
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the class manager associated with this interpreter (the BshClassManager of this interpreter's global namespace). This is primarily a convenience method.


代码示例来源:origin: osmandapp/Osmand

public BeanShellTileSourceTemplate(String name, String urlToLoad, String ext,
    int maxZoom, int minZoom, int tileSize, int bitDensity, int avgSize) {
  super(name, urlToLoad, ext, maxZoom, minZoom, tileSize, bitDensity, avgSize);
  bshInterpreter = new Interpreter();
  try {
    bshInterpreter.getClassManager().setClassLoader(new ClassLoader() {
      public URL getResource(String resName) {
        return null;
      public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resName) {
        return null;
      public Class<?> loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        throw new ClassNotFoundException("Error requesting " + className);
  } catch (bsh.EvalError e) {
    log.error("Error executing the map init script " + urlToLoad, e);

代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

  Set an external class loader to be used as the base classloader
  for BeanShell.  The base classloader is used for all classloading 
  unless/until the addClasspath()/setClasspath()/reloadClasses()  
  commands are called to modify the interpreter's classpath.  At that 
  time the new paths /updated paths are added on top of the base 
  BeanShell will use this at the same point it would otherwise use the 
  plain Class.forName().
  i.e. if no explicit classpath management is done from the script
  (addClassPath(), setClassPath(), reloadClasses()) then BeanShell will
  only use the supplied classloader.  If additional classpath management
  is done then BeanShell will perform that in addition to the supplied
  external classloader.  
  However BeanShell is not currently able to reload
  classes supplied through the external classloader.
  @see BshClassManager#setClassLoader( ClassLoader )
public void setClassLoader( ClassLoader externalCL ) {
  getClassManager().setClassLoader( externalCL );

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

  Set an external class loader to be used as the base classloader
  for BeanShell.  The base classloader is used for all classloading
  unless/until the addClasspath()/setClasspath()/reloadClasses()
  commands are called to modify the interpreter's classpath.  At that
  time the new paths /updated paths are added on top of the base
  BeanShell will use this at the same point it would otherwise use the
  plain Class.forName().
  i.e. if no explicit classpath management is done from the script
  (addClassPath(), setClassPath(), reloadClasses()) then BeanShell will
  only use the supplied classloader.  If additional classpath management
  is done then BeanShell will perform that in addition to the supplied
  external classloader.
  However BeanShell is not currently able to reload
  classes supplied through the external classloader.
  @see BshClassManager#setClassLoader( ClassLoader )
public void setClassLoader( ClassLoader externalCL ) {
  getClassManager().setClassLoader( externalCL );

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

  A command may be implemented as a compiled Java class containing one or
  more static invoke() methods of the correct signature.  The invoke()
  methods must accept two additional leading arguments of the interpreter
  and callstack, respectively. e.g. invoke(interpreter, callstack, ... )
  This method adds the arguments and invokes the static method, returning
  the result.
public static Object invokeCompiledCommand(
  Class<?> commandClass, Object [] args, Interpreter interpreter,
  CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo )
  throws UtilEvalError
  // add interpereter and namespace to args list
  Object[] invokeArgs = new Object[args.length + 2];
  invokeArgs[0] = interpreter;
  invokeArgs[1] = callstack;
  System.arraycopy( args, 0, invokeArgs, 2, args.length );
  BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();
  try {
    return invokeStaticMethod(
      bcm, commandClass, "invoke", invokeArgs, callerInfo );
  } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
    throw new UtilEvalError(
      "Error in compiled command: " + e.getCause(), e );
  } catch ( ReflectError e ) {
    throw new UtilEvalError("Error invoking compiled command: " + e, e );

代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk

/*package*/ NS newNS(Scope scope) {
  scope = getIdSpace(scope);
  Scope p = getParentIdSpace(scope);
  return new NS(p != null ? prepareNS(p) : _bshns, _ip.getClassManager(), scope);
  //Bug 1831534: we have to pass class manager
  //Bug 1899353: we have to use _bshns instead of null (Reason: unknown)

