[英]Removes the extension from a filename.
This method returns the textual part of the filename before the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot.
foo.txt --> foo
a\b\c.jpg --> a\b\c
a\b\c --> a\b\c
a.b\c --> a.b\c
The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.
foo.txt --> foo
a\b\c.jpg --> a\b\c
a\b\c --> a\b\c
a.b\c --> a.b\c
代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io
* Gets the base name, minus the full path and extension, from a full filename.
* <p>
* This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format.
* The text after the last forward or backslash and before the last dot is returned.
* <pre>
* a/b/c.txt --> c
* a.txt --> a
* a/b/c --> c
* a/b/c/ --> ""
* </pre>
* <p>
* The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.
* @param filename the filename to query, null returns null
* @return the name of the file without the path, or an empty string if none exists. Null bytes inside string
* will be removed
public static String getBaseName(final String filename) {
return removeExtension(getName(filename));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-io
* Gets the base name, minus the full path and extension, from a full filename.
* <p>
* This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format.
* The text after the last forward or backslash and before the last dot is returned.
* <pre>
* a/b/c.txt --> c
* a.txt --> a
* a/b/c --> c
* a/b/c/ --> ""
* </pre>
* <p>
* The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.
* @param filename the filename to query, null returns null
* @return the name of the file without the path, or an empty string if none exists
public static String getBaseName(String filename) {
return removeExtension(getName(filename));
代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io
public void testRemoveExtension() {
assertEquals(null, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(null));
assertEquals("file", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("file.ext"));
assertEquals("README", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("README"));
assertEquals("domain.dot", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("domain.dot.com"));
assertEquals("image", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("image.jpeg"));
assertEquals("a.b/c", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("a.b/c"));
assertEquals("a.b/c", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("a.b/c.txt"));
assertEquals("a/b/c", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("a/b/c"));
assertEquals("a.b\\c", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("a.b\\c"));
assertEquals("a.b\\c", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("a.b\\c.txt"));
assertEquals("a\\b\\c", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("a\\b\\c"));
assertEquals("C:\\temp\\foo.bar\\README", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("C:\\temp\\foo.bar\\README"));
assertEquals("../filename", FilenameUtils.removeExtension("../filename.ext"));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
destFileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(destFileName) + "-" + sha
+ FilenameUtils.EXTENSION_SEPARATOR + FilenameUtils.getExtension(destFileName);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
destFileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(destFileName) + "-" + sha
+ FilenameUtils.getExtension(destFileName);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill
destFileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(destFileName) + "-" + sha
+ FilenameUtils.EXTENSION_SEPARATOR + FilenameUtils.getExtension(destFileName);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill
destFileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(destFileName) + "-" + sha
+ FilenameUtils.getExtension(destFileName);
代码示例来源:origin: ata4/disunity
public SerializedFileReader(Path file) throws IOException {
String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
String fileExt = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName);
// load audio buffer if existing
readResourceStream(file.resolveSibling(fileName + ".streamingResourceImage"));
readResourceStream(file.resolveSibling(fileName + ".resS"));
// join split serialized files before loading
if (fileExt.startsWith("split")) {
L.fine("Found split serialized file");
fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(fileName);
List<Path> parts = new ArrayList<>();
int splitIndex = 0;
// collect all files with .split0 to .splitN extension
while (true) {
String splitName = String.format("%s.split%d", fileName, splitIndex);
Path part = file.resolveSibling(splitName);
if (Files.notExists(part)) {
L.log(Level.FINE, "Adding splinter {0}", part.getFileName());
// load all parts to one byte buffer
in = DataReaders.forByteBuffer(ByteBufferUtils.load(parts));
} else {
in = DataReaders.forFile(file, READ);
代码示例来源:origin: marytts/marytts
* Command line interface to the vocal tract linear scaler effect.
* @param args
* the command line arguments. Exactly two arguments are expected: (1) the factor by which to scale the vocal tract
* (between 0.25 = very long and 4.0 = very short vocal tract); (2) the filename of the wav file to modify. Will
* produce a file basename_factor.wav, where basename is the filename without the extension.
* @throws Exception
* if processing fails for some reason.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
System.err.println("Usage: java " + VocalTractLinearScalerEffect.class.getName() + " <factor> <filename>");
float factor = Float.parseFloat(args[0]);
String filename = args[1];
AudioDoubleDataSource input = new AudioDoubleDataSource(AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(filename)));
AudioFormat format = input.getAudioFormat();
VocalTractLinearScalerEffect effect = new VocalTractLinearScalerEffect((int) format.getSampleRate());
DoubleDataSource output = effect.apply(input, "amount:" + factor);
DDSAudioInputStream audioOut = new DDSAudioInputStream(output, format);
String outFilename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(filename) + "_" + factor + ".wav";
AudioSystem.write(audioOut, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, new File(outFilename));
System.out.println("Created file " + outFilename);
代码示例来源:origin: marytts/marytts
* Command line interface to the vocal tract linear scaler effect.
* @param args
* the command line arguments. Exactly two arguments are expected: (1) the factor by which to scale the vocal tract
* (between 0.25 = very long and 4.0 = very short vocal tract); (2) the filename of the wav file to modify. Will
* produce a file basename_factor.wav, where basename is the filename without the extension.
