
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Echos an event. By echo we mean the event is fired after the client receives the AU responses and then echoes back. In other words, the event won't be processed in the current execution. Rather, it executes after the client receives the AU responses and then echoes back the event back.

It is usually if you want to prompt the user before doing a long operation. A typical case is to open a highlighted window to prevent the user from clicking any button before the operation gets done.


代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk

/** Echos an event.
 * By echo we mean the event is fired after the client receives the AU
 * responses and then echoes back.
 * In other words, the event won't be processed in the current execution.
 * Rather, it executes after the client receives the AU responses
 * and then echoes back the event back.
 * <p>It is usually if you want to prompt the user before doing a long
 * operation. A typical case is to open a highlighted window to
 * prevent the user from clicking any button before the operation gets done.
 * <p>It is the same as <code>echoEvent(name, target, (Object)data)</code>.
 * @since 3.0.2
 * @see #sendEvent
 * @see #echoEvent(String, Component, Object)
 * @param name the event name, such as onSomething
 * @param target the component to receive the event (never null).
 * @param data the extra information, or null if not available.
 * It will become {@link Event#getData}.
public static final void echoEvent(String name, Component target, String data) {
  echoEvent(name, target, (Object) data);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Restarts the timer.
private void resetTimer() {
  if (timer != null) {
    Events.echoEvent("onResetTimer", timer, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Restarts the timer.
private void resetTimer() {
  if (timer != null) {
    Events.echoEvent("onResetTimer", timer, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Paging Toggle
public void onClick$btnPagingToggle() {
  log.trace("Paging Toggle Button");
  isPaging = !isPaging;
  Events.echoEvent("onUpdatePaging", root, isPaging);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

public void onClick$btnSearch() {
  Events.echoEvent("onSearch", root, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ext.performance

 * Echos an event to the specified target for timing purposes.
 * @param target The component that will be the target of the echoed event.
 * @param tag The tag to be included in the log entry.
 * @param displayElapsed If true, the performance information will be sent to the display.
 * @param rt The time segment to be logged.
public static void timeEcho(Component target, String tag, boolean displayElapsed, RequestTime rt) {
  monitorEvent(target, EVENT_TIME_ECHO, tag, displayElapsed);
  Event event = new Event(EVENT_TIME_ECHO, target, rt);

代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zul

/** Checks if _progressingg is defined.
private void checkProgressing() {
  if (_progressing && _progressStatus == 0) {
    _progressStatus = 1;
    Events.echoEvent("onEchoInclude", this, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk

/** Echos an event.
 * By echo we mean the event is fired after the client receives the AU
 * responses and then echoes back.
 * In other words, the event won't be processed in the current execution.
 * Rather, it executes after the client receives the AU responses
 * and then echoes back the event back.
 * <p>It is usually if you want to prompt the user before doing a long
 * operation. A typical case is to open a highlighted window to
 * prevent the user from clicking any button before the operation gets done.
 * @since 5.0.4
 * @see #sendEvent
public static final void echoEvent(Event event) {
  echoEvent(event.getName(), event.getTarget(), event.getData());

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.rpms.ui.skintest

private void refreshList() {
  lbTests.setModel((ListModelList<?>) null);
  ListModelList<TestItem> model = new ListModelList<TestItem>(skinTestList);
  if (colSort == null) {
    colSort = (Listheader) lbTests.getListhead().getChildren().get(0);
  Events.echoEvent("onResize", lbTests, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Handles a deferred request to show the dialog.
 * @param event The onShow event.
 * @throws Exception Unspecified exception.
public void onShow(Event event) throws Exception {
  Events.echoEvent(Events.ON_FOCUS, root, null);
  if (!root.inModal()) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.rpms.ui.problem

private void refreshList() {
  ProblemFilter filter = getFilter();
  boolean bHasPriority = false;
  lbProblems.setModel((ListModelList<?>) null);
  ListModelList<Problem> model = new ListModelList<Problem>();
  for (Problem problem : problemList) {
    if (filter.include(problem)) {
      bHasPriority |= problem.getPriority().length() > 0;
  if (colSort == null) {
    colSort = (Listheader) lbProblems.getListhead().getChildren().get(bHasPriority ? 4 : 0);
  Events.echoEvent("onResize", lbProblems, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

service.fetch(queryContext, queryListener);
} else {
  Events.echoEvent("onFetchData", root, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

Events.echoEvent("onSubmit", comp, null);
