
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Return the system property for ensuring a File#separator is at the end.


代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

public static File makeTestDirectory()
  final File archiveDir = new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName(), "archive-test");
  if (archiveDir.exists())
    System.err.println("Warning archive directory exists, deleting: " + archiveDir.getAbsolutePath());
    IoUtil.delete(archiveDir, false);
  if (!archiveDir.mkdirs())
    throw new IllegalStateException("failed to make archive test directory: " + archiveDir.getAbsolutePath());
  return archiveDir;

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

storageDir = new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName());

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

.archiveDir(new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName(), "archive-test"))

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

public void before()
  driver = MediaDriver.launch(
    new MediaDriver.Context()
  archive = Archive.launch(
    new Archive.Context()
      .archiveDir(new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName(), "archive-test"))
  aeron = Aeron.connect();
  aeronArchive = AeronArchive.connect(
    new AeronArchive.Context()

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

public void before()
  driver = MediaDriver.launch(
    new MediaDriver.Context()
  archive = Archive.launch(
    new Archive.Context()
      .archiveDir(new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName(), "archive-test"))
  aeron = Aeron.connect();
  aeronArchive = AeronArchive.connect(
    new AeronArchive.Context()

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

archiveDir = new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName(), "archive");

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/aeron

public void before()
  final String aeronDirectoryName = CommonContext.generateRandomDirName();
  archivingMediaDriver = ArchivingMediaDriver.launch(
    new MediaDriver.Context()
    new Archive.Context()
      .archiveDir(new File(IoUtil.tmpDirName(), "archive"))
  aeron = Aeron.connect(
    new Aeron.Context()
  aeronArchive = AeronArchive.connect(
    new AeronArchive.Context()

代码示例来源:origin: kaazing/gateway

 * This method is used to compute the monitoring directory name which will be used by Agrona in order
 * to create a file in which to write the data in shared memory.
 * The monitoring directory will be dependent of the operating system.
 * For Linux we will use the OS implementation of the shared memory. So the directory will be created
 * in /dev/shm. For the other operating systems we will create a monitoring folder under the
 * gateway folder.
 * @return the monitoring directory name
private String getMonitoringDirName() {
  String monitoringDirName = IoUtil.tmpDirName() + MONITOR_DIR_NAME;
  if (LINUX.equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(OS_NAME_SYSTEM_PROPERTY))) {
    final File devShmDir = new File(LINUX_DEV_SHM_DIRECTORY);
    if (devShmDir.exists()) {
      monitoringDirName = LINUX_DEV_SHM_DIRECTORY + monitoringDirName;
  return monitoringDirName;

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/artio

 * If shared memory is available, use that as a temporary directory,
 * otherwise use the default temp directory
 * @return the optimal temporary directory
public static String optimalTmpDirName()
  if ("Linux".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("")))
    final File devShmDir = new File("/dev/shm");
    if (devShmDir.exists())
      return devShmDir.getAbsolutePath();
  return IoUtil.tmpDirName();

代码示例来源:origin: real-logic/artio

private void launchLibrary()
  initiatingLibrary = connect(
    new LibraryConfiguration()
      .libraryAeronChannels(singletonList("aeron:udp?endpoint=localhost:" + aeronPort))
      .monitoringFile(IoUtil.tmpDirName() + "fix-client" + File.separator + "libraryCounters"));
