
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Augments the SimpleGeometryFactory with additional methods for building complex Geometry and geometry-related objects ( CurveSegments and SurfacePatches).


代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Envelope getDefaultBBox() {
  return new GeometryFactory().createEnvelope( new double[] { -sphereSize, -sphereSize, -sphereSize },
                         new double[] { sphereSize, sphereSize, sphereSize }, null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Polygon getLegendRect( int xpos, int ypos, int xsize, int ysize ) {
  Point p1 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos, ypos, mapcs );
  Point p2 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsize, ypos, mapcs );
  Point p3 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsize, ypos - ysize, mapcs );
  Point p4 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos, ypos - ysize, mapcs );
  List<Point> ps = new ArrayList<Point>( 5 );
  ps.add( p1 );
  ps.add( p2 );
  ps.add( p3 );
  ps.add( p4 );
  ps.add( p1 );
  return geofac.createPolygon( null, mapcs, geofac.createLinearRing( null, null, geofac.createPoints( ps ) ),
                 null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LineString getLegendLine( int xpos, int ypos, int xsz, int ysz ) {
  Point p1 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos, ypos - ysz, mapcs );
  Point p2 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsz / 3, ypos - ysz / 3, mapcs );
  Point p3 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsz / 3 * 2, ypos - ysz / 3 * 2, mapcs );
  Point p4 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsz, ypos, mapcs );
  List<Point> ps = new ArrayList<Point>( 4 );
  ps.add( p1 );
  ps.add( p2 );
  ps.add( p3 );
  ps.add( p4 );
  return geofac.createLineString( null, mapcs, geofac.createPoints( ps ) );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * @param ps
 * @param b
 * @param index
 * @throws SQLException
private Envelope getEnvelope( float[] location, float width, float height, float depth ) {
  return geomFac.createEnvelope( new double[] { location[0], location[1], location[2] },
                  new double[] { location[0] + width, location[1] + depth, location[2] + height },
                  null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * Creates a new {@link GeometryValidator} which performs callbacks on the given
 * {@link GeometryValidationEventHandler} in case of errors.
 * @param eventHandler
 *            callback handler for errors, must not be <code>null</code>
public GeometryValidator( GeometryValidationEventHandler eventHandler ) {
  linearizer = new CurveLinearizer( new org.deegree.geometry.GeometryFactory() );
  crit = new NumPointsCriterion( 150 );
  jtsFactory = new GeometryFactory();
  this.eventHandler = eventHandler;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * @param env
 * @return a polygon
public static Polygon envelopeToPolygon( Envelope env ) {
  GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
  Point a = env.getMin();
  Point b = fac.createPoint( null, a.get0() + env.getSpan0(), a.get1(), env.getCoordinateSystem() );
  Point c = env.getMax();
  Point d = fac.createPoint( null, a.get0(), a.get1() + env.getSpan1(), env.getCoordinateSystem() );
  LinearRing ring = fac.createLinearRing( null, env.getCoordinateSystem(), new PointsArray( a, b, c, d, a ) );
  return fac.createPolygon( null, env.getCoordinateSystem(), ring, null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
if ( geom instanceof Point ) {
  Point p = (Point) geom;
  return fac.createPoint( geom.getId(), new double[] { p.get0() + offx, p.get1() + offy },
              p.getCoordinateSystem() );
    ps.add( (Point) move( p, offx, offy ) );
  return fac.createLineString( geom.getId(), c.getCoordinateSystem(), new PointsList( ps ) );
      LinearRing movedExteriorRing = null;
      if ( exterior != null ) {
        movedExteriorRing = fac.createLinearRing( exterior.getId(),
                             move( exterior.getAsLineString().getControlPoints(),
      List<Ring> movedInteriorRings = new ArrayList<Ring>( interiorRings.size() );
      for ( Ring interior : interiorRings ) {
        movedInteriorRings.add( fac.createLinearRing( interior.getId(),
                               move( interior.getAsLineString().getControlPoints(),
                                  offx, offy ) ) );
      movedPatches.add( fac.createPolygonPatch( movedExteriorRing, movedInteriorRings ) );
    } else {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot move non-planar surface patches." );
  return fac.createSurface( geom.getId(), movedPatches, geom.getCoordinateSystem() );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * @return an interior point of this geometry
public Point getInteriorPoint() {
  Coordinate coord = new InteriorPointArea( getJTSGeometry() ).getInteriorPoint();
  return new GeometryFactory().createPoint( null, coord.x, coord.y, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

