
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: forcelate/forcelate-temple-java

  public String appendYoda(String msg) {
    return msg + " © Yoda";

代码示例来源:origin: forcelate/forcelate-temple-java

  public String appendYoda(String msg) {
    return msg + " © Yoda";

代码示例来源:origin: org.gytheio/gytheio-messaging-camel

public void onReceive(Object message)
  if (!(message instanceof Heartbeat))
    logger.warn("Heartbeat message expected but received: " + message.toString());
  heartbeatDao.record((Heartbeat) message);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix

  public Map getProcessVariables(@Body String body,
                  @Header(Exchange.FILE_NAME) String filename,
                  @Simple("${date:now:yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss}") String timestamp) {
    Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    variables.put("message", body);
    variables.put("orderid", filename);
    variables.put("timestamp", timestamp);
    return variables;

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

  public void removeCallParams(@Header(CALL_ID_HEADER) String callId) {
    Assert.hasText(callId, "the callId must not be empty");


代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

public boolean checkParentMessage(@Header(MSG_HEADER) Message msg) {
  Assert.notNull(msg, "the msg must not be null");
  return msg.isParentMessage();

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

public void setMsgPriority(@Body Message msg) {
  // new messages will be processed earlier then PARTLY_FAILED or POSTPONED messages

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

   * Splits specified message into smaller messages.
   * @param parentMsg the parent message
   * @param body the body
  void splitMessage(@Header(AsynchConstants.MSG_HEADER) Message parentMsg, @Body Object body);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Set log context parameters.
 * @param message the message
 * @param requestId the request ID
 * @see LogContextHelper#setLogContextParams(Message, String)
public void setLogContextParams(@Body Message message,
    @Header(LogContextFilter.CTX_REQUEST_ID) @Nullable String requestId) {
  LogContextHelper.setLogContextParams(message, requestId);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

public void postponeMessage(Exchange exchange, @Body Message msg) {
  // set Message to header because of event notification
  exchange.getIn().setHeader(AsynchConstants.MSG_HEADER, msg);
  // change state
  // generates event

代码示例来源:origin: io.syndesis.integration/integration-runtime

  public String apply(@Body String body) {
    return "Hello " + body;

代码示例来源:origin: io.syndesis.integration/integration-runtime

  public void handle(@Body String body) {
    // NO-OP

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Gets URI of the next route.
 * The URI is in the following format: "direct:SERVICE_operationName{@link AbstractBasicRoute#OUT_ROUTE_SUFFIX}"
 * @param msg the message
 * @return URI of next route
public String nextRoute(@Header(MSG_HEADER) Message msg) {
  Assert.notNull(msg, "the msg must not be null");
  return "direct:" + msg.getService().getServiceName() + "_" + msg.getOperationName() + OUT_ROUTE_SUFFIX;

代码示例来源:origin: io.syndesis.integration/integration-runtime

  public String[] apply(@Body String body) {
    return new String[]{ "Hiram", "World" };

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

  public SyncHelloResponse composeGreeting(@Body SyncHelloRequest req) {
    Assert.notNull(req, "req must not be null");

    String greeting = "Hello " + req.getName();

    SyncHelloResponse res = new SyncHelloResponse();
    return res;

代码示例来源:origin: io.syndesis.integration/integration-runtime

  public int apply(@Body String body) {
    return body.hashCode();

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.orchestra/orchestra-cxf-war

 public java.lang.String approve(final Object[] params) {
  return this.approve((String) params[0], (String) params[1], (BigInteger) params[2]);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

   * Checks if actual node handles existing message.
   * @throws StoppingException if node not handles existing message
  public void isAbleToHandleExistingMessage() throws StoppingException {
    NodeService nodeService = getApplicationContext().getBean(NodeService.class);

    if (!nodeService.getActualNode().isAbleToHandleExistingMessages()) {
      throw new StoppingException("ESB has been stopped...");

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Gets URI for calling external system.
 * @param callId Call ID for getting call parameters from {@link DirectCallRegistry}
 * @return WS URI
public String getWsUri(@Header(CALL_ID_HEADER) String callId) {
  Assert.hasText(callId, "the callId must not be empty");
  DirectCallParams params = callRegistry.getParams(callId);
  return getOutWsUri(params.getUri(), params.getSenderRef(), params.getSoapAction());

代码示例来源:origin: io.syndesis.integration-runtime/runtime

  public String configure(@Body String body, @Header("ExtensionHeader") String header) {
    return String.join("-", body, header, message);

