
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the pixel co-ordinates as x/y for a given geographical position given as lat/lon.


代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private PixelPos performReverseLocationModel(GeoPos geoPos, PixelPos pixelPos) {
  return geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, pixelPos);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public PixelPos updatePixelPos(GeoCoding geoCoding, GeoPos geoPos, PixelPos pixelPos) {
  if (geoCoding == null || !geoCoding.canGetPixelPos() || geoPos == null) {
    return pixelPos;
  return geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, pixelPos);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public PixelPos updatePixelPos(GeoCoding geoCoding, GeoPos geoPos, PixelPos pixelPos) {
  if (geoCoding == null || !geoCoding.canGetPixelPos() || geoPos == null) {
    return pixelPos;
  return geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, pixelPos);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public void filter(Coordinate coordinate) {
  final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos((float) coordinate.y, (float) coordinate.x);
  final PixelPos pixelPos = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, null);
  if (pixelPos.isValid()) {
    x1 = min(x1, (int) floor(pixelPos.x));
    x2 = max(x2, (int) ceil(pixelPos.x));
    y1 = min(y1, (int) floor(pixelPos.y));
    y2 = max(y2, (int) ceil(pixelPos.y));

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public void filter(CoordinateSequence seq, int i) {
  Coordinate coord = seq.getCoordinate(i);
  PixelPos pixelPos = geoCoding.getPixelPos(new GeoPos((float) coord.y, (float) coord.x), null);
  // rounding needed because closed geometries yield errors if their first and last coordinate
  // do not exactly match
  double x = Math.round(pixelPos.x * 10000) / 10000;
  double y = Math.round(pixelPos.y * 10000) / 10000;
  coord.setCoordinate(new Coordinate(x, y));

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private PixelPos getRrPixelPos(int x, int y) throws OperatorException {
  PixelPos frsPixelPos = new PixelPos(x, y);
  GeoPos geoPos = frsGeoCoding.getGeoPos(frsPixelPos, null);
  PixelPos rrPixelPos = rrGeoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, null);
  final int xrr = Math.round(rrPixelPos.x);
  final int yrr = Math.round(rrPixelPos.y);
  if (rrProduct.containsPixel(xrr, yrr)) {
    return rrPixelPos;
  } else {
    throw new OperatorException("RR product does not contain data for this coordinate: x=" + x + " y=" + y);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

ExpectedGeoCoding(Product product, Random random) {
  final ArrayList<Point2D> pointList = ExpectedPixel.createPointList(product, random);
  final GeoCoding geoCoding = product.getGeoCoding();
  coordinates = new ExpectedGeoCoordinate[pointList.size()];
  for (int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); i++) {
    Point2D point = pointList.get(i);
    final float x = (float) point.getX();
    final float y = (float) point.getY();
    final GeoPos geoPos = geoCoding.getGeoPos(new PixelPos(x, y), null);
    final PixelPos pixelPos = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, null);
    float xAccuracy = Math.abs(x - pixelPos.x);
    float yAccuracy = Math.abs(y - pixelPos.y);
    float accuracy = Math.max(xAccuracy, yAccuracy);
    reverseAccuracy = Math.max(reverseAccuracy, accuracy);
    coordinates[i] = new ExpectedGeoCoordinate(x, y, geoPos.getLat(), geoPos.getLon());

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private static SimpleFeature createFeature(SimpleFeatureType type, GeoCoding geoCoding, int pointIndex, float lat, float lon, double data) {
  PixelPos pixelPos = geoCoding.getPixelPos(new GeoPos(lat, lon), null);
  if (!pixelPos.isValid()) {
    return null;
  SimpleFeatureBuilder fb = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(type);
  GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
  fb.add(gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(pixelPos.x, pixelPos.y)));
  fb.add(gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(lon, lat)));
  return fb.buildFeature(String.format("ID%08d", pointIndex));

