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x33g5p2x  于2021-03-13 发布在 其他  




(1)它必须实现 接口 

(2)它必须重新实现 equals() 和 hashCode() 方法,始终和组合关键字在数据库中的概念保持一致 

注意:在 Hibernate3 中,第二个要求并非是 Hibernate 强制必须的。但最好这样做。 

不能使用一个 IdentifierGenerator 产生组合关键字。一个应用程序必须分配它自己的标识符。



一 .XML配置方式




  1. package com.model;
  2. import;
  3. //ScoreInfo主键类
  4. //composite-id class must implement Serializable: com.model.ScorePK
  5. public class ScorePK implements Serializable{
  6. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  7. private Integer studentID;
  8. private Integer courseID;
  9. public int getStudentID() {
  10. return studentID;
  11. }
  12. public void setStudentID(int studentID) {
  13. this.studentID = studentID;
  14. }
  15. public int getCourseID() {
  16. return courseID;
  17. }
  18. public void setCourseID(int courseID) {
  19. this.courseID = courseID;
  20. }
  21. @Override
  22. public boolean equals(Object o){
  23. if(o instanceof ScorePK){
  24. ScorePK scorePK = (ScorePK)o;
  25. if(this.studentID == scorePK.studentID && this.courseID == scorePK.courseID){
  26. return true;
  27. }
  28. }
  29. return false;
  30. }
  31. @Override
  32. public int hashCode(){
  33. int result = 1;
  34. result = result + ((this.studentID == null) ? 0 : this.studentID.hashCode());
  35. result = result + ((this.courseID == null) ? 0 : this.courseID.hashCode());
  36. return result;
  37. }
  38. }

这里要特别注意,如hibernate API文档所述,主键类必须实现接口,而且重写equals和hashCode方法,保证主键的唯一性.


  1. package com.model;
  2. public class ScoreInfo {
  3. //联合主键
  4. private ScorePK scorePK;
  5. private int score;
  6. public ScorePK getScorePK() {
  7. return scorePK;
  8. }
  9. public void setScorePK(ScorePK scorePK) {
  10. this.scorePK = scorePK;
  11. }
  12. public int getScore() {
  13. return score;
  14. }
  15. public void setScore(int score) {
  16. this.score = score;
  17. }
  18. }


  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
  3. "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
  4. "">
  5. <hibernate-mapping>
  6. <class name="com.model.ScoreInfo" table="ScoreInfo">
  7. <composite-id name = "ScorePK" class = "com.model.ScorePK">
  8. <key-property name="StudentID"></key-property>
  9. <key-property name="CourseID"></key-property>
  10. </composite-id>
  11. <property name="score" column = "Score"/>
  12. </class>
  13. </hibernate-mapping>

如果表使用联合主键,你可以映射类的多个属性为标识符属性。 <composite-id>元素接受<key-property> 属性映射和<key-many-to-one>属性映射作为子元素。

  1. <composite-id name = "ScorePK" class = "com.model.ScorePK">
  2. <key-property name="StudentID"></key-property>
  3. <key-property name="CourseID"></key-property>
  4. </composite-id>



  1. <!-- XML配置方式 -->
  2. <mapping resource="com/model/ScoreInfo.hbm.xml"/>


  1. package com.test;
  2. import org.hibernate.Session;
  3. import com.model.ScoreInfo;
  4. import com.model.ScorePK;
  5. import com.util.HibernateUtil;
  6. public class Test {
  7. public static void main(String[] args) {
  8. Test mgr = new Test();
  9. mgr.createAndStoreEvent();
  10. HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().close();
  11. }
  12. private void createAndStoreEvent() {
  13. Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
  14. session.beginTransaction();
  15. ScorePK scorePK = new ScorePK();
  16. scorePK.setStudentID(2);
  17. scorePK.setCourseID(1);
  18. ScoreInfo score = new ScoreInfo();
  19. score.setScorePK(scorePK);
  20. score.setScore(98);
  22. session.getTransaction().commit();
  23. }
  24. }


  1. package com.util;
  2. import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
  3. import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
  4. public class HibernateUtil {
  5. private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory;
  6. static
  7. {
  8. try
  9. {
  10. // Create the SessionFactory from hibernate.cfg.xml
  11. sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
  12. }
  13. catch (Throwable ex)
  14. {
  15. // Make sure you log the exception, as it might be swallowed
  16. System.err.println("Initial SessionFactory creation failed." + ex);
  17. throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
  21. return sessionFactory;
  22. }
  23. }

二 .Annotation注解方式




(3)将实体类注解为@IdClass(value = ScorePk.class),并将该实体中所有属于主键的属性都注解为@Id





  1. package com.model;
  2. import;
  3. import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
  4. //ScoreInfo主键类
  5. //composite-id class must implement Serializable: com.model.ScorePK
  6. @Embeddable
  7. public class ScorePK implements Serializable{
  8. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  9. private Integer studentID;
  10. private Integer courseID;
  11. public int getStudentID() {
  12. return studentID;
  13. }
  14. public void setStudentID(int studentID) {
  15. this.studentID = studentID;
  16. }
  17. public int getCourseID() {
  18. return courseID;
  19. }
  20. public void setCourseID(int courseID) {
  21. this.courseID = courseID;
  22. }
  23. @Override
  24. public boolean equals(Object o){
  25. if(o instanceof ScorePK){
  26. ScorePK scorePK = (ScorePK)o;
  27. if(this.studentID == scorePK.studentID && this.courseID == scorePK.courseID){
  28. return true;
  29. }
  30. }
  31. return false;
  32. }
  33. @Override
  34. public int hashCode(){
  35. int result = 1;
  36. result = result + ((this.studentID == null) ? 0 : this.studentID.hashCode());
  37. result = result + ((this.courseID == null) ? 0 : this.courseID.hashCode());
  38. return result;
  39. }
  40. }


  1. public class ScoreInfo {
  2. private int studentID;
  3. private ScorePK scorePK;
  4. @Id
  5. public ScorePK getScorePK() {
  6. return scorePK;
  7. }
  8. public void setScorePK(ScorePK scorePK) {
  9. this.scorePK = scorePK;
  10. }
  11. public int getScore() {
  12. return score;
  13. }
  14. public void setScore(int score) {
  15. this.score = score;
  16. }
  17. }


  1. public class ScoreInfo {
  2. private int studentID;
  3. private ScorePK scorePK;
  4. @EmbeddedId
  5. public ScorePK getScorePK() {
  6. return scorePK;
  7. }
  8. public void setScorePK(ScorePK scorePK) {
  9. this.scorePK = scorePK;
  10. }
  11. public int getScore() {
  12. return score;
  13. }
  14. public void setScore(int score) {
  15. this.score = score;
  16. }
  17. }

(3)将实体类注解为@IdClass(value = ScorePk.class),并将该实体中所有属于主键的属性都注解为@Id

  1. @Entity
  2. @IdClass(value = ScorePk.class)
  3. public class ScoreInfo {
  4. private int studentID;
  5. private int courseID;
  6. private int score;
  7. @Id
  8. public int getStudentID() {
  9. return studentID;
  10. }
  11. public void setStudentID(int studentID) {
  12. this.studentID = studentID;
  13. }
  14. @Id
  15. public int getCourseID() {
  16. return courseID;
  17. }
  18. public void setCourseID(int courseID) {
  19. this.courseID = courseID;
  20. }
  21. public int getScore() {
  22. return score;
  23. }
  24. public void setScore(int score) {
  25. this.score = score;
  26. }
  27. }