代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

 * A command may be implemented as a compiled Java class containing one or
 * more static invoke() methods of the correct signature.  The invoke()
 * methods must accept two additional leading arguments of the interpreter
 * and callstack, respectively. e.g. invoke(interpreter, callstack, ... )
 * This method adds the arguments and invokes the static method, returning
 * the result.
public static Object invokeCompiledCommand(Class commandClass, Object[] args, BshEvaluatingVisitor visitor) throws UtilEvalError {
  // add interpereter and namespace to args list
  Object[] invokeArgs = new Object[args.length + 2];
  invokeArgs[0] = visitor.getInterpreter();
  invokeArgs[1] = visitor.getCallstack();
  System.arraycopy(args, 0, invokeArgs, 2, args.length);
  BshClassManager bcm = visitor.getInterpreter().getClassManager();
  try {
    return Reflect.invokeStaticMethod(bcm, commandClass, "invoke", invokeArgs);
  } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    throw new UtilEvalError("Error in compiled command: " + e.getTargetException(), e);
  } catch (ReflectError e) {
    throw new UtilEvalError("Error invoking compiled command: " + e, e);

代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

public Class getType(BSHType tnode)
    throws EvalError
  // return cached type if available
  if ( tnode.type != null )
    return tnode.type;
  //  first node will either be PrimitiveType or AmbiguousName
  SimpleNode node = tnode.getTypeNode();
  if ( node instanceof BSHPrimitiveType )
    tnode.baseType = ((BSHPrimitiveType)node).getType();
    tnode.baseType = ambiguousNameToClass(((BSHAmbiguousName)node));
  if ( tnode.arrayDims > 0 ) {
    try {
      // Get the type by constructing a prototype array with
      // arbitrary (zero) length in each dimension.
      int[] dims = new int[tnode.arrayDims]; // int array default zeros
      Object obj = Array.newInstance(tnode.baseType, dims);
      tnode.type = obj.getClass();
    } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new EvalError("Couldn't construct array type",
          tnode, callstack );
  } else
    tnode.type = tnode.baseType;
  // hack... sticking to first interpreter that resolves this
  // see comments on type instance variable
  return tnode.type;

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();

代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zk

public void init(Page owner, String zslang) {
  super.init(owner, zslang);
  _ip = new bsh.Interpreter();
  _bshns = new GlobalNS(_ip.getClassManager(), "global");

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell


代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

public Object invoke(final Map<String, ?> context) throws EvalError {
  final NameSpace nameSpace = new NameSpace("BeanshellExecutable", _interpreter.getClassManager());
  final BshMethod method = new BshMethod(_method.getName(), _method.getReturnType(),
      _method.getParameterNames(), _method.getParameterTypes(), _method.getParameterModifiers(),
      _method.methodBody, nameSpace, _method.getModifiers());
  for (final Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : context.entrySet()) {
    try {
      final Object value = entry.getValue();
      nameSpace.setVariable(entry.getKey(), value != null ? value : Primitive.NULL, false);
    } catch (final UtilEvalError e) {
      throw new EvalError("cannot set variable '" + entry.getKey() + '\'', null, null, e);
  final Object result = method.invoke(Reflect.ZERO_ARGS, _interpreter);
  if ( Types.getType(result) == Void.TYPE )
    return null;
  return Primitive.unwrap(result);

代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

public Object invoke(final Map<String, ?> context) throws EvalError {
  final NameSpace nameSpace = new NameSpace(_interpreter.getClassManager(), "BeanshellExecutable");
  final BshMethod method = new BshMethod(_method.getName(), _method.getReturnType(), _method.getParameterNames(), _method.getParameterTypes(), _method.methodBody, nameSpace, _method.getModifiers());
  for (final Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : context.entrySet()) {
    try {
      nameSpace.setVariable(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), false);
    } catch (final UtilEvalError e) {
      throw new EvalError("cannot set variable '" + entry.getKey() + '\'', null, null, e);
  final Object result = method.invoke(new Object[0], new BshEvaluatingVisitor(null, _interpreter));
  if (result instanceof Primitive) {
    if (( (Primitive) result).getType() == Void.TYPE) {
      return null;
    return ( (Primitive) result).getValue();
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

interpreter == null ? null : interpreter.getClassManager();
Class<?> clas = object.getClass();

