代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Returns the de-serialized id indicating the flow id of this session.
String getFlowId() {
if (flow == null) {
return flowId;
} else {
return flow.getId();
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public String getCaption() {
return "execution of '" + flow.getId() + "'";
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public StateDefinition getStartState() {
if (startState == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No start state has been set for this flow ('" + getId()
+ "') -- flow builder configuration error?");
return startState;
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Set the start state for this flow to the state provided; any state may be the start state.
* @param state the new start state
* @throws IllegalArgumentException given state has not been added to this flow
public void setStartState(State state) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (!states.contains(state)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("State '" + state + "' is not a state of flow '" + getId() + "'");
startState = state;
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
out.writeObject(state != null ? state.getId() : null);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Return the <code>TransitionableState</code> with given <code>stateId</code>.
* @param stateId id of the state to look up
* @return the transitionable state
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the identified state cannot be found
* @throws ClassCastException when the identified state is not transitionable
public TransitionableState getTransitionableState(String stateId) throws IllegalArgumentException,
ClassCastException {
State state = getStateInstance(stateId);
if (state != null && !(state instanceof TransitionableState)) {
throw new ClassCastException("The state '" + stateId + "' of flow '" + getId() + "' must be transitionable");
return (TransitionableState) state;
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public MutableAttributeMap<Object> getViewScope() throws IllegalStateException {
if (state == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The current state of this flow '" + flow.getId()
+ "' is [null] - cannot access view scope");
if (!state.isViewState()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The current state '" + state.getId() + "' of this flow '" + flow.getId()
+ "' is not a view state - view scope not accessible");
return (MutableAttributeMap<Object>) scope.get(VIEW_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public MutableAttributeMap<Object> getViewScope() throws IllegalStateException {
if (state == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The current state of this flow '" + definition.getId()
+ "' is [null] - cannot access view scope");
if (!state.isViewState()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The current state '" + state.getId() + "' of this flow '"
+ definition.getId() + "' is not a view state - view scope not accessible");
return (MutableAttributeMap<Object>) scope.get(VIEW_MAP_ATTRIBUTE);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Creates a new exception.
* @param state the action state
* @param resultEvent the action result event
public NoMatchingActionResultTransitionException(ActionState state, Event resultEvent) {
super(state.getFlow().getId(), state.getId(), resultEvent,
"Cannot find a transition matching an action result event; continuing with next action...");
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Lookup the identified state instance of this flow.
* @param stateId the state id
* @return the state
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the identified state cannot be found
public State getStateInstance(String stateId) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (!StringUtils.hasText(stateId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified stateId is invalid: state identifiers must be non-blank");
for (State state : states) {
if (state.getId().equals(stateId)) {
return state;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find state with id '" + stateId + "' in flow '" + getId() + "' -- "
+ "Known state ids are '" + StylerUtils.style(getStateIds()) + "'");
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Add given state definition to this flow definition. Marked protected, as this method is to be called by the
* (privileged) state definition classes themselves during state construction as part of a FlowBuilder invocation.
* @param state the state to add
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the state cannot be added to the flow; for instance if another state shares
* the same id as the one provided or if given state already belongs to another flow
protected void add(State state) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (this != state.getFlow() && state.getFlow() != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("State " + state + " cannot be added to this flow '" + getId()
+ "' -- it already belongs to a different flow: '" + state.getFlow().getId() + "'");
if (this.states.contains(state) || this.containsState(state.getId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This flow '" + getId() + "' already contains a state with id '"
+ state.getId() + "' -- state ids must be locally unique to the flow definition; "
+ "existing state-ids of this flow include: " + StylerUtils.style(getStateIds()));
boolean firstAdd = states.isEmpty();
if (firstAdd) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Specialization of State's <code>doEnter</code> template method that executes behaviour specific to this state
* type in polymorphic fashion.
* <p>
* Entering this state, creates the subflow input map and spawns the subflow in the current flow execution.
* @param context the control context for the currently executing flow, used by this state to manipulate the flow
* execution
* @throws FlowExecutionException if an exception occurs in this state
protected void doEnter(RequestControlContext context) throws FlowExecutionException {
MutableAttributeMap<Object> flowInput;
if (subflowAttributeMapper != null) {
flowInput = subflowAttributeMapper.createSubflowInput(context);
} else {
flowInput = new LocalAttributeMap<>();
Flow subflow = (Flow) this.subflow.getValue(context);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Calling subflow '" + subflow.getId() + "' with input " + flowInput);
context.start(subflow, flowInput);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Enter this state in the provided flow control context. This implementation just calls the
* {@link #doEnter(RequestControlContext)} hook method, which should be implemented by subclasses, after executing
* the entry actions.