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

  public TimeSeriesGraphUpdater.Position transformGeoPos(GeoPos geoPos) {
    geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, pixelPos);
    return new TimeSeriesGraphUpdater.Position((int) pixelPos.getX(), (int) pixelPos.getY(), 0);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private Rectangle findL3Rectangle(Rectangle l1Rectangle, Band srcBand) {
  PixelPos bottomLeft = new PixelPos(l1Rectangle.x, l1Rectangle.y);
  PixelPos l3PixelPos = l3GeoCoding.getPixelPos(l1GeoCoding.getGeoPos(bottomLeft, null), null);
  Rectangle l3Rectangle = new Rectangle(Math.round(l3PixelPos.x), Math.round(l3PixelPos.y), 1, 1);
  PixelPos bottomRight = new PixelPos(l1Rectangle.x + l1Rectangle.width, l1Rectangle.y);
  l3PixelPos = l3GeoCoding.getPixelPos(l1GeoCoding.getGeoPos(bottomRight, null), l3PixelPos);
  l3Rectangle.add(l3PixelPos.x, l3PixelPos.y);
  PixelPos topRight = new PixelPos(l1Rectangle.x + l1Rectangle.width, l1Rectangle.y + l1Rectangle.height);
  l3PixelPos = l3GeoCoding.getPixelPos(l1GeoCoding.getGeoPos(topRight, null), l3PixelPos);
  l3Rectangle.add(l3PixelPos.x, l3PixelPos.y);
  PixelPos topLeft = new PixelPos(l1Rectangle.x, l1Rectangle.y + l1Rectangle.height);
  l3PixelPos = l3GeoCoding.getPixelPos(l1GeoCoding.getGeoPos(topLeft, null), l3PixelPos);
  l3Rectangle.add(l3PixelPos.x, l3PixelPos.y);
  l3Rectangle.grow(2, 2);
  Rectangle sceneRectangle = new Rectangle(srcBand.getSceneRasterWidth(), srcBand.getSceneRasterHeight());
  return l3Rectangle.intersection(sceneRectangle);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private PixelPos getPixelPosition(Product product, Coordinate coordinate) {
  return product.getGeoCoding().getPixelPos(new GeoPos(coordinate.getLat(), coordinate.getLon()), null);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private void updateXYParams(GeoPos geoPos1, GeoPos geoPos2) {
  final GeoCoding geoCoding = product.getGeoCoding();
  final PixelPos pixelPos1 = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos1, null);
  if (!pixelPos1.isValid()) {
    pixelPos1.setLocation(0, 0);
  final PixelPos pixelPos2 = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos2, null);
  if (!pixelPos2.isValid()) {
  final Rectangle.Float region = new Rectangle.Float();
  region.setFrameFromDiagonal(pixelPos1.x, pixelPos1.y, pixelPos2.x, pixelPos2.y);
  final Rectangle.Float productBounds = new Rectangle.Float(0, 0,
  Rectangle2D finalRegion = productBounds.createIntersection(region);
  paramX1.setValue((int) finalRegion.getMinX(), null);
  paramY1.setValue((int) finalRegion.getMinY(), null);
  paramX2.setValue((int) finalRegion.getMaxX() - 1, null);
  paramY2.setValue((int) finalRegion.getMaxY() - 1, null);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

protected final float getElevation(GeoPos geoPos, PixelPos pixelPos) {
  float h = 0.0f;
  if (elevationModel != null) {
    try {
      h = elevationModel.getElevation(geoPos);
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
      // ignored
    if (h == elevationModel.getDescriptor().getNoDataValue()) {
      h = 0.0f;
  } else if (pointing.canGetElevation()) {
    if (pixelPos == null) {
      pixelPos = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPos, null);
    h = pointing.getElevation(pixelPos);
  return h;

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

protected void assertPixelValue(Band targetBand, float sourceX, float sourceY,
               double expectedPixelValue, double delta) throws IOException {
  final Band sourceBand = sourceProduct.getBand(targetBand.getName());
  final PixelPos sourcePP = new PixelPos(sourceX, sourceY);
  final GeoPos geoPos = sourceBand.getGeoCoding().getGeoPos(sourcePP, null);
  final PixelPos targetPP = targetBand.getGeoCoding().getPixelPos(geoPos, null);
  final double[] pixels = new double[1];
  targetBand.readPixels((int) Math.floor(targetPP.x), (int) Math.floor(targetPP.y), 1, 1, pixels);
  assertEquals(expectedPixelValue, pixels[0], delta);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