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void initService() {
  bsh = new Interpreter ();
  BshClassManager bcm = bsh.getClassManager();
  try {
  } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
public void startService() {

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

private void initRootSystemObject()
  BshClassManager bcm = getClassManager();
  // bsh
  setu("bsh", new NameSpace(null, bcm, "Bsh Object" ).getThis( this ) );
  // bsh.system
  setu( "bsh.system", SYSTEM_OBJECT);
  setu( "bsh.shared", SYSTEM_OBJECT); // alias
  This helpText = new NameSpace(null, bcm, "Bsh Command Help Text" ).getThis( this );
  setu( "", helpText );
  // bsh.cwd
  setu( "bsh.cwd", System.getProperty("user.dir") );
  // bsh.interactive
  setu( "bsh.interactive", interactive ? Primitive.TRUE : Primitive.FALSE );
  // bsh.evalOnly
  setu( "bsh.evalOnly", Primitive.FALSE );

代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

 * Invoke method on arbitrary object instance.
 * invocation may be static (through the object instance) or dynamic.
 * Object may be a bsh scripted object (bsh.This type).
 * @return the result of the method call
public static Object invokeObjectMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] args, BshEvaluatingVisitor visitor, SimpleNode callerInfo) throws ReflectError, EvalError, InvocationTargetException {
  // Bsh scripted object
  if (object instanceof This && !This.isExposedThisMethod(methodName)) {
    return ((This) object).invokeMethod(methodName, args, visitor.getInterpreter(), visitor.getCallstack(), callerInfo, false/*delcaredOnly*/);
  // Plain Java object, find the java method
  try {
    BshClassManager bcm = visitor.getInterpreter() == null ? null : visitor.getInterpreter().getClassManager();
    Class clas = object.getClass();
    Method method = resolveExpectedJavaMethod(bcm, clas, object, methodName, args, false);
    return invokeMethod(method, object, args);
  } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
    throw e.toEvalError(callerInfo, visitor.getCallstack());

代码示例来源:origin: jitlogic/zorka

private void initRootSystemObject() 
  BshClassManager bcm = getClassManager();
  // bsh
  setu("bsh", new NameSpace( bcm, "Bsh Object" ).getThis( this ) );
  setu( "bsh.system", SYSTEM_OBJECT);
  setu( "bsh.shared", SYSTEM_OBJECT); // alias
  This helpText = new NameSpace(bcm, "Bsh Command Help Text" ).getThis( this );
  setu( "", helpText );
  // bsh.cwd
  try {
    setu( "bsh.cwd", System.getProperty("user.dir") );
  } catch ( SecurityException e ) { 
    // applets can't see sys props
    setu( "bsh.cwd", "." );
  // bsh.interactive
  setu( "bsh.interactive", new Primitive(interactive) );
  // bsh.evalOnly
  setu( "bsh.evalOnly", new Primitive(evalOnly) );

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS-EE

private Interpreter initBSH () throws UtilEvalError, EvalError {
  Interpreter bsh = new Interpreter ();
  BshClassManager bcm = bsh.getClassManager();
  bsh.set  ("qbean", this);
  bsh.set  ("log", getLog());
  bsh.eval (getPersist().getChildTextTrim ("init"));
  return bsh;
private ISOMsg applyRequestProps (ISOMsg m, Interpreter bsh)

代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell

String className = enclosingNameSpace.isClass ? (enclosingNameSpace.getName() + "$" + name) : name;
String fqClassName = packageName == null ? className : packageName + "." + className;
BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();
