[英]Get a ImgFactory that creates Imgs of the same kind as this one. This is useful to create Imgs for temporary storage in generic methods where the specific Img type is unknown. Note, that the factory can be used even if all references to this Img have been invalidated.
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2
public ImgFactory< LongType > factory()
return counts.factory();
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl
* Contructor of ExplicitDiffusionScheme, calls contructor
* {@code ExplicitDiffusionScheme(RandomAccessibleInterval<T>,
* RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType>, ImgFactory<FloatType>)} and uses the
* {@link ImgFactory} of the second Img as third parameter.
* @param input the input Img
* @param D the diffusion tensor
public ExplicitDiffusionScheme(final Img<T> input, final Img<FloatType> D) {
this( input, D, D.factory() );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-gpl
* Computes a convolution in Fourier space.
* @param image - the input {@link Img} to be convolved
* @param kernel - the kernel {@link Img} for the convolution operation
* @param fftImgFactory - the {@link ImgFactory} that is used to create the FFT's
public FourierConvolution( final Img<T> image, final Img<S> kernel, final ImgFactory<ComplexFloatType> fftImgFactory )
this( image, kernel, image.factory(), kernel.factory(), fftImgFactory );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms
* Computes a Gaussian convolution with double precision on an entire {@link Img}
* @param sigma - the sigma for the convolution
* @param input - the input {@link Img}
* @param outOfBounds - the {@link OutOfBoundsFactory} to use
public GaussDouble( final double[] sigma, final Img<DoubleType> input, final OutOfBoundsFactory< DoubleType, Img<DoubleType> > outOfBounds )
this( sigma, Views.extend( input, outOfBounds ), input, input.factory() );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms
* Computes a Gaussian convolution with float precision on an entire {@link Img}
* @param sigma - the sigma for the convolution
* @param input - the input {@link Img}
* @param outOfBounds - the {@link OutOfBoundsFactory} to use
public GaussFloat( final double[] sigma, final Img<FloatType> input, final OutOfBoundsFactory< FloatType, Img<FloatType> > outOfBounds )
this( sigma, Views.extend( input, outOfBounds ), input, input.factory() );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl
public FourierTransform( final Img<T> input, final S complexType ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( input, input.factory().imgFactory( complexType ), complexType, PreProcessing.EXTEND_MIRROR_FADING, Rearrangement.REARRANGE_QUADRANTS,
FFTOptimization.SPEED, 0.25f, 0.25f, 12 );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-gpl
* This inverse FFT can be only done in place, if desired. All parameters need to be set using the set() methods of this class.
* @param fftImage - the input as {@link Img}
* @param type - a Type instance for the output
public InverseFourierTransform( final Img<S> fftImage, final T type ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this( fftImage, fftImage.factory().imgFactory( type ), type, Rearrangement.REARRANGE_QUADRANTS, true, false, null, null );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl
* This inverse FFT can be only done in place, if desired. All parameters need to be set using the set() methods of this class.
* @param fftImage - the input as {@link Img}
* @param type - a Type instance for the output
public InverseFourierTransform( final Img<S> fftImage, final T type ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this( fftImage, fftImage.factory().imgFactory( type ), type, Rearrangement.REARRANGE_QUADRANTS, true, false, null, null );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imagej/imagej-deprecated
* @deprecated This is for compatability with old API only.
public RandomAccessibleInterval< O > compute( Img< I > img, Img< O > r )
m_outFactory = r.factory();
return compute(img, r);
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-gpl
public FourierTransform( final Img<T> input, final S complexType, final Rearrangement rearrangement ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( input, input.factory().imgFactory( complexType ), complexType );
setRearrangement( rearrangement );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-gpl
public FourierTransform( final Img<T> input, final S complexType, final OutOfBoundsFactory<T, RandomAccessibleInterval<T>> outOfBounds ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( input, input.factory().imgFactory( complexType ), complexType );
this.outOfBounds = outOfBounds;
setPreProcessing( PreProcessing.USE_GIVEN_OUTOFBOUNDSSTRATEGY );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl
public FourierTransform( final Img<T> input, final S complexType, final Rearrangement rearrangement ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( input, input.factory().imgFactory( complexType ), complexType );
setRearrangement( rearrangement );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl
public FourierTransform( final Img<T> input, final S complexType, final FFTOptimization fftOptimization ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( input, input.factory().imgFactory( complexType ), complexType );
setFFTOptimization( fftOptimization );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-script
static private final <T extends RealType<T>> RandomAccessibleInterval<T> process(final Img<T> img, final int beginRadius, final int endRadius) throws Exception {
net.imglib2.algorithm.fft.Bandpass<T> bp = new net.imglib2.algorithm.fft.Bandpass<T>(img, beginRadius, endRadius, img.factory());
if (!bp.checkInput() || !bp.process()) {
throw new Exception(bp.getClass().getSimpleName() + " failed: " + bp.getErrorMessage());
return bp.getResult();
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms
* Computes a Gaussian convolution with any precision on an entire {@link Img} using the {@link OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory} with single boundary
* @param sigma - the sigma for the convolution
* @param input - the input {@link Img}
public GaussNativeType( final double[] sigma, final Img<T> input, final OutOfBoundsFactory< T, Img<T> > outOfBounds )
this( sigma, Views.extend( input, outOfBounds ), input, input.factory(), input.firstElement().createVariable() );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-ops
public Img< O > createEmptyOutput( Img< I > in )
return in.factory().imgFactory( m_outType ).create( in, m_outType );
catch ( IncompatibleTypeException e )
return new ArrayImgFactory< O >().create( in, m_outType );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl
* This inverse FFT can be only done in place, if desired.
* @param fftImage - the input as {@link Img}
* @param forwardTransform - the ForwardTransform ({@link FourierTransform}) which still has all parameters
* @param type - a Type instance for the output
public InverseFourierTransform( final Img<S> fftImage, final FourierTransform<?,?> forwardTransform, final T type ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( fftImage, fftImage.factory().imgFactory( type ), type, forwardTransform.getRearrangement(), true, true, forwardTransform.getFFTInputSize(), forwardTransform.getFFTInputOffset() );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-roi
public Labeling< LL > create( final long[] dim )
return new NativeImgLabeling< LL, I >( img.factory().create( dim, img.firstElement().createVariable() ) );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-gpl
* This inverse FFT can be only done in place, if desired.
* @param fftImage - the input as {@link Img}
* @param forwardTransform - the ForwardTransform ({@link FourierTransform}) which still has all parameters
public InverseFourierTransform( final Img<S> fftImage, final FourierTransform<T,?> forwardTransform ) throws IncompatibleTypeException
this ( fftImage, fftImage.factory().imgFactory( forwardTransform.getImageType() ), forwardTransform.getImageType(), forwardTransform.getRearrangement(), true, true, forwardTransform.getFFTInputSize(), forwardTransform.getFFTInputOffset() );
代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm
protected < T extends BooleanType< T > > Img< T > calculate( final Img< T > source )
final Img< T > target = source.factory().create( source );
final T extendedVal = source.firstElement().createVariable();
extendedVal.set( getExtendedValue() );
final ExtendedRandomAccessibleInterval< T, Img< T > > extended = Views.extendValue( source, extendedVal );
calculate( extended, target );
return target;