
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Creates a deep copy of the input Geometry. The CoordinateSequenceFactory defined for this factory is used to copy the CoordinateSequences of the input geometry.

This is a convenient way to change the CoordinateSequence used to represent a geometry, or to change the factory used for a geometry.

Geometry#clone() can also be used to make a deep copy, but it does not allow changing the CoordinateSequence type.


代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

private Geometry fixPolygonalTopology(Geometry geom)
   * If precision model was *not* changed, need to flip
   * geometry to targetPM, buffer in that model, then flip back
  Geometry geomToBuffer = geom;
  if (! changePrecisionModel) {
    geomToBuffer = changePM(geom, targetPM);
  Geometry bufGeom = geomToBuffer.buffer(0);
  Geometry finalGeom = bufGeom;
  if (! changePrecisionModel) {
   // a slick way to copy the geometry with the original precision factory
    finalGeom = geom.getFactory().createGeometry(bufGeom);
  return finalGeom;

代码示例来源:origin: org.geomajas.extension/geomajas-extension-command

public void execute(SplitPolygonRequest request, SplitPolygonResponse response) throws Exception {
  // convert to most accurate precision model
  Polygon polygon = null;
  try {
    polygon = (Polygon) converter.toJts(request.getPolygon());
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // throw new GeomajasException();
  GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), polygon.getFactory().getSRID());
  Polygon p = (Polygon) factory.createGeometry(polygon);
  LineString l = (LineString) factory.createGeometry(converter.toJts(request.getLineString()));
  int precision = 11;
  com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry buffered = factory.createGeometryCollection(null);
  while (buffered.isEmpty()) {
    buffered = l.buffer(Math.pow(10.0, -(precision--)));
  com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry diff = p.difference(buffered);
  if (diff instanceof Polygon) {
    response.setPolygons(new Geometry[] {converter.toDto(diff)});
  } else if (diff instanceof MultiPolygon) {
    Geometry[] polygons = new Geometry[diff.getNumGeometries()];
    for (int i = 0; i < diff.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
      polygons[i] = converter.toDto(diff.getGeometryN(i));
      // makePrecise(polygon.getPrecisionModel(), polygons[i]);

代码示例来源:origin: org.fudaa.framework.ctulu/ctulu-gis

public Geometry createGeometry(final Geometry _g) {
 return super.createGeometry(_g);

代码示例来源:origin: org.locationtech.geogig/geogig-core

public Optional<Geometry> get(int index, GeometryFactory gf) {
  Geometry g = (Geometry) values.get(index);
  Geometry g2 = null;
  if (g != null) {
    g2 = gf.createGeometry(g);
  return Optional.fromNullable(g2);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-main

 * Sets the geometry contained in this lite shape. Convenient to reuse this
 * object instead of creating it again and again during rendering
 * @param g
 * @throws TransformException
 * @throws FactoryException
public void setGeometry(Geometry g) throws TransformException,
    FactoryException {
  if (g != null) {
    this.geometry = getGeometryFactory().createGeometry(g);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-main

 * Sets the geometry contained in this lite shape. Convenient to reuse this
 * object instead of creating it again and again during rendering
 * @param g
 * @throws TransformException
 * @throws FactoryException
public void setGeometry(Geometry g) throws TransformException,
    FactoryException {
  if (g != null) {
    this.geometry = getGeometryFactory().createGeometry(g);

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts-core

private Geometry fixPolygonalTopology(Geometry geom)
   * If precision model was *not* changed, need to flip
   * geometry to targetPM, buffer in that model, then flip back
  Geometry geomToBuffer = geom;
  if (! changePrecisionModel) {
    geomToBuffer = changePM(geom, targetPM);
  Geometry bufGeom = geomToBuffer.buffer(0);
  Geometry finalGeom = bufGeom;
  if (! changePrecisionModel) {
   // a slick way to copy the geometry with the original precision factory
    finalGeom = geom.getFactory().createGeometry(bufGeom);
  return finalGeom;

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-main

g = factory.createGeometry(g);


private TopoGeom createObject(String featureId, Geometry geom, Map<String, Object> properties)
    throws MismatchedDimensionException, TransformException {
  // // snap to pixel
  geom = fixedGeometryFactory.createGeometry(geom);
  if (geom.isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  if (geom instanceof GeometryCollection && geom.getNumGeometries() == 1) {
    geom = geom.getGeometryN(0);
  TopoGeom geometry = createGeometry(geom);
  return geometry;

代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.jaitools/jt-utils

if (useFixedPrecision){
  geomFactory = PRECISE_FACTORY;
  cloned = geomFactory.createGeometry(geom);
  Coordinate[] coords = cloned.getCoordinates();
  for (Coordinate coord : coords) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-main

 * Creates a new LiteShape object.
 * @param geom - the wrapped geometry
 * @param at - the transformation applied to the geometry in order to get to the shape points
 * @param generalize - set to true if the geometry need to be generalized
 *        during rendering
public LiteShape(Geometry geom, AffineTransform at, boolean generalize) {
  if( geom!=null)
    this.geometry =getGeometryFactory().createGeometry(geom);
  this.affineTransform = at;
  this.generalize = generalize;
  if (at==null){
  xScale = (float) Math.sqrt(
      (at.getScaleX() * at.getScaleX())
      + (at.getShearX() * at.getShearX()));
  yScale = (float) Math.sqrt(
      (at.getScaleY() * at.getScaleY())
      + (at.getShearY() * at.getShearY()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-main

 * Creates a new LiteShape object.
 * @param geom - the wrapped geometry
 * @param at - the transformation applied to the geometry in order to get to the shape points
 * @param generalize - set to true if the geometry need to be generalized
 *        during rendering
public LiteShape(Geometry geom, AffineTransform at, boolean generalize) {
  if( geom!=null)
    this.geometry =getGeometryFactory().createGeometry(geom);
  this.affineTransform = at;
  this.generalize = generalize;
  if (at==null){
  xScale = (float) Math.sqrt(
      (at.getScaleX() * at.getScaleX())
      + (at.getShearX() * at.getShearX()));
  yScale = (float) Math.sqrt(
      (at.getScaleY() * at.getScaleY())
      + (at.getShearY() * at.getShearY()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-main

public Object visit(Literal expression, Object extraData) {
    if (!(expression.getValue() instanceof Geometry))
      return super.visit(expression, extraData);

    // check if reprojection is needed
    Geometry geom = (Geometry) expression.getValue();
    if(geom.getUserData() != null && geom.getUserData() instanceof CoordinateReferenceSystem)
      return super.visit(expression, extraData);
    // clone the geometry and assign the new crs
    Geometry clone = geom.getFactory().createGeometry(geom);

    // clone
    return ff.literal(clone);

代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.jaitools/jt-utils

 * Returns a new ROI created by applying the given transform to 
 * this ROI.
 * @param at the transform
 * @return the new ROI
public ROI transform(AffineTransform at) {
  Geometry cloned = (Geometry) theGeom.getGeometry().clone();
  cloned.apply(new AffineTransformation(at.getScaleX(), at.getShearX(), at.getTranslateX(), 
      at.getShearY(), at.getScaleY(), at.getTranslateY()));
  if (useFixedPrecision){
    Geometry fixed = PRECISE_FACTORY.createGeometry(cloned);
    Coordinate[] coords = fixed.getCoordinates();
    for (Coordinate coord : coords) {
      Coordinate precise = coord;
    cloned = fixed;
  return new ROIGeometry(cloned);