* @throws Exception
* if processing fails for some reason.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
System.err.println("Usage: java " + VocalTractLinearScalerEffect.class.getName() + " <factor> <filename>");
float factor = Float.parseFloat(args[0]);
String filename = args[1];
AudioDoubleDataSource input = new AudioDoubleDataSource(AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(filename)));
AudioFormat format = input.getAudioFormat();
VocalTractLinearScalerEffect effect = new VocalTractLinearScalerEffect((int) format.getSampleRate());
DoubleDataSource output = effect.apply(input, "amount:" + factor);
DDSAudioInputStream audioOut = new DDSAudioInputStream(output, format);
String outFilename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(filename) + "_" + factor + ".wav";
AudioSystem.write(audioOut, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, new File(outFilename));
System.out.println("Created file " + outFilename);
代码示例来源:origin: jeremylong/DependencyCheck
final String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(f.getName());
final String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(f.getName());
if (!IGNORED_FILES.accept(f) && !"js".equals(ext)) {
代码示例来源:origin: jeremylong/DependencyCheck
pomProperties = retrievePomProperties(path, jar);
} else {
path = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(dependency.getActualFilePath()) + ".pom";
pomFile = new File(path);
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
private String getName(String application) {
return removeExtension(FilenameUtils.getName(application));
代码示例来源:origin: winterDroid/android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin
public static String getExportNameFromFilename(String filename) {
String exportName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(filename);
if (exportName.matches("[a-z0-9_.]*")) {
return exportName;
exportName = exportName.toLowerCase();
return exportName.replaceAll("([^(a-z0-9_.)])", "_");
代码示例来源:origin: bonigarcia/webdrivermanager
protected File postDownload(File archive) {
File parentFolder = archive.getParentFile();
File[] ls = parentFolder.listFiles();
for (File f : ls) {
if (getDriverName().contains(removeExtension(f.getName()))) {
log.trace("Found binary in post-download: {}", f);
return f;
throw new WebDriverManagerException("Driver " + getDriverName()
+ " not found (using temporal folder " + parentFolder + ")");
代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools
* Return supportFiles (if found) for the specified file
* @param filePath
* @return
public List<File> getSupportFiles(String filePath) {
List<File> supportFiles = null;
String parent = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(filePath);
String mainName = FilenameUtils.getName(filePath);
String baseName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(mainName);
for (String extension : supportingExtensions) {
String newFilePath = parent + baseName + extension;
File file = new File(newFilePath);
if (file.exists()) {
if (supportFiles == null) {
supportFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
return supportFiles;
代码示例来源:origin: winterDroid/android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin
protected void setValue(Object o) {
File file = (File) o;
if (file == null) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: openmrs/openmrs-core
* Returns a {@link File} for the given obs complex data to be written to. The output file
* location is determined off of the {@link OpenmrsConstants#GLOBAL_PROPERTY_COMPLEX_OBS_DIR}
* and the file name is determined off the current obs.getComplexData().getTitle().
* @param obs the Obs with a non-null complex data on it
* @return File that the complex data should be written to
public File getOutputFileToWrite(Obs obs) throws IOException {
String title = obs.getComplexData().getTitle();
String titleWithoutExtension = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(title);
String extension = "." + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(FilenameUtils.getExtension(title), "dat");
String uuid = obs.getUuid();
String filename;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleWithoutExtension)) {
filename = titleWithoutExtension + "_" + uuid + extension;
} else {
filename = uuid + extension;
File dir = OpenmrsUtil.getDirectoryInApplicationDataDirectory(
File outputfile = new File(dir, filename);
return outputfile;
代码示例来源:origin: openmrs/openmrs-core
public void getOutputFileToWrite_shouldCorrectlyNameTitledFileWithoutExtension() throws IOException, ParseException {
ComplexData complexDataWithoutExtension = new ComplexData(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(FILENAME), null);
Obs obsWithoutExtension = new Obs();
File extensionlessFile = handler.getOutputFileToWrite(obsWithoutExtension);
String[] nameWithoutExtension = extensionlessFile.getName().split("_|\\.");
String titlePartExtensionless = nameWithoutExtension[0];
String uuidPartExtensionless = nameWithoutExtension[1];
String extensionPartExtensionless = nameWithoutExtension[2];
assertEquals(titlePartExtensionless, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(FILENAME));
assertEquals(extensionPartExtensionless, "dat");
assertEquals(uuidPartExtensionless, obsWithoutExtension.getUuid());
代码示例来源:origin: openmrs/openmrs-core
public void getOutputFileToWrite_shouldCorrectlyNameTitledFileWithExtension() throws IOException, ParseException {
ComplexData complexDataWithTitle = new ComplexData(FILENAME, null);
Obs obsWithTitle = new Obs();
File titledFile = handler.getOutputFileToWrite(obsWithTitle);
String[] nameWithTitle = titledFile.getName().split("_|\\.");
String titlePart = nameWithTitle[0];
String uuidPartWithTitle = nameWithTitle[1];
String extensionPart = nameWithTitle[2];
assertEquals(titlePart, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(FILENAME));
assertEquals(extensionPart, "txt");
assertEquals(uuidPartWithTitle, obsWithTitle.getUuid());