[英]Get the importance of this field.
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given description.
* @param description the new description for the new field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDescription(String description) {
return new Field(name(), displayName, type(), width, description, importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given display name.
* @param dependents the names of the fields that depend on this field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDependents(String... dependents) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(),
Arrays.asList(dependents), defaultValueGenerator, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValue the new default value for the new field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(boolean defaultValue) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
() -> Boolean.valueOf(defaultValue), validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given display name.
* @param displayName the new display name for the field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDisplayName(String displayName) {
return new Field(name(), displayName, type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValue the new default value for the new field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(long defaultValue) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
() -> defaultValue, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValueGenerator the supplier for the new default value for the new field, called whenever a default value
* is needed
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(BooleanSupplier defaultValueGenerator) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator::getAsBoolean, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValueGenerator the supplier for the new default value for the new field, called whenever a default value
* is needed
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(IntSupplier defaultValueGenerator) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator::getAsInt, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValueGenerator the supplier for the new default value for the new field, called whenever a default value
* is needed
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(LongSupplier defaultValueGenerator) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator::getAsLong, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but that uses no validation.
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withNoValidation() {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, null, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given width.
* @param width the new width for the field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withWidth(Width width) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given type.
* @param type the new type for the field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withType(Type type) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type, width(), description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValue the new default value for the new field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(String defaultValue) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
() -> defaultValue, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given default value.
* @param defaultValue the new default value for the new field
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withDefault(int defaultValue) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
() -> defaultValue, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but with the given recommender.
* @param recommender the recommender; may be null
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withRecommender(Recommender recommender) {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, validator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but that in addition to {@link #validator() existing
* validation} the supplied validation function(s) are also used.
* @param validators the additional validation function(s); may be null
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withValidation(Validator... validators) {
Validator actualValidator = validator;
for (Validator validator : validators) {
if (validator != null) actualValidator = validator.and(actualValidator);
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width(), description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, actualValidator, recommender);
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
* Add this field to the given configuration definition.
* @param configDef the definition of the configuration; may be null if none of the fields are to be added
* @param groupName the name of the group; may be null
* @param fields the fields to be added as a group to the definition of the configuration
* @return the updated configuration; never null
public static ConfigDef group(ConfigDef configDef, String groupName, Field... fields) {
if (configDef != null) {
if (groupName != null) {
for (int i = 0; i != fields.length; ++i) {
Field f = fields[i];
configDef.define(f.name(), f.type(), f.defaultValue(), null, f.importance(), f.description(),
groupName, i + 1, f.width(), f.displayName(), f.dependents(), null);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i != fields.length; ++i) {
Field f = fields[i];
configDef.define(f.name(), f.type(), f.defaultValue(), null, f.importance(), f.description(),
null, 1, f.width(), f.displayName(), f.dependents(), null);
return configDef;
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
private void validateFieldDef(Field expected) {
ConfigDef configDef = connector.config();
ConfigDef.ConfigKey key = configDef.configKeys().get(expected.name());
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
protected static void assertConfigDefIsValid(Connector connector, io.debezium.config.Field.Set fields) {
ConfigDef configDef = connector.config();
fields.forEach(expected -> {
ConfigKey key = configDef.configKeys().get(expected.name());
if (expected.equals(MySqlConnectorConfig.DATABASE_HISTORY) || expected.equals(MySqlConnectorConfig.JDBC_DRIVER)) {
assertThat(((Class<?>) key.defaultValue).getName()).isEqualTo((String) expected.defaultValue());
} else if (!expected.equals(MySqlConnectorConfig.SERVER_ID)) {
代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium
protected static void assertConfigDefIsValid(Connector connector, io.debezium.config.Field.Set fields) {
ConfigDef configDef = connector.config();
fields.forEach(expected -> {
ConfigKey key = configDef.configKeys().get(expected.name());
代码示例来源:origin: io.debezium/debezium-core
* Create and return a new Field instance that is a copy of this field but that uses no validation.
* @return the new field; never null
public Field withNoValidation() {
return new Field(name(), displayName(), type(), width, description(), importance(), dependents,
defaultValueGenerator, null, recommender);