
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Point getPoint( Coordinate jtsCoord, ICRS crs ) {
  if ( jtsCoord == null ) {
    return null;
  double[] coords = null;
  if ( jtsCoord.z != Double.NaN ) {
    coords = new double[] { jtsCoord.x, jtsCoord.y, jtsCoord.z };
  } else if ( jtsCoord.y != Double.NaN ) {
    coords = new double[] { jtsCoord.x, jtsCoord.y };
  } else {
    coords = new double[] { jtsCoord.x };
  return geomFac.createPoint( null, coords, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LineString getLegendLine( int xpos, int ypos, int xsz, int ysz ) {
  Point p1 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos, ypos - ysz, mapcs );
  Point p2 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsz / 3, ypos - ysz / 3, mapcs );
  Point p3 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsz / 3 * 2, ypos - ysz / 3 * 2, mapcs );
  Point p4 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsz, ypos, mapcs );
  List<Point> ps = new ArrayList<Point>( 4 );
  ps.add( p1 );
  ps.add( p2 );
  ps.add( p3 );
  ps.add( p4 );
  return geofac.createLineString( null, mapcs, geofac.createPoints( ps ) );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Point readPoint( ByteBuffer buffer ) {
  return fac.createPoint( null, buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Polygon getLegendRect( int xpos, int ypos, int xsize, int ysize ) {
  Point p1 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos, ypos, mapcs );
  Point p2 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsize, ypos, mapcs );
  Point p3 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos + xsize, ypos - ysize, mapcs );
  Point p4 = geofac.createPoint( null, xpos, ypos - ysize, mapcs );
  List<Point> ps = new ArrayList<Point>( 5 );
  ps.add( p1 );
  ps.add( p2 );
  ps.add( p3 );
  ps.add( p4 );
  ps.add( p1 );
  return geofac.createPolygon( null, mapcs, geofac.createLinearRing( null, null, geofac.createPoints( ps ) ),
                 null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Point readPointZ( ByteBuffer buffer ) {
  return fac.createPoint( null,
              new double[] { buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(),
                     buffer.getDouble() }, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Points parseControlPoints( XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS crs )
            throws XMLStreamException {
  List<Point> controlPoints = null;
  if ( xmlStream.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT ) {
    String name = xmlStream.getLocalName();
    if ( "coordinates".equals( name ) ) {
      controlPoints = parseCoordinates( xmlStream, crs );
    } else {
      controlPoints = new LinkedList<Point>();
      do {
        name = xmlStream.getLocalName();
        if ( "coord".equals( name ) ) {
          double[] coords = parseCoordType( xmlStream );
          // anonymous point (no registering necessary)
          controlPoints.add( geomFac.createPoint( null, coords, crs ) );
        } else {
      } while ( xmlStream.nextTag() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT );
  return geomFac.createPoints( controlPoints );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private Point readPointM( ByteBuffer buffer ) {
  return fac.createPoint( null, buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private MultiPoint readMultipoint( ByteBuffer buffer ) {
  int num = buffer.getInt();
  LinkedList<Point> list = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    list.add( fac.createPoint( null, buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), crs ) );
  return fac.createMultiPoint( null, crs, list );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LinearRing fromRing( double[][] points ) {
  LinkedList<Point> ps = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( double[] p : points ) {
    ps.add( fac.createPoint( null, p, crs ) );
  // may be expensive
  if ( ps.getFirst() != ps.getLast() ) {
    LOG.debug( "Ring was not closed as required by the shape file spec!" );
    LOG.debug( "Trying to recover anyway." );
    ps.add( ps.getFirst() );
  return fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, new PointsList( ps ) );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LinkedList<Polygon> fromTriangleStrip( double[][] points ) {
  LinkedList<Point> ps = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( double[] p : points ) {
    ps.add( fac.createPoint( null, p, crs ) );
  LinkedList<Polygon> ss = new LinkedList<Polygon>();
  while ( ps.size() > 2 ) {
    LinkedList<Point> ring = new LinkedList<Point>();
    ring.add( ps.get( 0 ) );
    ring.add( ps.get( 1 ) );
    ring.add( ps.get( 2 ) );
    ring.add( ring.getFirst() );
    LinearRing r = fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, new PointsList( ring ) );
    ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, r, null ) );
  return ss;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private LinkedList<Polygon> fromTriangleFan( double[][] points ) {
  LinkedList<Point> ps = new LinkedList<Point>();
  for ( double[] p : points ) {
    ps.add( fac.createPoint( null, p, crs ) );
  LinkedList<Polygon> ss = new LinkedList<Polygon>();
  Point center = ps.poll();
  while ( ps.size() > 1 ) {
    LinkedList<Point> ringps = new LinkedList<Point>();
    ringps.add( center );
    ringps.add( ps.get( 0 ) );
    ringps.add( ps.get( 1 ) );
    ringps.add( center );
    LinearRing ring = fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, new PointsList( ringps ) );
    ss.add( fac.createPolygon( null, crs, ring, null ) );
  return ss;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private MultiPoint readMultipointM( ByteBuffer buffer, int length ) {
  int num = buffer.getInt();
  int len = 40 + num * 16;
  if ( length == len ) {
    LinkedList<Point> list = new LinkedList<Point>();
    for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
      list.add( fac.createPoint( null, new double[] { buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), 0, 0 }, crs ) );
    return fac.createMultiPoint( null, crs, list );
  LinkedList<double[]> xy = new LinkedList<double[]>();
  for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    xy.add( new double[] { buffer.getDouble(), buffer.getDouble(), 0, 0 } );
  LinkedList<Point> list = new LinkedList<Point>();
  skipBytes( buffer, 16 ); // skip measure bounds
  for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    double[] p = xy.poll();
    p[3] = buffer.getDouble();
    list.add( fac.createPoint( null, p, crs ) );
  return fac.createMultiPoint( null, crs, list );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

