[英]Gets the statements with the specified subject, predicate, object and (optionally) context. The subject, predicate and object parameters can be null to indicate wildcards. The contexts parameter is a wildcard and accepts zero or more values. If no contexts are specified, statements will match disregarding their context. If one or more contexts are specified, statements with a context matching one of these will match. Note: to match statements without an associated context, specify the value null and explicitly cast it to type Resource.
Examples: graph.match(s1, null, null) matches all statements that have subject s1,
graph.match(null, null, null, c1) matches all statements that have context c1,
graph.match(null, null, null, (Resource)null) matches all statements that have no associated context,
graph.match(null, null, null, c1, c2, c3) matches all statements that have context c1, c2 or c3.
代码示例来源:origin: it.tidalwave.bluebill/it-tidalwave-android-org-openrdf-sesame-model
* Gets the subject of the statements with the specified predicate, object
* and (optionally) contexts from the supplied graph. Calling this method is
* equivalent to calling <tt>graph.match(null, pred, obj, contexts)</tt> and
* extracting the subjects of the matching statements from the returned
* iterator. See {@link Graph#match(Resource, URI, Value, Resource[])} for a
* description of the parameter values.
public static Iterator<Resource> getSubjectIterator(Graph graph, URI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts)
Iterator<Statement> iter = graph.match(null, pred, obj, contexts);
return new ConvertingIterator<Statement, Resource>(iter) {
protected Resource convert(Statement st)
throws RuntimeException
return st.getSubject();
代码示例来源:origin: it.tidalwave.bluebill/it-tidalwave-android-org-openrdf-sesame-model
* Gets the objects of the statements with the specified subject, predicate
* and (optionally) contexts from the supplied graph. Calling this method is
* equivalent to calling <tt>graph.match(subj, pred, null, contexts)</tt> and
* extracting the objects of the matching statements from the returned
* iterator. See {@link Graph#match(Resource, URI, Value, Resource[])} for a
* description of the parameter values.
public static Iterator<Value> getObjectIterator(Graph graph, Resource subj, URI pred, Resource... contexts)
Iterator<Statement> iter = graph.match(subj, pred, null, contexts);
return new ConvertingIterator<Statement, Value>(iter) {
protected Value convert(Statement st)
throws RuntimeException
return st.getObject();
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
* Count matches of the triple pattern.
static protected int countMatches(final Graph g, final Resource s,
final URI p, final Value o) {
int n = 0;
final Iterator<Statement> itr = g.match(s, p, o);
while (itr.hasNext()) {
return n;
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-model
* Gets the objects of the statements with the specified subject, predicate
* and (optionally) contexts from the supplied graph. Calling this method is
* equivalent to calling <tt>graph.match(subj, pred, null, contexts)</tt> and
* extracting the objects of the matching statements from the returned
* iterator. See {@link Graph#match(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource[])} for a
* description of the parameter values.
* @deprecated since 2.8.0. Use
* {@link Model#filter(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...)} and
* {@link Model#objects()} instead.
public static Iterator<Value> getObjectIterator(Graph graph, Resource subj, IRI pred, Resource... contexts)
Iterator<Statement> iter = graph.match(subj, pred, null, contexts);
return new ConvertingIterator<Statement, Value>(iter) {
protected Value convert(Statement st)
throws RuntimeException
return st.getObject();
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
* Return the statements matching the triple pattern.
static protected Statement[] getMatches(final Graph g, final Resource s,
final URI p, final Value o) {
final List<Statement> out = new LinkedList<Statement>();
final Iterator<Statement> itr = g.match(s, p, o);
while (itr.hasNext()) {
return out.toArray(new Statement[out.size()]);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-model
* Gets the subject of the statements with the specified predicate, object
* and (optionally) contexts from the supplied graph. Calling this method is
* equivalent to calling <tt>graph.match(null, pred, obj, contexts)</tt> and
* extracting the subjects of the matching statements from the returned
* iterator. See {@link Graph#match(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource[])} for a
* description of the parameter values.
