
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Adds a hint value to the set of GeoTools#getDefaultHints. Default hints can be added by call to this putDefaultHint method, to the GeoTools#init method or by System#getProperties with keys defined by the String constants in the GeoTools class.


代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

private void addAlphaColorModelHint(Hints localHints, int currentBandCount) {
  ImageLayout layout = new ImageLayout();
  ColorModel alphaModel = getColorModelWithAlpha(currentBandCount);
  localHints.put(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, layout);

代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

    new ColorModelFactory() {

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Makes sure that every {@code FORCE_*} hints are set to false. We do that because we want
 * {@link CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory#createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes} to
 * returns coordinate operations straight from the EPSG database; we don't want an instance like
 * {@link org.geotools.referencing.factory.OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory}. Axis swapping are
 * performed by {@link #createFromDatabase} in this class <strong>after</strong> we invoked
 * {@link CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory#createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes}. An
 * {@code OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory} instance in this class would be in the way and cause an
 * infinite recursivity.
 * @see
private static void noForce(final Hints userHints) {
  userHints.put(Hints.FORCE_STANDARD_AXIS_UNITS, Boolean.FALSE);

代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

 * Returns the reader hints based on the current WCS configuration
 * @param wcs
public static Hints getReaderHints(WCSInfo wcs) {
  Hints hints = new Hints();
  hints.add(new Hints(Hints.LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT, Boolean.TRUE));
  if (wcs.getOverviewPolicy() == null) {
    hints.add(new Hints(Hints.OVERVIEW_POLICY, OverviewPolicy.IGNORE));
  } else {
    hints.add(new Hints(Hints.OVERVIEW_POLICY, wcs.getOverviewPolicy()));
      wcs.isSubsamplingEnabled() ? DecimationPolicy.ALLOW : DecimationPolicy.DISALLOW);
  return hints;

代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

query.getHints().put(Hints.LINEARIZATION_TOLERANCE, linearizationTolerance);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public GeometryBuilder(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { = crs;
  this.hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
  hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs);
  hints.put(Hints.GEOMETRY_VALIDATE, true);

代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

try {
  ConfigurationMetadataKey key = ConfigurationMetadataKey.get(e.getKey());
  newQuery.getHints().put(key, e.getValue());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) {
  LOGGER.fine("Hint " + e.getKey() + ": " + ignore);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Will add an entry to query hints specifying if the the where clause place holder should be
 * keep or not. If the provided hints is NULL a new one will be instantiated and returned.
 * @param hints query hints to update, if NULL a new hints map will be created
 * @param keepWhereClausePlaceHolder TRUE if the where clause place holder should be keep
 * @return a query hints map that will contain an entry specifying if the the where clause place
 *     holder should be keep or not
public static Hints setKeepWhereClausePlaceHolderHint(
    Hints hints, boolean keepWhereClausePlaceHolder) {
  if (hints == null) {
    // create the hints map
    hints = new Hints();
  // just put the provide value in the hints overriding any existing value
  hints.put(KEEP_WHERE_CLAUSE_PLACE_HOLDER_KEY, keepWhereClausePlaceHolder);
  return hints;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

