
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the fully-qualified key of the Config node.

The fully-qualified key is a sequence of tokens derived from the name of each node along the path from the config root to the current node. Tokens are separated by . (the dot character). See #name() for more information on the format of each token.


代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

private GenericConfigValueImpl(Config owningConfig,
                Supplier<Optional<T>> valueSupplier,
                Function<Config, ConfigValue<T>> configMethod) {
  this.owningConfig = owningConfig;
  this.valueSupplier = valueSupplier;
  this.configMethod = configMethod;

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public T apply(Config config, ConfigMapper configMapper) {
  throw new ConfigMappingException(config.key(), type, "No mapper configured");

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

private void findProviderSpecificConfig(Config pConf, AtomicReference<Config> providerSpecific) {
  // no service for this class, must choose the configuration by selection
  pConf.asNodeList().get().stream().filter(this::notReservedProviderKey).forEach(providerSpecificConf -> {
    if (!providerSpecific.compareAndSet(null, providerSpecificConf)) {
      throw new SecurityException("More than one provider configurations found, each provider can only"
                        + " have one provide specific config. Conflict: "
                        + providerSpecific.get().key()
                        + " and " + providerSpecificConf.key());

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

 * Utility method wrapping an arbitrary mapper and ensuring proper exceptions are produced if needed.
 * @param mapper mapping function. Function throws {@link ConfigMappingException} in case the value cannot be mapped.
 * @param <T>    mapped Java type.
 * @return mapped value.
private static <T> Function<Config, T> wrapMapper(Function<Config, T> mapper) {
  return (node) -> {
    try {
      return mapper.apply(node);
    } catch (MissingValueException | ConfigMappingException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
      throw new ConfigMappingException(
          node.key(), "Invocation of mapper '" + mapper + "' has failed with an exception.", ex);

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public <T> T map(Config config, GenericType<T> type) throws MissingValueException, ConfigMappingException {
  Mapper<?> mapper = mappers.computeIfAbsent(type, theType -> findMapper(theType, config.key()));
  return cast(type, mapper.apply(config, this), config.key());

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

 * Wrap a simple String value mapping function into a contextual mapper.
 * @param mapper arbitrary String configuration value to a Java type mapping function.
 * @param <T>    mapped Java type.
 * @return contextual mapper wrapping the simple String value mapping function.
 * @throws MissingValueException  in case the configuration node does not represent an existing configuration node.
 * @throws ConfigMappingException in case the mapper fails to map the existing configuration value
 *                                to an instance of a given Java type.
static <T> Function<Config, T> wrap(Function<String, T> mapper) {
  return (node) -> nodeValue(node)
      .map(value -> safeMap(node.key(), value, mapper))

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

private void findProviderService(Map<String, SecurityProviderService> configKeyToService,
                 String knownKeys,
                 Config pConf,
                 AtomicReference<SecurityProviderService> service,
                 AtomicReference<Config> providerSpecific) {
  // everything else is based on provider specific configuration
  pConf.asNodeList().get().stream().filter(this::notReservedProviderKey).forEach(providerSpecificConf -> {
    if (!providerSpecific.compareAndSet(null, providerSpecificConf)) {
      throw new SecurityException("More than one provider configurations found, each provider can only"
                        + " have one provider specific config. Conflict: "
                        + providerSpecific.get().key()
                        + " and " + providerSpecificConf.key());
    String keyName =;
    if (configKeyToService.containsKey(keyName)) {
    } else {
      throw new SecurityException("Configuration key " + providerSpecificConf.key()
                        + " is not a valid provider configuration. Supported keys: "
                        + knownKeys);

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

private List<Object> createArguments(Config configNode) {
  List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<>(parameterValueProviders.size());
  parameterValueProviders.forEach((name, propertyWrapper) -> {
    Config subConfig = configNode.get(name);
    Object argument = propertyWrapper
        .orElseThrow(() -> new ConfigMappingException(configNode.key(),
                               "Missing value for parameter '" + name + "'."));
  return arguments;

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

 * Computes the difference between the first {@code Config} and the second
 * one.
 * @param origConfig original configuration
 * @param newConfig newer configuration
 * @return {@code ConfigDiff} representing the changes
static ConfigDiff from(Config origConfig, Config newConfig) {
  Stream<Config> forward = origConfig.traverse()
      .filter(origNode -> notEqual(origNode, newConfig.get(origNode.key())));
  Stream<Config> backward = newConfig.traverse()
      .filter(newNode -> notEqual(newNode, origConfig.get(newNode.key())));
  Set<Config.Key> changedKeys = Stream.concat(forward, backward)
  return new ConfigDiff(newConfig, changedKeys);

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

  public T apply(Config config) throws ConfigMappingException, MissingValueException {
    try {
      return type.cast(methodHandle.invoke(invokeParameter(config)));
    } catch (ConfigMappingException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      throw new ConfigMappingException(config.key(), type,
                       "Invocation of " + methodName + " has failed with an exception.", ex);

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

private static Config findMyKey(Config rootConfig, String providerName) {
  if (rootConfig.key().name().equals(providerName)) {
    return rootConfig;
  return rootConfig.get("security.providers")
      .filter(it -> it.get(providerName).exists())
      .map(it -> it.get(providerName))
      .orElseThrow(() -> new SecurityException("No configuration found for provider named: " + providerName));