* @deprecated since 2.8.0. Use
* {@link Model#filter(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...)} and
* {@link Model#subjects()} instead.
public static Iterator<Resource> getSubjectIterator(Graph graph, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts)
Iterator<Statement> iter = graph.match(null, pred, obj, contexts);
return new ConvertingIterator<Statement, Resource>(iter) {
protected Resource convert(Statement st)
throws RuntimeException
return st.getSubject();
代码示例来源:origin: it.tidalwave.bluebill/it-tidalwave-android-org-openrdf-sesame-model
* Adds the specified statement and makes sure that no other statements are
* present in the Graph with the same subject and predicate. When contexts
* are specified, the (subj, pred) pair will occur exactly once in each
* context, else the (subj, pred) pair will occur exactly once in the entire
* Graph.
public static void setUniqueObject(Graph graph, Resource subj, URI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) {
Iterator<Statement> iter = graph.match(subj, pred, null, contexts);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
graph.add(subj, pred, obj, contexts);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.marmotta/sesame-tools-rio-jsonld
public void importGraph(Graph model, Resource... contexts) {
Iterator<Statement> statements = model.match(null, null, null, contexts);
while (statements.hasNext()) {
代码示例来源:origin: it.tidalwave.bluebill/it-tidalwave-android-org-openrdf-sesame-model
Iterator<Statement> statements = graph.match(subj, pred, obj, contexts);
while (statements.hasNext()) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-model
* Adds the specified statement and makes sure that no other statements are
* present in the Graph with the same subject and predicate. When contexts
* are specified, the (subj, pred) pair will occur exactly once in each
* context, else the (subj, pred) pair will occur exactly once in the entire
* Graph.
* @deprecated since 2.8.0. Use
* {@link Models#setProperty(Model, Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...) }
* instead.
public static void setUniqueObject(Graph graph, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) {
Iterator<Statement> iter = graph.match(subj, pred, null, contexts);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
graph.add(subj, pred, obj, contexts);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-model
Iterator<Statement> statements = graph.match(subj, pred, obj, contexts);
while (statements.hasNext()) {
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
* Count matches of the triple pattern.
static protected int countMatches(final Graph g, final Resource s,
final URI p, final Value o) {
int n = 0;
final Iterator<Statement> itr = g.match(s, p, o);
while (itr.hasNext()) {
return n;
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.mulgara/mulgara-resolver-core
Iterator<Statement> typeIter = graph.match(subject, rdfType, null);
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
* Return the statements matching the triple pattern.
static protected Statement[] getMatches(final Graph g, final Resource s,
final URI p, final Value o) {
final List<Statement> out = new LinkedList<Statement>();
final Iterator<Statement> itr = g.match(s, p, o);
while (itr.hasNext()) {
return out.toArray(new Statement[out.size()]);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.mulgara/mulgara-resolver-core
Iterator<Statement> subjectIter = graph.match(null, null, null);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-api
Iterator<Statement> typeStatements = bufferedStatements.match(subject, RDF.TYPE, null, context);
while (typeStatements.hasNext()) {
Statement typeStatement = typeStatements.next();
Iterator<Statement> subjectStatements = bufferedStatements.match(subject, null, null, context);
while (subjectStatements.hasNext()) {
Statement subjectStatement = subjectStatements.next();
IRI predicate = subjectStatement.getPredicate();
if (!processedPredicates.contains(predicate)) {
Iterator<Statement> toWrite = bufferedStatements.match(subject, predicate, null, context);
while (toWrite.hasNext()) {
Statement toWriteSt = toWrite.next();
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.mulgara/mulgara-resolver-core
Iterator<Statement> graphIter = graph.match(null, null, null);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openrdf.mulgara/mulgara-resolver-core
Iterator<Statement> tripleIter = graph.match(null, null, null);
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
assertTrue(g2.match(s, p, o).hasNext());
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
assertTrue(g2.match(s, p, o).hasNext());