
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Return a string representation of this GUID.


代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

public int compareTo(Object o)
 GUID guid = (GUID)o;
 return this.toString().compareTo(guid.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

* Returns a GUID as a string.
* @return  GUID as a string.
public static String asString() {
 return new GUID().toString();

代码示例来源:origin: jboss.remoting/jboss-remoting

private String generateListenerId(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler)
 String listenerId = null;
 Object obj = listeners.get(callbackhandler);
 if(obj == null)
   listenerId = new GUID().toString();
   listeners.put(callbackhandler, listenerId);
 return listenerId;

代码示例来源:origin: jboss.remoting/jboss-remoting

* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator and
* intended subsystem on server for invocations to be routed to.
* @deprecated This constructor should not be used any more as will no longer take into account
*             the classloader specified as a parameter.
public Client(ClassLoader cl, ClientInvoker invoker, String subsystem) throws Exception
 this.classloader = cl;
 this.subsystem = subsystem == null ? null : subsystem.toUpperCase();
 this.invoker = invoker;
 this.sessionId = new GUID().toString();

代码示例来源:origin: jboss.remoting/jboss-remoting

* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator, intended
* subsystem on the server for invocations to be routed to, and configuration metadata. The
* metadata supplied will be used when creating client invoker (in the case specific data is
* required) and also for passing along additional data to connection listeners on the server
* side in the case that the client fails, will be able to use this extra information when
* notified (which will happen when connect() method is called.
* @param cl - the classloader that should be used by remoting.
* @deprecated This constructor should not be used any more as will no longer take into account
*             the classloader specified as a parameter.
public Client(ClassLoader cl, InvokerLocator locator, String subsystem, Map configuration)
   throws Exception
 this.classloader = cl;
 this.locator = locator;
 this.subsystem = subsystem == null ? null : subsystem.toUpperCase();
 if (configuration != null)
   this.configuration = new HashMap(configuration);
 this.sessionId = new GUID().toString();

代码示例来源:origin: jboss.remoting/jboss-remoting

listenerId = new GUID().toString();
String key = listenerId;
if (sessionId != null)
