
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn.clocker/brooklyn-clocker-docker

  public Application apply(Entity input) {
    return input.getApplication();

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn.clocker/brooklyn-clocker-mesos

  public String apply(@Nullable Entity input) {
    return input.getApplication().getDisplayName() + ":" + input.getApplicationId();

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn.clocker/brooklyn-clocker-mesos

  public Application apply(Entity input) { return input.getApplication(); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-base

  public String apply(@Nullable Entity input) {
    return input.getApplication().getDisplayName() + ":" + input.getApplicationId();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-base

  public Application apply(Entity input) {
    return input.getApplication();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

protected synchronized void setApplication(Application app) {
  if (app.getId().equals(getId())) {
    application = getProxy()!=null ? (Application)getProxy() : app;
  } else {
    application = app;
    // Alex, Mar 2013: added some checks; 
    // i *think* these conditions should not happen, 
    // and so should throw but don't want to break things (yet)
    if (getParent()==null) {
      log.warn("Setting application of "+this+" to "+app+", but "+this+" is not parented");
    } else if (getParent().getApplicationId().equals(app.getParent())) {
      log.warn("Setting application of "+this+" to "+app+", but parent "+getParent()+" has different app "+getParent().getApplication());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-rest-resources

private Application findTopLevelApplication(Entity e) {
  // For nested apps, e.getApplication() can return its direct parent-app rather than the root app
  // (particularly if e.getApplication() was called before the parent-app was wired up to its parent,
  // because that call causes the application to be cached).
  // Therefore we continue to walk the hierarchy until we find an "orphaned" application at the top.
  Application app = e.getApplication();
  while (app != null && !app.equals(app.getApplication())) {
    app = app.getApplication();
  return app;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

   * Attempts to stop, destroy, and unmanage the given entity.
   * <p>
   * Actual actions performed will depend on the entity type and its current state.
  public static void destroy(Entity e) {
    if (isManaged(e)) {
      if (isReadOnly(e)) {
        log.debug("destroyed and unmanaged read-only copy of "+e);
      } else {
        if (e instanceof Startable) Entities.invokeEffector(e, e, Startable.STOP).getUnchecked();
        // if destroying gracefully we might also want to do this (currently gets done by GC after unmanage,
        // which is good enough for leaks, but not sure if that's ideal for subscriptions etc)
//                ((LocalEntityManager)e.getApplication().getManagementContext().getEntityManager()).stopTasks(e, null);
        if (e instanceof EntityInternal) ((EntityInternal)e).destroy();
        log.debug("destroyed and unmanaged "+e+"; mgmt now "+
          (e.getApplicationId()==null ? "(no app)" : e.getApplication().getManagementContext())+" - managed? "+isManaged(e));
    } else {
      log.debug("skipping destroy of "+e+": not managed");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public void testSetParentInConstructorArgument() {
  Entity e = new AbstractEntity(app) {};
  assertEquals(e.getParent(), app);
  assertEqualsIgnoringOrder(app.getChildren(), ImmutableList.of(e));
  assertEquals(e.getApplication(), app);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public Application getApplication() {
  if (application!=null) {
    if (application.getId().equals(getId()))
      return (Application) getProxyIfAvailable();
    return application;
  if (getParent()==null) return (Application)getProxyIfAvailable();
  return getParent().getApplication();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

 * Returns the application, looking it up if not yet known (registering if necessary)
public Application getApplication() {
  if (application != null) return application;
  Entity parent = getParent();
  Application app = (parent != null) ? parent.getApplication() : null;
  if (app != null) {
    if (getManagementSupport().isFullyManaged())
      // only do this once fully managed, in case root app becomes parented
  return app;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-base

@Override public void run() {
      Task<?> entityTask = Iterables.getOnlyElement(entity.getApplication().getManagementContext().getExecutionManager().getTasksWithAllTags(
          ImmutableList.of(BrooklynTaskTags.EFFECTOR_TAG, BrooklynTaskTags.tagForContextEntity(entity))));
      String blockingDetails = getBlockingDetails(entityTask);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public void testSetOwnerInConstructorMap() {
  Entity e = new AbstractEntity(MutableMap.of("owner", app)) {};
  assertEquals(e.getParent(), app);
  assertEqualsIgnoringOrder(app.getChildren(), ImmutableList.of(e));
  assertEquals(e.getApplication(), app);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public void testCreatesEntity() throws Exception {
  EntitySpec<TestApplication> spec = EntitySpec.create(TestApplication.class);
  TestApplicationImpl app = (TestApplicationImpl) factory.createEntity(spec, Optional.absent());
  Entity proxy = app.getProxy();
  assertTrue(proxy instanceof Application, "proxy="+app);
  assertFalse(proxy instanceof TestApplicationImpl, "proxy="+app);
  assertEquals(proxy.getParent(), null);
  assertSame(proxy.getApplication(), proxy);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-camp