protected Point parseDirectPositionType( XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS )
            throws XMLParsingException, XMLStreamException {
  ICRS crs = determineActiveCRS( xmlStream, defaultCRS );
  String s = xmlStream.getElementText();
  // don't use String.split(regex) here (speed)
  StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s );
  List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
  while ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
    tokens.add( st.nextToken() );
  double[] doubles = new double[tokens.size()];
  for ( int i = 0; i < doubles.length; i++ ) {
    try {
      doubles[i] = Double.parseDouble( tokens.get( i ) );
    } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
      String msg = "Value '" + tokens.get( i ) + "' cannot be parsed as a double.";
      throw new XMLParsingException( xmlStream, msg );
  return geomFac.createPoint( null, doubles, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

public static void paintLegendText( int origin, LegendOptions opts, String text, TextRenderer textRenderer ) {
  TextStyling textStyling = new TextStyling();
  textStyling.font = new;
  textStyling.font.fontFamily.add( 0, "Arial" );
  textStyling.font.fontSize = opts.textSize;
  textStyling.anchorPointX = 0;
  textStyling.anchorPointY = 0.5;
  textStyling.uom = Metre;
  if ( text != null && text.length() > 0 ) {
    textRenderer.render( textStyling, text, geofac.createPoint( null, opts.baseWidth + opts.spacing * 2,
                                  origin - opts.baseHeight / 2 - opts.spacing,
                                  CRSManager.getCRSRef( "CRS:1" ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

