
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns floating point value for this node (as BigDecimal), if and only if this node is numeric ( #isNumber returns true). For other types returns BigDecimal.ZERO.


代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Converts the lhs and rhs JsonNodes to the numeric values
 * and delegates to the matches method that operates on the
 * numeric values alone.
 * @param lhs Lhs expression
 * @param rhs Rhs expression
 * @return Boolean result of the matches method of the
 * corresponding comparison operator
public final boolean matches(JsonNode lhs, JsonNode rhs) {
  return matches(lhs.decimalValue(), rhs.decimalValue());

代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson

public BigDecimal getDecimalValue() throws IOException, JsonParseException {
  return currentNumericNode().decimalValue();

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

public BigDecimal getExpectedAsNumber() {
  if(expected.isNumber()) {
    return expected.decimalValue();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange

 public KucoinDealOrder deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
   throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
  JsonNode root = p.readValueAsTree();
  if (root.isArray()) {
   Long timestamp = root.get(0).asLong();
   KucoinOrderType orderType = KucoinOrderType.valueOf(root.get(1).asText());
   BigDecimal price = root.get(2).decimalValue();
   BigDecimal amount = root.get(3).decimalValue();
   BigDecimal volume = root.get(4).decimalValue();
   return new KucoinDealOrder(timestamp, orderType, price, amount, volume);
  } else {
   throw new RuntimeException("KucoinDealOrder should have an array as root node!");

代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange

 public KucoinActiveOrder deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
   throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
  JsonNode root = p.readValueAsTree();
  if (root.isArray()) {
   Date timestamp = new Date(root.get(0).asLong());
   KucoinOrderType orderType = KucoinOrderType.valueOf(root.get(1).asText());
   BigDecimal price = root.get(2).decimalValue();
   BigDecimal amount = root.get(3).decimalValue();
   BigDecimal dealAmount = root.get(4).decimalValue(); // amount already filled
   String orderOid = root.get(5).textValue();
   return new KucoinActiveOrder(timestamp, orderType, price, amount, dealAmount, orderOid);
  } else {
   throw new RuntimeException("KucoinDealOrder should have an array as root node!");

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-schema-validator

private static boolean valueIsLong(final JsonNode node)
  if (!node.canConvertToLong())
    return false;
  if (NodeType.getNodeType(node) == NodeType.INTEGER)
    return true;
  return node.decimalValue().remainder(BigDecimal.ONE)
    .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0;

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-schema-validator

protected final ObjectNode digestedNumberNode(final JsonNode schema)
    final ObjectNode ret = FACTORY.objectNode();

    final JsonNode node = schema.get(keyword);
    final boolean isLong = valueIsLong(node);
    ret.put("valueIsLong", isLong);

    if (isLong) {
      ret.put(keyword, node.canConvertToInt()
        ? FACTORY.numberNode(node.intValue())
        : FACTORY.numberNode(node.longValue()));
      return ret;

    final BigDecimal decimal = node.decimalValue();
    ret.put(keyword, decimal.scale() == 0
      ? FACTORY.numberNode(decimal.toBigIntegerExact())
      : node);

    return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: json-path/JsonPath

return e.asLong();
} else if (e.isBigDecimal()) {
  return e.decimalValue();
} else if (e.isDouble()) {
  return e.doubleValue();
  return e.floatValue();
} else if (e.isBigDecimal()) {
  return e.decimalValue();
} else if (e.isNull()) {
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.boot/spring-boot

return (D) jsonNode.decimalValue();

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-schema-validator

  protected final void validateDecimal(final ProcessingReport report,
    final MessageBundle bundle, final FullData data)
    throws ProcessingException
    final JsonNode node = data.getInstance().getNode();
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = node.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final BigDecimal remainder = instanceValue.remainder(decimalValue);

     * We cannot use equality! As far as BigDecimal goes,
     * "0" and "0.0" are NOT equal. But .compareTo() returns the correct
     * result.
    if (remainder.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)

    report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.divisor.nonZeroRemainder")
      .putArgument("value", node).putArgument("divisor", number));

