
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getScrollBarHeight () {
  if (!scrollX) return 0;
  float height = 0;
  if (style.hScrollKnob != null) height = style.hScrollKnob.getMinHeight();
  if (style.hScroll != null) height = Math.max(height, style.hScroll.getMinHeight());
  return height;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getScrollBarHeight () {
  if (!scrollX) return 0;
  float height = 0;
  if (style.hScrollKnob != null) height = style.hScrollKnob.getMinHeight();
  if (style.hScroll != null) height = Math.max(height, style.hScroll.getMinHeight());
  return height;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  float height = super.getPrefHeight();
  if (style.up != null) height = Math.max(height, style.up.getMinHeight());
  if (style.down != null) height = Math.max(height, style.down.getMinHeight());
  if (style.checked != null) height = Math.max(height, style.checked.getMinHeight());
  return height;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  float height = super.getPrefHeight();
  if (style.up != null) height = Math.max(height, style.up.getMinHeight());
  if (style.down != null) height = Math.max(height, style.down.getMinHeight());
  if (style.checked != null) height = Math.max(height, style.checked.getMinHeight());
  return height;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  if (vertical)
    return 140;
  else {
    final Drawable knob = getKnobDrawable();
    final Drawable bg = (disabled && style.disabledBackground != null) ? style.disabledBackground : style.background;
    return Math.max(knob == null ? 0 : knob.getMinHeight(), bg == null ? 0 : bg.getMinHeight());

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  if (vertical)
    return 140;
  else {
    final Drawable knob = getKnobDrawable();
    final Drawable bg = (disabled && style.disabledBackground != null) ? style.disabledBackground : style.background;
    return Math.max(knob == null ? 0 : knob.getMinHeight(), bg == null ? 0 : bg.getMinHeight());

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  if (sizeInvalid) computeSize();
  float height = tablePrefHeight;
  if (background != null) return Math.max(height, background.getMinHeight());
  return height;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  if (sizeInvalid) computeSize();
  float height = tablePrefHeight;
  if (background != null) return Math.max(height, background.getMinHeight());
  return height;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getMinHeight () {
  float first = firstWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)firstWidget).getMinHeight() : 0;
  float second = secondWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)secondWidget).getMinHeight() : 0;
  if (!vertical) return Math.max(first, second);
  return first + style.handle.getMinHeight() + second;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getMinHeight () {
  float first = firstWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)firstWidget).getMinHeight() : 0;
  float second = secondWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)secondWidget).getMinHeight() : 0;
  if (!vertical) return Math.max(first, second);
  return first + style.handle.getMinHeight() + second;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

private void calculateVertBoundsAndPositions () {
  Drawable handle = style.handle;
  float width = getWidth();
  float height = getHeight();
  float availHeight = height - handle.getMinHeight();
  float topAreaHeight = (int)(availHeight * splitAmount);
  float bottomAreaHeight = availHeight - topAreaHeight;
  float handleHeight = handle.getMinHeight();
  firstWidgetBounds.set(0, height - topAreaHeight, width, topAreaHeight);
  secondWidgetBounds.set(0, 0, width, bottomAreaHeight);
  handleBounds.set(0, bottomAreaHeight, width, handleHeight);

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

private void calculateVertBoundsAndPositions () {
  Drawable handle = style.handle;
  float width = getWidth();
  float height = getHeight();
  float availHeight = height - handle.getMinHeight();
  float topAreaHeight = (int)(availHeight * splitAmount);
  float bottomAreaHeight = availHeight - topAreaHeight;
  float handleHeight = handle.getMinHeight();
  firstWidgetBounds.set(0, height - topAreaHeight, width, topAreaHeight);
  secondWidgetBounds.set(0, 0, width, bottomAreaHeight);
  handleBounds.set(0, bottomAreaHeight, width, handleHeight);

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  float v = prefHeight.get(actor);
  if (background != null) v = Math.max(v, background.getMinHeight());
  return Math.max(getMinHeight(), v + padTop.get(this) + padBottom.get(this));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  float v = prefHeight.get(actor);
  if (background != null) v = Math.max(v, background.getMinHeight());
  return Math.max(getMinHeight(), v + padTop.get(this) + padBottom.get(this));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  float first = firstWidget == null ? 0
    : (firstWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)firstWidget).getPrefHeight() : firstWidget.getHeight());
  float second = secondWidget == null ? 0
    : (secondWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)secondWidget).getPrefHeight() : secondWidget.getHeight());
  if (!vertical) return Math.max(first, second);
  return first + style.handle.getMinHeight() + second;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public float getPrefHeight () {
  float first = firstWidget == null ? 0
    : (firstWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)firstWidget).getPrefHeight() : firstWidget.getHeight());
  float second = secondWidget == null ? 0
    : (secondWidget instanceof Layout ? ((Layout)secondWidget).getPrefHeight() : secondWidget.getHeight());
  if (!vertical) return Math.max(first, second);
  return first + style.handle.getMinHeight() + second;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Sets a new drawable for the image. The image's pref size is the drawable's min size. If using the image actor's size rather
 * than the pref size, {@link #pack()} can be used to size the image to its pref size.
 * @param drawable May be null. */
public void setDrawable (Drawable drawable) {
  if (this.drawable == drawable) return;
  if (drawable != null) {
    if (getPrefWidth() != drawable.getMinWidth() || getPrefHeight() != drawable.getMinHeight()) invalidateHierarchy();
  } else
  this.drawable = drawable;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Sets a new drawable for the image. The image's pref size is the drawable's min size. If using the image actor's size rather
 * than the pref size, {@link #pack()} can be used to size the image to its pref size.
 * @param drawable May be null. */
public void setDrawable (Drawable drawable) {
  if (this.drawable == drawable) return;
  if (drawable != null) {
    if (getPrefWidth() != drawable.getMinWidth() || getPrefHeight() != drawable.getMinHeight()) invalidateHierarchy();
  } else
  this.drawable = drawable;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Creates a new empty drawable with the same sizing information as the specified drawable. */
public BaseDrawable (Drawable drawable) {
  if (drawable instanceof BaseDrawable) name = ((BaseDrawable)drawable).getName();
  leftWidth = drawable.getLeftWidth();
  rightWidth = drawable.getRightWidth();
  topHeight = drawable.getTopHeight();
  bottomHeight = drawable.getBottomHeight();
  minWidth = drawable.getMinWidth();
  minHeight = drawable.getMinHeight();

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Creates a new empty drawable with the same sizing information as the specified drawable. */
public BaseDrawable (Drawable drawable) {
  if (drawable instanceof BaseDrawable) name = ((BaseDrawable)drawable).getName();
  leftWidth = drawable.getLeftWidth();
  rightWidth = drawable.getRightWidth();
  topHeight = drawable.getTopHeight();
  bottomHeight = drawable.getBottomHeight();
  minWidth = drawable.getMinWidth();
  minHeight = drawable.getMinHeight();