private static Points move( Points points, double offx, double offy ) {
  List<Point> movedPoints = new ArrayList<Point>( points.size() );
  GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
  for ( Point point : points ) {
    double[] movedCoordinates = new double[] { point.get0() + offx, point.get1() + offy };
    movedPoints.add( fac.createPoint( point.getId(), movedCoordinates, point.getCoordinateSystem() ) );
  return new PointsList( movedPoints );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * @return an interior point of this geometry
public Point getInteriorPoint() {
  Coordinate coord = new InteriorPointArea( getJTSGeometry() ).getInteriorPoint();
  return new GeometryFactory().createPoint( null, coord.x, coord.y, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * Return the bounding geometry of a raster as a polygon (but is actually a rectangle).
 * @param raster
 * @return bounding polygon
public static Polygon createPolygonGeometry( AbstractRaster raster ) {
  ICRS crs = raster.getCoordinateSystem();
  GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
  Envelope env = raster.getEnvelope();
  env = raster.getRasterReference().relocateEnvelope( OriginLocation.OUTER, env );
  Point pmin = env.getMin();
  Point pmax = env.getMax();
  Point p1 = fac.createPoint( null, pmin.get0(), pmin.get1(), crs );
  Point p3 = fac.createPoint( null, pmax.get0(), pmax.get1(), crs );
  Point p2 = fac.createPoint( null, p1.get0(), p3.get1(), crs );
  Point p4 = fac.createPoint( null, p3.get0(), p1.get1(), crs );
  Point p5 = fac.createPoint( null, p1.get0(), p1.get1(), crs );
  Point[] points = { p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 };
  // (asList(points));
  LinearRing ring = fac.createLinearRing( null, crs, new PointsList( asList( points ) ) );
  Polygon poly = fac.createPolygon( null, crs, ring, null );
  return poly;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * transforms the list of points
 * @throws TransformationException
private Points transform( Points points, Transformation trans )
            throws TransformationException {
  List<Point> result = new ArrayList<Point>( points.size() );
  for ( Point point : points ) {
    Point3d coord = new Point3d( point.get0(), point.get1(), point.get2() );
    Point3d tmp = new Point3d( coord );
    tmp = trans.doTransform( coord );
    if ( Double.isNaN( point.get2() ) ) {
      result.add( geomFactory.createPoint( point.getId(), new double[] { tmp.x, tmp.y }, getTargetCRS() ) );
    } else {
      // pass the 3rd coordinate if exist and dimension of source and target CRS is 2
      if ( trans.getSourceCRS().getDimension() == 2 && trans.getTargetCRS().getDimension() == 2 ) {
        tmp.z = point.get2();
      result.add( geomFactory.createPoint( point.getId(), new double[] { tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z },
                         getTargetCRS() ) );
  return new PointsList( result );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * @param env
 * @return a polygon
public static Polygon envelopeToPolygon( Envelope env ) {
  GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
  Point a = env.getMin();
  Point b = fac.createPoint( null, a.get0() + env.getSpan0(), a.get1(), env.getCoordinateSystem() );
  Point c = env.getMax();
  Point d = fac.createPoint( null, a.get0(), a.get1() + env.getSpan1(), env.getCoordinateSystem() );
  LinearRing ring = fac.createLinearRing( null, env.getCoordinateSystem(), new PointsArray( a, b, c, d, a ) );
  return fac.createPolygon( null, env.getCoordinateSystem(), ring, null );

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

 * transforms the submitted point to the target coordinate reference system
 * @throws TransformationException
private Point transform( Point geo, Transformation trans )
            throws TransformationException {
  Point3d coord = new Point3d( geo.get0(), geo.get1(), geo.get2() );
  Point3d result = new Point3d( coord );
  result = trans.doTransform( coord );
  if ( Double.isNaN( geo.get2() ) ) {
    return geomFactory.createPoint( geo.getId(), new double[] { result.x, result.y }, getTargetCRS() );
  } else if ( trans.getSourceCRS().getDimension() == 2 && trans.getTargetCRS().getDimension() == 2 ) {
    // pass the 3rd coordinate if exist and dimension of source and target CRS is 2
    result.z = geo.get2();
  return geomFactory.createPoint( geo.getId(), new double[] { result.x, result.y, result.z }, getTargetCRS() );