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-schema-validator

  protected void validateDecimal(final ProcessingReport report,
    final MessageBundle bundle, final FullData data)
    throws ProcessingException
    final JsonNode instance = data.getInstance().getNode();
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = instance.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final int cmp = instanceValue.compareTo(decimalValue);

    if (cmp > 0)

    if (cmp < 0) {
      report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.minimum.tooSmall")
        .putArgument(keyword, number).putArgument("found", instance));

    if (!exclusive)

    report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.minimum.notExclusive")
      .putArgument(keyword, number)
      .put("exclusiveMinimum", BooleanNode.TRUE));

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-schema-validator

  protected void validateDecimal(final ProcessingReport report,
    final MessageBundle bundle, final FullData data)
    throws ProcessingException
    final JsonNode instance = data.getInstance().getNode();
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = instance.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final int cmp = instanceValue.compareTo(decimalValue);

    if (cmp < 0)

    if (cmp > 0) {
      report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.maximum.tooLarge")
        .putArgument(keyword, number).putArgument("found", instance));

    if (!exclusive)

    report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.maximum.notExclusive")
      .putArgument(keyword, number)
      .put("exclusiveMaximum", BooleanNode.TRUE));

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-schema-validator

private static Object valueToArgument(final JsonNode value)
    final NodeType type = NodeType.getNodeType(value);

    switch (type) {
      case STRING:
        return value.textValue();
      case INTEGER:
        return value.bigIntegerValue();
      case NUMBER:
        return value.decimalValue().toPlainString();
      case NULL:
        return value;
      case BOOLEAN:
        return value.booleanValue();
      case ARRAY:
        final List<Object> list = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (final JsonNode element: value)
        return list;
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

return (new DoubleWritable(value.doubleValue()));
 return (new HiveDecimalWritable(HiveDecimal.create(value.decimalValue())));
case CHAR:
 return (new HiveCharWritable(new HiveChar(value.textValue(), ((CharTypeInfo) typeInfo).getLength())));

代码示例来源:origin: com.jayway.jsonpath/json-path

return e.asLong();
} else if (e.isBigDecimal()) {
  return e.decimalValue();
} else if (e.isDouble()) {
  return e.doubleValue();
  return e.floatValue();
} else if (e.isBigDecimal()) {
  return e.decimalValue();
} else if (e.isNull()) {
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma

private static boolean numEquals(final JsonNode a, final JsonNode b) {
   * If both numbers are integers, delegate to JsonNode.
  if (a.isIntegralNumber() && b.isIntegralNumber()) {
    return a.equals(b);
   * Otherwise, compare decimal values.
  return a.decimalValue().compareTo(b.decimalValue()) == 0;

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-common

private static boolean numEquals(final JsonNode a, final JsonNode b) {
   * If both numbers are integers, delegate to JsonNode.
  if (a.isIntegralNumber() && b.isIntegralNumber()) {
    return a.equals(b);
   * Otherwise, compare decimal values.
  return a.decimalValue().compareTo(b.decimalValue()) == 0;


private static boolean numEquals(final JsonNode a, final JsonNode b)
   * If both numbers are integers, delegate to JsonNode.
  if (a.isIntegralNumber() && b.isIntegralNumber())
    return a.equals(b);
   * Otherwise, compare decimal values.
  return a.decimalValue().compareTo(b.decimalValue()) == 0;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.fge/jackson-coreutils

private static boolean numEquals(final JsonNode a, final JsonNode b)
   * If both numbers are integers, delegate to JsonNode.
  if (a.isIntegralNumber() && b.isIntegralNumber())
    return a.equals(b);
   * Otherwise, compare decimal values.
  return a.decimalValue().compareTo(b.decimalValue()) == 0;

代码示例来源:origin: io.confluent.kafka/connect-utils

 public Object parseJsonNode(JsonNode input, Schema schema) {
  Preconditions.checkState(input.isFloat() || input.isDouble(), "'%s' is not a '%s'", input.asText(), expectedClass().getSimpleName());
  return input.decimalValue().doubleValue();