* @param context the control context for the currently executing flow, used by this state to manipulate the flow
* execution
* @throws FlowExecutionException if an exception occurs in this state
public final void enter(RequestControlContext context) throws FlowExecutionException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Entering state '" + getId() + "' of flow '" + getFlow().getId() + "'");
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
private FlowExecutionException wrap(Exception e) {
if (isActive()) {
FlowSession session = getActiveSession();
String flowId = session.getDefinition().getId();
String stateId = session.getState() != null ? session.getState().getId() : null;
return new FlowExecutionException(flowId, stateId, "Exception thrown in state '" + stateId + "' of flow '"
+ flowId + "'", e);
} else {
return new FlowExecutionException(flow.getId(), null, "Exception thrown within inactive flow '"
+ flow.getId() + "'", e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Inform this flow definition that an execution session of itself has ended. As a result, the flow will do the
* following:
* <ol>
* <li>Execute all registered end actions ({@link #getEndActionList()}).</li>
* <li>Map data available in the flow execution control context into provided output map using a registered output
* mapper ( {@link #setOutputMapper(Mapper)}).</li>
* </ol>
* @param context the flow execution control context
* @param outcome the logical flow outcome that will be returned by the session, generally the id of the terminating
* end state
* @param output initial output produced by the session that is eligible for modification by this method
* @throws FlowExecutionException when an exception occurs ending this flow
public void end(RequestControlContext context, String outcome, MutableAttributeMap<?> output)
throws FlowExecutionException {
if (outputMapper != null) {
MappingResults results = outputMapper.map(context, output);
if (results != null && results.hasErrorResults()) {
throw new FlowOutputMappingException(getId(), results);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
throw new NoMatchingTransitionException(getFlow().getId(), getId(), context.getCurrentEvent(),
"No transition was matched on the event(s) signaled by the [" + executionCount
+ "] action(s) that executed in this action state '" + getId() + "' of flow '"
+ getFlow().getId() + "'; transitions must be defined to handle action result outcomes -- "
+ "possible flow configuration error? Note: the eventIds signaled were: '"
+ StylerUtils.style(eventIds)
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Get a transition in this state for given flow execution request context. Throws and exception when there is no
* corresponding transition.
* @throws NoMatchingTransitionException when a matching transition cannot be found
public Transition getRequiredTransition(RequestContext context) throws NoMatchingTransitionException {
Transition transition = getTransitionSet().getTransition(context);
if (transition == null) {
throw new NoMatchingTransitionException(getFlow().getId(), getId(), context.getCurrentEvent(),
"No transition found on occurence of event '" + context.getCurrentEvent() + "' in state '"
+ getId() + "' of flow '" + getFlow().getId() + "' -- valid transitional criteria are "
+ StylerUtils.style(getTransitionSet().getTransitionCriterias())
+ " -- likely programmer error, check the set of TransitionCriteria for this state");
return transition;
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public String toString() {
ToStringCreator creator = new ToStringCreator(this).append("id", getId()).append("flow", flow.getId())
.append("entryActionList", entryActionList).append("exceptionHandlerSet", exceptionHandlerSet);
return creator.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
* Start a new session for this flow in its start state. This boils down to the following:
* <ol>
* <li>Create (setup) all registered flow variables ({@link #addVariable(FlowVariable)}) in flow scope.</li>
* <li>Map provided input data into the flow. Typically data will be mapped into flow scope using the registered
* input mapper ({@link #setInputMapper(Mapper)}).</li>
* <li>Execute all registered start actions ( {@link #getStartActionList()}).</li>
* <li>Enter the configured start state ({@link #setStartState(State)})</li>
* </ol>
* @param context the flow execution control context
* @param input eligible input into the session
* @throws FlowExecutionException when an exception occurs starting the flow
public void start(RequestControlContext context, MutableAttributeMap<?> input) throws FlowExecutionException {
if (inputMapper != null) {
MappingResults results = inputMapper.map(input, context);
if (results != null && results.hasErrorResults()) {
throw new FlowInputMappingException(getId(), results);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow
public String toString() {
if (!isActive()) {
if (!hasStarted()) {
return "[Not yet started " + getCaption() + "]";
} else {
return "[Ended " + getCaption() + "]";
} else {
if (flow != null) {
return new ToStringCreator(this).append("flow", flow.getId()).append("flowSessions", flowSessions)
} else {
return "[Unhydrated execution of '" + getRootSession().getFlowId() + "']";