
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Notifies that a set of nodes has been removed from children. It is necessary that the system is already in consistent state, so any callbacks will return valid values.


代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Removes the objects from the children.
private void updateRemove (Node[] current, Set toRemove) {
  LinkedList nodes = new LinkedList ();
  Iterator it = toRemove.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Entry en = (Entry) ();
    Info info = (Info)map.remove (en);
    //debug.append ("Removed: " + en + " info: " + info); // NOI18N
    //debug.append ('\n');
    nodes.addAll (info.nodes ());  // Has a NullPointerException been thrown?
                    // In such case consider a key implementation.
                    // The key hashCode() and equals() methods
                    // must behave as for an IMMUTABLE object and
                    // the hashCode() must return the same value
                    // for equals() keys.  Ccc
  // modify the current set of entries and empty the list of nodes
  // so it has to be recreated again
  //debug.append ("Current : " + this.entries + '\n'); // NOI18N
  this.entries.removeAll (toRemove);
  //debug.append ("Removing: " + toRemove + '\n'); // NOI18N
  //debug.append ("New     : " + this.entries + '\n'); // NOI18N
  clearNodes ();
  notifyRemove (nodes, current);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** Removes the objects from the children.
private void updateRemove (Node[] current, Set toRemove) {
  LinkedList nodes = new LinkedList ();
  Iterator it = toRemove.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Entry en = (Entry) ();
    Info info = (Info)map.remove (en);
    //debug.append ("Removed: " + en + " info: " + info); // NOI18N
    //debug.append ('\n');
    nodes.addAll (info.nodes ());  // Has a NullPointerException been thrown?
                    // In such case consider a key implementation.
                    // The key hashCode() and equals() methods
                    // must behave as for an IMMUTABLE object and
                    // the hashCode() must return the same value
                    // for equals() keys.  Ccc
  // modify the current set of entries and empty the list of nodes
  // so it has to be recreated again
  //debug.append ("Current : " + this.entries + '\n'); // NOI18N
  this.entries.removeAll (toRemove);
  //debug.append ("Removing: " + toRemove + '\n'); // NOI18N
  //debug.append ("New     : " + this.entries + '\n'); // NOI18N
  clearNodes ();
  notifyRemove (nodes, current);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

notifyRemove (toRemove, current);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

notifyRemove (toRemove, current);