private Hints updateHints(
    String filePath,
    boolean isAbsolutePath,
    String rootMosaicDir,
    CatalogBuilderConfiguration configuration,
    Hints hints,
    Key key) {
  String updatedFilePath = null;
  if (filePath != null) {
    if (isAbsolutePath && !filePath.startsWith(rootMosaicDir)) {
      updatedFilePath = rootMosaicDir + File.separatorChar + filePath;
    } else {
      updatedFilePath = filePath;
    if (hints != null) {
      hints.put(key, updatedFilePath);
    } else {
      hints = new Hints(key, updatedFilePath);
    if (!isAbsolutePath) {
      hints.put(Utils.PARENT_DIR, rootMosaicDir);
  return hints;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public AbstractEpsgMediator(Hints hints, DataSource datasource) {
  super(PRIORITY, hints);
  if (datasource != null) {
    this.datasource = datasource;
  } else {
    try {
      this.datasource = lookupDataSource(hints);
    } catch (FactoryException lookupFailed) {
      throw (NullPointerException)
          new NullPointerException("DataSource not provided:" + lookupFailed)
  hints.put(Hints.EPSG_DATA_SOURCE, this.datasource);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Constructs a default coverage processor. The {@link #scanForPlugins} method will be
 * automatically invoked the first time an operation is required. Additional operations can be
 * added by subclasses with the {@link #addOperation} method. Rendering hints will be
 * initialized with the following hints:
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link JAI#KEY_REPLACE_INDEX_COLOR_MODEL} set to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.
 *   <li>{@link JAI#KEY_TRANSFORM_ON_COLORMAP} set to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.
 * </ul>
 * @param hints A set of additional rendering hints, or {@code null} if none.
public CoverageProcessor(final RenderingHints hints) {
  registry = new FactoryRegistry(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[] {Operation.class}));
  this.hints = new Hints();
  this.hints.put(JAI.KEY_TRANSFORM_ON_COLORMAP, Boolean.FALSE);
  // override with user hints
  if (hints != null) this.hints.add(hints);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Returns a factory from the specified hints. Used by {@link URN_AuthorityFactory} constructor
 * as well.
static AllAuthoritiesFactory getFactory(Hints hints, final String authority) {
  if (!defaultAxisOrderHints(hints, authority)) {
    hints = new Hints(hints);
  return new AllAuthoritiesFactory(hints);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Return the first implementation of {@link FeatureFactory} matching the specified hints.
 * <p>If no implementation matches, a new one is created if possible or an exception is thrown.
 * @param hints An optional map of hints; or {@code null} if none
 * @return Instance of FeatureFactory matching the supplied hints
 * @throws FactoryRegistryException if no implementation could be provided
public static FeatureFactory getFeatureFactory(Hints hints) {
  hints = mergeSystemHints(hints);
  if (hints.get(Hints.FEATURE_FACTORY) == null) {
    try {
      Class<?> lenient = Class.forName("org.geotools.feature.LenientFeatureFactoryImpl");
      hints.put(Hints.FEATURE_FACTORY, lenient);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      java.util.logging.Logger.getGlobal().log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "", e);
  return (FeatureFactory) lookup(FeatureFactory.class, hints, Hints.FEATURE_FACTORY);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Invoked when a factory is requested for a specific version. This method should create a
 * factory for the exact version specified by the argument, or return {@code null} if no such
 * factory is available. In the later case, this class will fallback on the factory specified at
 * {@linkplain #URI_AuthorityFactory(AuthorityFactory, String, Citation) construction time}.
 * @param version The version for the factory to create.
 * @return The factory, of {@code null} if there is none for the specified version.
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the factory.
protected AuthorityFactory createVersionedFactory(final Version version)
    throws FactoryException {
  final Hints hints = new Hints(factory.getImplementationHints());
  hints.put(Hints.VERSION, version);
  final List<AuthorityFactory> factories =
      Arrays.asList(new AuthorityFactory[] {new AllAuthoritiesFactory(hints), factory});
  return FallbackAuthorityFactory.create(factories);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Make sure that a factory can be find in the presence of some global hints.
 * @see
public void testFactoryWithHints() {
  final Hints hints = new Hints();
  hints.put(Hints.FORCE_STANDARD_AXIS_UNITS, Boolean.TRUE);
  final CoordinateOperationFactory factory =
  assertSame(opFactory, factory);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Merges the wrapper hints with the query ones, making sure not to overwrite the query ones
 * @param q
 * @return
protected Query mergeHints(Query q) {
  if (this.hints == null || this.hints.isEmpty()) {
    return q;
  Query clone = new Query(q);
  Hints hints = clone.getHints();
  if (hints == null || hints.isEmpty()) {
  } else {
    for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : this.hints.entrySet()) {
      if (!hints.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
        hints.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
  return clone;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

Object convertSafe(Object source, Class<?> target) throws Exception {
  Hints hints = new Hints();
  hints.put(ConverterFactory.SAFE_CONVERSION, Boolean.valueOf(true));
  return factory.createConverter(source.getClass(), target, hints).convert(source, target);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Tests the setting of "CRS authority extra directory" hint.
 * @throws Exception If a factory or a transform exception occured.
public void testCrsAuthorityExtraDirectoryHint() throws Exception {
  Hints hints = new Hints(Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, FactoryUsingWKT.class);
  try {
    hints.put(Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_EXTRA_DIRECTORY, "invalid");
    fail("Should of been tossed out as an invalid hint");
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    // This is the expected exception.
  String directory = new File(".").getAbsolutePath();
  hints = new Hints(Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, FactoryUsingWKT.class);
  hints.put(Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_EXTRA_DIRECTORY, directory);
  // TODO: test the factory here.

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public void testDateToTimestamp() throws Exception {
  Date date = new Date();
  assertNotNull(factory.createConverter(Date.class, Timestamp.class, null));
  Timestamp timeStamp =
          factory.createConverter(Date.class, Timestamp.class, null)
              .convert(date, Timestamp.class);
  assertEquals(new Timestamp(date.getTime()), timeStamp);
  // check safe conversion
  Hints h = new Hints();
  h.put(ConverterFactory.SAFE_CONVERSION, Boolean.valueOf(true));
  assertNull(factory.createConverter(Timestamp.class, Calendar.class, h));
  h.put(ConverterFactory.SAFE_CONVERSION, Boolean.valueOf(false));
  assertNotNull(factory.createConverter(Timestamp.class, Calendar.class, h));

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Set the CoordinateReferenceSystem for the geometries that will be produced.
 * @param crs the CoordinateReferenceSystem to set
public void setCoordinateReferenceSystem(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
  if ( != crs) {
    hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs); = crs;
    positionFactory = null;
    primitiveFactory = null;
    aggregateFactory = null;
    complexFactory = null;
    geometryFactory = null;
