[英]Load lua source or lua binary from an input stream into a Prototype. The InputStream is either a binary lua chunk starting with the lua binary chunk signature, or a text input file. If it is a text input file, it is interpreted as a UTF-8 byte sequence.
代码示例来源:origin: M66B/XPrivacyLua
/** Load the content form an input stream as a binary chunk or text file.
* @param is InputStream containing a lua script or compiled lua"
* @param chunkname Name that will be used within the chunk as the source.
* @param mode String containing 'b' or 't' or both to control loading as binary or text or either.
* @param environment LuaTable to be used as the environment for the loaded function.
* */
public LuaValue load(InputStream is, String chunkname, String mode, LuaValue environment) {
try {
Prototype p = loadPrototype(is, chunkname, mode);
return loader.load(p, chunkname, environment);
} catch (LuaError l) {
throw l;
} catch (Exception e) {
return error("load "+chunkname+": "+e);
代码示例来源:origin: hsllany/HtmlNative
/** Load the content form an input stream as a binary chunk or text file.
* @param is InputStream containing a lua script or compiled lua"
* @param chunkname Name that will be used within the chunk as the source.
* @param mode String containing 'b' or 't' or both to control loading as binary or text or either.
* @param environment LuaTable to be used as the environment for the loaded function.
* */
public LuaValue load(InputStream is, String chunkname, String mode, LuaValue environment) {
try {
Prototype p = loadPrototype(is, chunkname, mode);
return loader.load(p, chunkname, environment);
} catch (LuaError l) {
throw l;
} catch (Exception e) {
return error("load "+chunkname+": "+e);
代码示例来源:origin: Tencent/RapidView
binary = mGlobals.loadPrototype(streamFile, name, "b");
代码示例来源:origin: Tencent/RapidView
binary = global.loadPrototype(streamFile, name, "b");