[英]Returns the component of the specified UUID ( Component#getUuid), or null if not found.
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
/** Converts the data of the specified request to a set of Component.
* The data is assumed to contain a list of item ID in the
* comman-separated format
* @return a set of components.
public static <T extends Component> Set<T> convertToItems(Desktop desktop, List<String> uuids) {
final Set<T> items = new LinkedHashSet<T>();
if (uuids != null)
for (String uuid : uuids) {
final Component item = desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(uuid.trim());
if (item != null)
items.add((T) item);
//notice that it might be null (since the items might be
//removed by the last request)
return items;
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
private String nextUuid(Desktop desktop) {
for (int count = 0;;) {
String uuid = ((DesktopCtrl) desktop).getNextUuid(this);
if (desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(uuid) == null)
return uuid;
if (++count > 10000)
throw new UiException(
"It took too much time to look for unique UUID. Please check the implementation of IdGenerator.");
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zul
/** Returns the component of the specified ID or UUID.
* ID could be the component's ID or UUID.
* To specify an UUID, it must be the format: <code>uuid(comp_uuid)</code>.
* @return the component, or null if not found
* @since 5.0.4
public static Component getComponentById(Component comp, String id) {
final int len = id.length();
if (id.startsWith("uuid(") && id.charAt(len - 1) == ')') {
Desktop dt = comp.getDesktop();
if (dt == null) {
final Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
if (exec == null)
return null;
dt = exec.getDesktop();
return dt != null ? dt.getComponentByUuidIfAny(id.substring(5, len - 1)) : null;
return comp.getFellowIfAny(id);
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
/** Converts an AU request to an open event.
* @since 5.0.0
public static final OpenEvent getOpenEvent(AuRequest request) {
final Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
return new OpenEvent(request.getCommand(), request.getComponent(), AuRequests.getBoolean(data, "open"),
request.getDesktop().getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) data.get("reference")), data.get("value"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ui.wonderbar
* Extracts a select event from the au request.
* @param request The AU request.
* @return The select event.
public static final WonderbarSelectEvent getSelectEvent(AuRequest request) {
Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
Desktop desktop = request.getDesktop();
return new WonderbarSelectEvent(request.getComponent(),
(WonderbarItem) desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) data.get("reference")), null,
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
/** Activates this request.
* <p>Used internally to identify the component and page after
* an execution is activated. Applications rarely need to access this
* method.
* @since 3.0.5
public void activate() throws ComponentNotFoundException {
if (_uuid != null) {
_comp = _desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(_uuid);
if (_comp != null) {
_page = _comp.getPage();
} else {
_page = _desktop.getPageIfAny(_uuid); //it could be page UUID
if (_page == null)
throw new ComponentNotFoundException("Component not found: " + _uuid);
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
download = true; //yes, it is for download
} else {
final Component comp = desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(uuid);
if (comp == null) { // B65-ZK-1599
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
public boolean service(AuRequest request, boolean everError) {
if ("updateResult".equals(request.getCommand())) {
final Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
Desktop desktop = request.getDesktop();
final String uuid = (String) request.getData().get("wid");
final Component comp = desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(uuid);
final String sid = (String) request.getData().get("sid");
if (comp == null) {
Map<String, Integer> percent = cast((Map) desktop.getAttribute(Attributes.UPLOAD_PERCENT));
Map<String, Object> size = cast((Map) desktop.getAttribute(Attributes.UPLOAD_SIZE));
String key = uuid + '_' + sid;
if (percent != null) {
size.put(key, "Upload Aborted");
return false;
final List<Media> result = cast((List) AuRequests.getUpdateResult(request));
Events.postEvent(new UploadEvent(Events.ON_UPLOAD, comp, UploadUtils.parseResult(result)));
Map percent = (Map) desktop.getAttribute(Attributes.UPLOAD_PERCENT);
Map size = (Map) desktop.getAttribute(Attributes.UPLOAD_SIZE);
final String key = uuid + '_' + sid;
return true;
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zul
final Set<Comboitem> prevSelectedItems = new LinkedHashSet<Comboitem>();
Comboitem prevSeld = (Comboitem) request.getDesktop()
.getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) request.getData().get("prevSeld"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
/** Converts an AU request to a key event.