protected void assertPixelValidState(Band targetBand, float sourceX, float sourceY,
                   boolean expectedValid) throws IOException {
  final Band sourceBand = sourceProduct.getBand(targetBand.getName());
  final PixelPos sourcePP = new PixelPos(sourceX, sourceY);
  final GeoPos geoPos = sourceBand.getGeoCoding().getGeoPos(sourcePP, null);
  final PixelPos targetPP = targetBand.getGeoCoding().getPixelPos(geoPos, null);
  boolean pixelValid = targetBand.isPixelValid((int) Math.floor(targetPP.x), (int) Math.floor(targetPP.y));
  assertEquals(expectedValid, pixelValid);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private void assertSampleValuesFloat(Band b1Band, GeoPos[] geoPositions, float[] expectedValues) {
  GeoCoding geoCoding = b1Band.getGeoCoding();
  final Raster b1Raster = b1Band.getSourceImage().getData();
  for (int i = 0; i < geoPositions.length; i++) {
    PixelPos pp = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPositions[i], null);
    final float expectedValue = expectedValues[i];
    final float actualValue = b1Raster.getSampleFloat((int) pp.x, (int) pp.y, 0);
    final String message = String.format("At <%d>:", i);
    assertEquals(message, expectedValue, actualValue, 1.0e-6);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

private void assertSampleValuesInt(Band b1Band, GeoPos[] geoPositions, int[] expectedValues) {
  GeoCoding geoCoding = b1Band.getGeoCoding();
  final Raster b1Raster = b1Band.getSourceImage().getData();
  for (int i = 0; i < geoPositions.length; i++) {
    PixelPos pp = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPositions[i], null);
    final int expectedValue = expectedValues[i];
    final int actualValue = b1Raster.getSample((int) pp.x, (int) pp.y, 0);
    final String message = String.format("At <%d>:", i);
    assertEquals(message, expectedValue, actualValue);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public void paintOverlay(LayerCanvas canvas, Rendering rendering) {
  if (geoPosition == null || !geoPosition.isValid()) {
  final GeoCoding geoCoding = sceneView.getRaster().getGeoCoding();
  if (!geoCoding.canGetPixelPos()) {
  final Product product = sceneView.getRaster().getProduct();
  final PixelPos pixelPos = geoCoding.getPixelPos(geoPosition, null);
  if (!pixelPos.isValid() || !product.containsPixel(pixelPos)) {
  final Viewport viewport = canvas.getViewport();
  drawCursor(rendering.getGraphics(), viewport, pixelPos);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public void testGetPixelPos() throws IOException {
  Product product = createProduct();
  TiePointGeoCoding tiePointGeoCoding = (TiePointGeoCoding) product.getGeoCoding();
  GeoCoding pixelGeoCoding = GeoCodingFactory.createPixelGeoCoding(product.getBand("latBand"),
  TiePointGrid latGrid = tiePointGeoCoding.getLatGrid();
  TiePointGrid lonGrid = tiePointGeoCoding.getLonGrid();
  GeoPos gp = new GeoPos(latGrid.getTiePoints()[0], lonGrid.getTiePoints()[0]);
  PixelPos pixelPos = pixelGeoCoding.getPixelPos(gp, null);
  assertEquals(new PixelPos(0.5f, 0.5f), pixelPos);
  gp = new GeoPos((latGrid.getTiePoints()[0] + latGrid.getTiePoints()[1]) / 2,
          (lonGrid.getTiePoints()[0] + lonGrid.getTiePoints()[1]) / 2);
  pixelPos = pixelGeoCoding.getPixelPos(gp, null);
  assertEquals(new PixelPos(2.5f, 0.5f), pixelPos);

代码示例来源:origin: bcdev/beam

public void testTransferGeoCoding_WithSpatialSubset() throws IOException {
  final Scene srcScene = SceneFactory.createScene(createProduct());
  final ProductSubsetDef subsetDef = new ProductSubsetDef();
  subsetDef.setRegion(2, 2, PW - 4, PH - 4);
  final Product destProduct = ProductSubsetBuilder.createProductSubset(new Product("test2", "test2", PW, PH),
                                  subsetDef, "test2", "");
  final Scene destScene = SceneFactory.createScene(destProduct);
  final boolean transferred = srcScene.transferGeoCodingTo(destScene, subsetDef);
  final GeoCoding destGeoCoding = destScene.getGeoCoding();
  assertTrue(destGeoCoding instanceof TiePointGeoCoding);
  final GeoPos srcGeoPos = srcScene.getGeoCoding().getGeoPos(new PixelPos(4.5f, 6.5f), null);
  final PixelPos destPixelPos = destScene.getGeoCoding().getPixelPos(srcGeoPos, null);
  assertEquals(2.5, destPixelPos.getX(), 1.0e-1);
  assertEquals(1.5, destPixelPos.getY(), 1.0e-1);
