <T> T reference(Dom dom, String id, Class<T> type) {
    // TODO: this doesn't work in case where type is a subtype of indexed type.
    String name = type.getName();
    dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(name);
    return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,name).get());

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish

   * Resolves a reference to the given type by the given id.
  public final <T> T reference(Dom dom, String id, Class<T> type) {
    // TODO: this doesn't work in case where type is a subtype of indexed type.
    String name = type.getName();
    dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(name);
    return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,name).get());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/config

protected Object convertLeafValue(Dom parent, Class<?> returnType, String v) {
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = parent.getHabitat().getComponent(returnType, v);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(candidate);
  parent = parent.getSymbolSpaceRoot(v);
  Dom dom = parent==null?null:parent.resolveReference(v,returnType.getName());
  if (dom!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(dom.get());
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find an instance of " + returnType + " named " + v);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/hk2-config

protected Object convertLeafValue(Dom parent, Class<?> returnType, String v) {
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = parent.getHabitat().getService(returnType, v);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(candidate);
  parent = parent.getSymbolSpaceRoot(v);
  Dom dom = parent==null?null:parent.resolveReference(v,returnType.getName());
  if (dom!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(dom.get());
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find an instance of " + returnType + " named " + v);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish

protected Object convertLeafValue(Dom parent, Class<?> returnType, String v) {
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = parent.getHabitat().getService(returnType, v);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(candidate);
  parent = parent.getSymbolSpaceRoot(v);
  Dom dom = parent.resolveReference(v,returnType.getName());
  if (dom!=null) {
    return returnType.cast(dom.get());
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find an instance of " + returnType + " named " + v);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/hk2-config

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.leafElement(xmlName);
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getService(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/config

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.leafElement(xmlName);
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getComponent(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/config

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.leafElement(xmlName);
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getComponent(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.leafElement(xmlName);
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getService(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/config

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.attribute(xmlName);
  // since the id is supposed to be the element's key, if no key, no element.
  if (id==null) {
    return null;
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getComponent(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/config

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.attribute(xmlName);
  // since the id is supposed to be the element's key, if no key, no element.
  if (id==null) {
    return null;
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getComponent(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/hk2-config

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.attribute(xmlName);
  // since the id is supposed to be the element's key, if no key, no element.
  if (id==null) {
    return null;
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getService(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish

public Object get(Dom dom, Type returnType) {
  String id = dom.attribute(xmlName);
  // since the id is supposed to be the element's key, if no key, no element.
  if (id==null) {
    return null;
  Class<?> type = Types.erasure(returnType);
  // let's look first the fast way.
  Object candidate = dom.getHabitat().getService(type, id);
  if (candidate!=null) {
    return type.cast(candidate);
  dom = dom.getSymbolSpaceRoot(id);
  return type.cast(dom.resolveReference(id,type.getName()).get());
