代码示例来源:origin: i2p/i2p.i2p
* @return IP or null
* @since 0.9.34
private static String getIP(Device dev) {
// see ControlRequest.setRequestHost()
String rv = null;
String him = dev.getURLBase();
if (him != null && him.length() > 0) {
try {
URI url = new URI(him);
rv = url.getHost();
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {}
if (rv == null) {
him = dev.getLocation();
if (him != null && him.length() > 0) {
try {
URI url = new URI(him);
rv = url.getHost();
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {}
return rv;
代码示例来源:origin: i2p/i2p.i2p
public String getAbsoluteURL(String urlString) {
String baseURLStr = null;
String locationURLStr = null;
Device rootDev = getRootDevice();
if (rootDev != null) {
baseURLStr = rootDev.getURLBase();
locationURLStr = rootDev.getLocation();
return getAbsoluteURL(urlString, baseURLStr, locationURLStr);
代码示例来源:origin: i2p/i2p.i2p
String urlBase = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
try {
postURL = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
代码示例来源:origin: i2p/i2p.i2p
Device dev = service.getDevice();
if (dev != null)
urlBaseStr = dev.getURLBase();
urlBaseStr = rootDev.getURLBase();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix
private String resolveRelativeLink(Device device, String link) {
if ( device == null || link == null) return null;
if (link.startsWith("http:"))
return link;
else {
String hostname = "";
String location = "";
String urlBase = device.getURLBase().trim();
//TODO Check if is more important URLBase or location
if (urlBase.equals("")){
location = device.getLocation().trim();
int endHostnameIdx = location.indexOf("/",7);
if (endHostnameIdx!=-1)
hostname = location;
if (link.startsWith("/")){
return hostname+link;
//TODO Check for link start with .. or /
return location +link;
else {
return urlBase+link;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.upnp.basedriver
private String resolveRelativeLink(Device device, String link) {
if ( device == null || link == null) return null;
if (link.startsWith("http:"))
return link;
else {
String hostname = "";
String location = "";
String urlBase = device.getURLBase().trim();
//TODO Check if is more important URLBase or location
if (urlBase.equals("")){
location = device.getLocation().trim();
int endHostnameIdx = location.indexOf("/",7);
if (endHostnameIdx!=-1)
hostname = location;
if (link.startsWith("/")){
return hostname+link;
//TODO Check for link start with .. or /
return location +link;
else {
return urlBase+link;
代码示例来源:origin: cybergarage/cybergarage-upnp
public String getAbsoluteURL(String urlString) {
String baseURLStr = null;
String locationURLStr = null;
Device rootDev = getRootDevice();
if (rootDev != null) {
baseURLStr = rootDev.getURLBase();
locationURLStr = rootDev.getLocation();
return getAbsoluteURL(urlString, baseURLStr, locationURLStr);
代码示例来源:origin: geniusgithub/MediaPlayer
String urlBaseStr = rootDev.getURLBase();
代码示例来源:origin: geniusgithub/MediaPlayer
String urlBase = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
try {
postURL = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
代码示例来源:origin: cybergarage/cybergarage-upnp
String urlBase = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
try {
postURL = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
代码示例来源:origin: cybergarage/cybergarage-upnp
void set(Device dev)
if (dev.isRootDevice() == true) {
addRow("Location", dev.getLocation());
addRow("URLBase", dev.getURLBase());
addRow("LeaseTime", Long.toString(dev.getLeaseTime()));
代码示例来源:origin: cybergarage/cybergarage-upnp
Device dev = service.getDevice();
if (dev != null)
urlBaseStr = dev.getURLBase();
urlBaseStr = rootDev.getURLBase();
代码示例来源:origin: geniusgithub/MediaPlayer
Device dev = service.getDevice();
if (dev != null)
urlBaseStr = dev.getURLBase();
urlBaseStr = rootDev.getURLBase();