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

static <T> ConfigValue<List<T>> createList(Config config,
                      Function<Config, ConfigValue<T>> getValue,
                      Function<Config, ConfigValue<List<T>>> getListValue) {
  Supplier<Optional<List<T>>> valueSupplier = () -> {
    try {
      return config.asNodeList()
          .map(list ->
              .map(theConfig -> getValue.apply(theConfig).get())
    } catch (MissingValueException | ConfigMappingException ex) {
      throw new ConfigMappingException(config.key(),
                       "Error to map complex node item to list. " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(),
  return new GenericConfigValueImpl<>(config, valueSupplier, getListValue);

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public T create(Config config) {
    try {
      Object builder = builderType.cast(builderHandler.invoke());
      for (PropertyAccessor<?> builderAccessor : builderAccessors) {
        builderAccessor.set(builder, config.get(;
      return buildType.cast(buildHandler.invoke(builder));
    } catch (ConfigMappingException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      throw new ConfigMappingException(
          "Builder java bean initialization has failed with an exception.",

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

  public T apply(Config config) throws ConfigMappingException, MissingValueException {
    try {
      T instance = type.cast(constructorHandle.invoke());
      for (PropertyAccessor<?> propertyAccessor : propertyAccessors) {
        propertyAccessor.set(instance, config.get(;
      return instance;
    } catch (ConfigMappingException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      throw new ConfigMappingException(
          "Generic java bean initialization has failed with an exception.",

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

private void registerRouting(Routing.Rules routing) {
    Config wsConfig = config.get("web-server");
    SecurityHandler defaults = SecurityHandler.create(wsConfig.get("defaults"), defaultHandler);

    wsConfig.get("paths").asNodeList().ifPresent(configs -> {
      for (Config pathConfig : configs) {
        List<Http.RequestMethod> methods = pathConfig.get("methods").asNodeList().orElse(listOf())

        String path = pathConfig.get("path")
            .orElseThrow(() -> new SecurityException(pathConfig
                                     .key() + " must contain path key with a path to "
                                     + "register to web server"));
        if (methods.isEmpty()) {
          routing.any(path, SecurityHandler.create(pathConfig, defaults));
        } else {
          routing.anyOf(methods, path, SecurityHandler.create(pathConfig, defaults));

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

 * Update this builder from configuration.
 * @param config configuration instance located on {@link PolicyValidatorService#configKey()}
 * @return updated builder instance
public Builder config(Config config) {
  this.config = config;
  config.get("validators").asList(Config.class).ifPresent(configs -> {
    for (Config validatorConfig : configs) {
          .ifPresentOrElse(clazz -> {
            //attempt to instantiate
          }, () -> {
            throw new SecurityException(
                "validators key may only contain an array of class to class names, at key: "
                    + validatorConfig.key());
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public <T> Function<T, Supplier<PollingStrategy>> apply(Config config, Class<T> targetType)
    throws ConfigMappingException, MissingValueException {
  Config properties = config.get(PROPERTIES_KEY) // use properties config node
      .orElse(Config.empty(config)); // or empty config node
  return OptionalHelper.from(config.get(TYPE_KEY).asString() // `type` is specified
                    .flatMap(type -> this
                        .builtin(type, properties, targetType))) // return built-in polling strategy
      .or(() -> config.get(CLASS_KEY)
          .as(Class.class) // `class` is specified
          .flatMap(clazz -> custom(clazz, properties, targetType))) // return custom polling strategy
      .orElseThrow(() -> new ConfigMappingException(config.key(), "Uncompleted polling-strategy configuration."));

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public RetryPolicy apply(Config config) throws ConfigMappingException, MissingValueException {
  Config properties = config.get(PROPERTIES_KEY) // use properties config node
      .orElse(Config.empty(config)); // or empty config node
  return OptionalHelper.from(config.get(TYPE_KEY).asString() // `type` is specified
      .flatMap(type -> this.builtin(type, properties))) // return built-in retry policy
      .or(() -> config.get(CLASS_KEY)
          .as(Class.class) // `class` is specified
          .flatMap(clazz -> custom(clazz, properties))) // return custom retry policy
      .orElseThrow(() -> new ConfigMappingException(config.key(), "Uncompleted retry-policy configuration."));

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public ConfigSource apply(Config config) throws ConfigMappingException, MissingValueException {
  Config properties = config.get(PROPERTIES_KEY) // use properties config node
      .orElse(Config.empty(config)); // or empty config node
  return OptionalHelper.from(config.get(TYPE_KEY)
                    .asString() // `type` is specified
                    .flatMap(type -> OptionalHelper
                        .from(builtin(type, properties)) // return built-in source
                        .or(() -> providers(type, properties))
                        .asOptional())) // or use sources - custom type to class mapping
      .or(() -> config.get(CLASS_KEY)
          .as(Class.class) // `class` is specified
          .flatMap(clazz -> custom(clazz, properties))) // return custom source
      .orElseThrow(() -> new ConfigMappingException(config.key(), "Uncompleted source configuration."));

代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon

public ZipkinTracerBuilder config(Config config) {
      .ifPresent(nodes -> {
        nodes.forEach(node -> {
          this.addTracerTag(node.key().name(), node.asBoolean().get());
      .ifPresent(nodes -> {
        nodes.forEach(node -> {
          this.addTracerTag(node.key().name(), node.asInt().get());
  return this;