* @since 5.0.0
public static final KeyEvent getKeyEvent(AuRequest request) {
final Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
return new KeyEvent(request.getCommand(), request.getComponent(), AuRequests.getInt(data, "keyCode", 0),
AuRequests.getBoolean(data, "ctrlKey"), AuRequests.getBoolean(data, "shiftKey"),
AuRequests.getBoolean(data, "altKey"), AuRequests.getBoolean(data, "metaKey"),
request.getDesktop().getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) data.get("reference")));
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zkbind
public Object resolveParameter(Annotation anno, Class<?> returnType) {
Object val = bindingArgs.get(((BindingParam) anno).value());
if (val != null && returnType.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass())) { //escape
return val;
} else if (Component.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) && val instanceof String) {
return _root.getDesktop().getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) val);
} else if (val instanceof JSONAware) {
BindContext bindContext = getBindContext();
Binder binder = getBinder();
Converter converter = binder.getConverter("jsonBindingParam");
if (converter != null) {
try {
bindContext.setAttribute(BINDING_PARAM_CALL_TYPE, returnType);
Object result = converter.coerceToBean(val, binder.getView(), bindContext);
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return Classes.coerce(returnType, val);
} finally {
bindContext.setAttribute(BINDING_PARAM_CALL_TYPE, null);
} else
return Classes.coerce(returnType, val);
} else {
return val == null ? null : Classes.coerce(returnType, val);
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
/** Returns the component representing the area that the click occurs,
* or null if not associated with any component.
* <p>This method assumes {@link #getArea} is either a component's ID
* or a component's UUID. It is true when {@link org.zkoss.zul.Area} is used
* to partition a component, such as {@link org.zkoss.zul.Imagemap} and {@link org.zkoss.zul.Chart}.
* @since 5.0.4
public Component getAreaComponent() {
if (_areacomp == null && _area != null) {
final Component target = getTarget();
Desktop desktop = null;
if (target != null) {
_areacomp = target.getFellowIfAny(_area);
if (_areacomp != null)
return _areacomp;
desktop = target.getDesktop();
if (desktop == null) {
final Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
if (exec != null)
desktop = exec.getDesktop();
if (desktop != null)
return _areacomp = desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(_area);
return _areacomp;
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
/** Converts an AU request to a select event.
* @since 6.0.0
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static final <T extends Component, E> SelectEvent<T, E> getSelectEvent(AuRequest request,
SelectedObjectHandler<T> handler) {
final Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
final Desktop desktop = request.getDesktop();
final List<String> sitems = cast((List) data.get("items"));
final Set<T> items = AuRequests.convertToItems(desktop, sitems);
final Set<T> prevSelectedItems = (Set<T>) (handler == null ? null : handler.getPreviousSelectedItems());
final Set<T> unselectedItems = (Set<T>) (handler == null ? null : handler.getUnselectedItems());
final Set<E> prevSelectedObjects = (Set<E>) (handler == null ? null : handler.getPreviousSelectedObjects());
final Set<E> unselectedObjects = (Set<E>) (handler == null ? null : handler.getUnselectedObjects());
final Set<E> objs = (Set<E>) (handler == null ? null : handler.getObjects(items));
return new SelectEvent<T, E>(request.getCommand(), request.getComponent(), items, prevSelectedItems,
unselectedItems, objs, prevSelectedObjects, unselectedObjects,
(T) desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) data.get("reference")), null, AuRequests.parseKeys(data));
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
final Component c = _page.getDesktop().getComponentByUuidIfAny(newUuid);
if (c != null && c != this)
throw new UiException("Replicated UUID is not allowed for " + getClass() + ": " + newUuid);
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk
final Desktop desktop = _page.getDesktop();
if (oldpage == null) {
if (_uuid == null || _uuid.startsWith(ANONYMOUS_ID) || desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(_uuid) != null)
_uuid = nextUuid(desktop);
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zul
SelectEvent evt = new SelectEvent(Events.ON_SELECT, this, curSeldItems, prevSeldItems, unselectedItems,
selectedObjects, prevSeldObjects, unselectedObjects,
desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) data.get("reference")), null, AuRequests.parseKeys(data));
} else if (cmd.equals("onInnerWidth")) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zul
SelectEvent evt = new SelectEvent(Events.ON_SELECT, this, curSeldItems, prevSeldItems, unselectedItems,
selectedObjects, prevSeldObjects, unselectedObjects,
desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny((String) data.get("reference")), null, AuRequests.parseKeys(data));
} else if (inPagingMold() && cmd.equals(ZulEvents.ON_PAGE_SIZE)) { //since 5.0.2