public void testDslTemplateRebind() throws Exception {
  Entity testEntity = entityWithTemplatedString();
  Application app2 = rebind(testEntity.getApplication());
  Entity e2 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(app2.getChildren());
  Assert.assertEquals(getConfigInTask(e2, TestEntity.CONF_NAME), "hello world");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

/** adds entities from the given yaml, under the given parent; but does not start them */
public static List<Entity> addChildrenUnstarted(final Entity parent, String yaml) {
  log.debug("Creating child of "+parent+" from yaml:\n{}", yaml);
  ManagementContext mgmt = parent.getApplication().getManagementContext();
  EntitySpec<? extends Application> specA = createEntitySpecForApplication(mgmt, yaml);
  // see whether we can promote children
  List<EntitySpec<?>> specs = MutableList.of();
  if (!canUnwrapEntity(specA)) {
    // if not promoting, set a nice name if needed
    if (Strings.isEmpty(specA.getDisplayName())) {
      int size = specA.getChildren().size();
      String childrenCountString = size+" "+(size!=1 ? "children" : "child");
      specA.displayName("Dynamically added "+childrenCountString);
  final List<Entity> children = MutableList.of();
  for (EntitySpec<?> spec: specs) {
    Entity child = parent.addChild(spec);
  return children;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public void testSetParentInSetterMethod() {
  Entity e = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(TestEntity.class));
  assertEquals(e.getParent(), app);
  assertEqualsIgnoringOrder(app.getChildren(), ImmutableList.of(e));
  assertEquals(e.getApplication(), app);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public void testAddChild() {
  Entity e = mgmt.getEntityManager().createEntity(EntitySpec.create(TestEntity.class));
  assertEquals(e.getParent(), app);
  assertEqualsIgnoringOrder(app.getChildren(), ImmutableList.of(e));
  assertEquals(e.getApplication(), app);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-camp

public void testCatalogParameterFromSuperYamlTypeInCluster() throws Exception {
  addCatalogItems( loadYaml("") );
  Entity cluster = makeBlueprint("services: [ { type: test-cluster-with-map-parameter } ]");
  Entity parentInCluster = Iterables.getOnlyElement( ((DynamicCluster)cluster).getMembers() );
  Entity target = Iterables.getOnlyElement(parentInCluster.getChildren());
  checkEntity( target, false );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-rest-resources

/** finds the entity indicated by the given ID or name
 * <p>
 * prefers ID based lookup in which case appId is optional, and if supplied will be enforced.
 * optionally the name can be supplied, for cases when paths should work across versions,
 * in which case names will be searched recursively (and the application is required). 
 * @throws 404 or 412 (unless input is null in which case output is null) */
public Entity getEntity(String application, String entity) {
  if (entity==null) return null;
  Application app = application!=null ? getApplication(application) : null;
  Entity e = mgmt.getEntityManager().getEntity(entity);
  if (e!=null) {
    if (!Entitlements.isEntitled(mgmt.getEntitlementManager(), Entitlements.SEE_ENTITY, e)) {
      throw WebResourceUtils.notFound("Cannot find entity '%s': no known ID and application not supplied for searching", entity);
    if (app==null || app.equals(findTopLevelApplication(e))) return e;
    throw WebResourceUtils.preconditionFailed("Application '%s' specified does not match application '%s' to which entity '%s' (%s) is associated", 
        application, e.getApplication()==null ? null : e.getApplication().getId(), entity, e);
  if (application==null)
    throw WebResourceUtils.notFound("Cannot find entity '%s': no known ID and application not supplied for searching", entity);
  assert app!=null : "null app should not be returned from getApplication";
  e = searchForEntityNamed(app, entity);
  if (e!=null) return e;
  throw WebResourceUtils.notFound("Cannot find entity '%s' in application '%s' (%s)", entity, application, app);