double[] coords = parseCoordType( xmlStream );
        points.add( geomFac.createPoint( null, coords, crs ) );
      } else {
        String msg = "Error in 'gml:Envelope' element.";
Envelope envelope = geomFac.createEnvelope( points.get( 0 ).getAsArray(), points.get( 1 ).getAsArray(), crs );
idContext.addObject( envelope );
return envelope;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * Calculates the points inside the geometry and inside the view port. First the passed geometry is clipped
 * by the view port. A multipolygon may result. For each of the polygon in this multipolygon one interior point
 * is created
 * @param geom to create labels for, must not be <code>null</code> and in the same CRS as the viewPort
 * @return a MultiPoint with all calculated labels
MultiPoint calculateInteriorPoints( final Geometry geom ) {
  if ( geom == null )
    return null;
  Geometry clippedGeometry = clipGeometry( geom, viewPort );
  List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
  if ( clippedGeometry != null && clippedGeometry instanceof DefaultSurface ) {
    points.add( ( (DefaultSurface) clippedGeometry ).getInteriorPoint() );
  if ( clippedGeometry != null && clippedGeometry instanceof MultiPolygon ) {
    for ( Polygon p : ( (MultiPolygon) clippedGeometry ) ) {
      if ( p instanceof DefaultSurface ) {
        points.add( ( (DefaultSurface) p ).getInteriorPoint() );
  return new GeometryFactory().createMultiPoint( null, geom.getCoordinateSystem(), points );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LinkedList<Polygon> fromTriangleStrip( double[][] points ) {
  LinkedList<Point> ps = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( double[] p : points ) {
    ps.add( fac.createPoint( null, p, crs ) );
  LinkedList<Polygon> ss = new LinkedList<Polygon>();
  while ( ps.size() > 2 ) {
    LinkedList<Point> ring = new LinkedList<Point>();
    ring.add( ps.get( 0 ) );
    ring.add( ps.get( 1 ) );
    ring.add( ps.get( 2 ) );
    ring.add( ring.getFirst() );
    LinearRing r = fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, new PointsList( ring ) );
    ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, r, null ) );
  return ss;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Point getPoint( Coordinate jtsCoord, ICRS crs ) {
  if ( jtsCoord == null ) {
    return null;
  double[] coords = null;
  if ( jtsCoord.z != Double.NaN ) {
    coords = new double[] { jtsCoord.x, jtsCoord.y, jtsCoord.z };
  } else if ( jtsCoord.y != Double.NaN ) {
    coords = new double[] { jtsCoord.x, jtsCoord.y };
  } else {
    coords = new double[] { jtsCoord.x };
  return geomFac.createPoint( null, coords, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

ICRS crs = env.getCoordinateSystem();
if ( min.equals( max ) ) {
  return fac.createPoint( null, min.getAsArray(), crs );
    return fac.createLineString( null, crs, points );
  Curve ls = fac.createLineString( null, crs, new PackedPoints( null, points, 2 ) );
  Ring exteriorRing = fac.createRing( null, crs, Collections.singletonList( ls ) );
  return fac.createPolygon( null, crs, exteriorRing, null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private MultiPoint readMultipoint( ByteBuffer buffer ) {
  int num = buffer.getInt();
  LinkedList<Point> list = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    list.add( fac.createPoint( null, buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), crs ) );
  return fac.createMultiPoint( null, crs, list );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

outer = fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, p );
  } else {
    LinearRing ring = fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, p );
    Polygon outerP = fac.createPolygon( null, crs, outer, null );
    Polygon innerP = fac.createPolygon( null, crs, ring, null );
    if ( outerP.contains( innerP ) ) {
      inners.add( ring );
        polys.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, outer, inners ) );
        inners = new LinkedList<Ring>();
      } else {
        polys.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, outer, null ) );
  polys.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, outer, inners ) );
return fac.createMultiPolygon( null, crs, polys );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LinearRing fromRing( double[][] points ) {
  LinkedList<Point> ps = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( double[] p : points ) {
    ps.add( fac.createPoint( null, p, crs ) );
  // may be expensive
  if ( ps.getFirst() != ps.getLast() ) {
    LOG.debug( "Ring was not closed as required by the shape file spec!" );
    LOG.debug( "Trying to recover anyway." );
    ps.add( ps.getFirst() );
  return fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, new PointsList( ps ) );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

if ( outerRingMode ) {
      LOG.trace( "Finishing with outer ring mode." );
      ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, outerRing, innerRings ) );
      outerRing = null;
    ring = fromRing( ps[i] );
    if ( !unknownRingMode ) {
      ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, ring, null ) );
    } else {
      if ( isCCW( ring ) ) {
      if ( unknownOuterRing == null ) {
        while ( unknownInnerRings.size() != 0 ) {
          ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, unknownInnerRings.poll(), null ) );
        ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, unknownOuterRing, unknownInnerRings ) );
  return null;
return fac.createMultiPolygon( null, crs, ss );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

linearizedInteriorRings.add( (Ring) curveLinearizer.linearize( interiorRing, crit ) );
linearizedSurface = (T) geomFac.createPolygon( polygon.getId(), polygon.getCoordinateSystem(),
                        linearizedExteriorRing, linearizedInteriorRings );
linearizedSurface = (T) geomFac.createPolyhedralSurface( surface.getId(), surface.getCoordinateSystem(),
                             linearizedPatches );
linearizedSurface = (T) geomFac.createSurface( surface.getId(), linearizedPatches,
                        surface.getCoordinateSystem() );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

ICRS normalCRS = determineActiveCRS( xmlStream, defaultCRS );
  double[] coords = parseDoubleList( xmlStream );
  normals.add( geomFac.createPoint( null, coords, normalCRS ) );
return geomFac.createArcStringByBulge( points, bulges, geomFac.createPoints( normals ) );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LinearRing transform( Ring ring, Transformation trans )
            throws TransformationException {
  if ( ring != null ) {
    // TODO DefaultRing.getAsLineString currently returns an UnsupportedOpertionException
    // interior.getAsLineString().getControlPoints(),
    Points cP = ring.getControlPoints();
    Points tcP = transform( cP, trans );
    return geomFactory.createLinearRing( ring.getId(), getTargetCRS(), tcP );
  return null;
