[英]Get iterator for all SofaFS in the CAS.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj
public static ViewInfo[] getOtherViews(CAS cas) {
Iterator<SofaFS> sofaIt = cas.getSofaIterator();
List<ViewInfo> r = new ArrayList<ViewInfo>();
while (sofaIt.hasNext()) {
SofaFS item = sofaIt.next();
CAS oCas = cas.getView(item);
if (oCas != cas)
r.add(new ViewInfo(oCas));
return r.toArray(new ViewInfo[r.size()]);
代码示例来源:origin: de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.stanfordnlp-gpl
* Does a complete deep copy of one CAS into another CAS. The contents of each view in the
* source CAS will be copied to the same-named view in the destination CAS. If the view does not
* already exist it will be created. All FeatureStructures that are indexed in a view in the
* source CAS will become indexed in the same-named view in the destination CAS.
* @param aSrcCas
* the CAS to copy from
* @param aDestCas
* the CAS to copy to
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType of each view will be copied. If false they
* will not.
public static void copyCas(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas, boolean aCopySofa)
CasCopier copier = new CasCopier(aSrcCas, aDestCas);
Iterator<SofaFS> sofaIter = aSrcCas.getSofaIterator();
while (sofaIter.hasNext()) {
SofaFS sofa = sofaIter.next();
CAS view = aSrcCas.getView(sofa);
copier.copyCasView(view, aCopySofa);
代码示例来源:origin: edu.utah.bmi.nlp/nlp-core
boolean hasNonDefaultSofa = false;
Feature sofaIdFeature = this.typeSystem.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_SOFAID);
FSIterator<SofaFS> sofaIterator = this.cas.getSofaIterator();
while (sofaIterator != null && sofaIterator.hasNext()) {
SofaFS sofa = sofaIterator.next();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/uimaj-tools
boolean hasNonDefaultSofa = false;
Feature sofaIdFeature = this.typeSystem.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_SOFAID);
FSIterator<SofaFS> sofaIterator = this.cas.getSofaIterator();
while (sofaIterator != null && sofaIterator.hasNext()) {
SofaFS sofa = sofaIterator.next();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj
FSIterator sItr = cas.getSofaIterator();
while (sItr.isValid()) {
sofa = (SofaFS) sItr.get();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj
FSIterator sItr = cas.getSofaIterator();
while (sItr.isValid()) {
sofa = (SofaFS) sItr.get();