
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

  1. /**
  2. * Shifts columns in range [startColumn, endColumn] for n places to the right.
  3. * For n < 0, it will shift columns left.
  4. * Additionally adjusts formulas.
  5. * Probably should also process other features (hyperlinks, comments...) in the way analog to shiftRows method
  6. * @param startRow the row to start shifting
  7. * @param endRow the row to end shifting
  8. * @param n the number of rows to shift
  9. */
  10. @Beta
  11. @Override
  12. public void shiftColumns(int startColumn, int endColumn, int n){
  13. HSSFColumnShifter columnShifter = new HSSFColumnShifter(this);
  14. columnShifter.shiftColumns(startColumn, endColumn, n);
  15. int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
  16. short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex);
  17. String sheetName = _workbook.getSheetName(sheetIndex);
  18. FormulaShifter formulaShifter = FormulaShifter.createForColumnShift(
  19. externSheetIndex, sheetName, startColumn, endColumn, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
  20. updateFormulasForShift(formulaShifter);
  21. // add logic for hyperlinks etc, like in shiftRows()
  22. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

  1. externSheetIndex, sheetName, startRow, endRow, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
  2. updateFormulasForShift(formulaShifter);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.poi

  1. /**
  2. * Shifts columns in range [startColumn, endColumn] for n places to the right.
  3. * For n < 0, it will shift columns left.
  4. * Additionally adjusts formulas.
  5. * Probably should also process other features (hyperlinks, comments...) in the way analog to shiftRows method
  6. * @param startRow the row to start shifting
  7. * @param endRow the row to end shifting
  8. * @param n the number of rows to shift
  9. */
  10. @Beta
  11. @Override
  12. public void shiftColumns(int startColumn, int endColumn, int n){
  13. HSSFColumnShifter columnShifter = new HSSFColumnShifter(this);
  14. columnShifter.shiftColumns(startColumn, endColumn, n);
  15. int sheetIndex = _workbook.getSheetIndex(this);
  16. short externSheetIndex = _book.checkExternSheet(sheetIndex);
  17. String sheetName = _workbook.getSheetName(sheetIndex);
  18. FormulaShifter formulaShifter = FormulaShifter.createForColumnShift(
  19. externSheetIndex, sheetName, startColumn, endColumn, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
  20. updateFormulasForShift(formulaShifter);
  21. // add logic for hyperlinks etc, like in shiftRows()
  22. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.poi

  1. externSheetIndex, sheetName, startRow, endRow, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
  2. updateFormulasForShift(formulaShifter);

