[英]Base class for all JSON nodes, which form the basis of JSON Tree Model that Jackson implements. One way to think of these nodes is to consider them similar to DOM nodes in XML DOM trees.
As a general design rule, most accessors ("getters") are included in this base class, to allow for traversing structure without type casts. Most mutators, however, need to be accessed through specific sub-classes (such as org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode
and org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode
). This seems sensible because proper type information is generally available when building or modifying trees, but less often when reading a tree (newly built from parsed JSON content).
Actual concrete sub-classes can be found from package org.codehaus.jackson.node, which is in 'mapper' jar (whereas this class is in 'core' jar, since it is declared as nominal type for operations in ObjectCodec)
[中]所有JSON节点的基类,构成Jackson实现的JSON树模型的基础。考虑这些节点的一种方法是考虑它们与XML DOM树中的DOM节点类似。
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
private void assertQueryGetsValue( ServerControls server, String query, long value ) throws Throwable
HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST( server.httpURI().resolve( "db/data/transaction/commit" ).toString(),
quotedJson( "{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': '" + query + "' } ] }" ) );
assertEquals( "[]", response.get( "errors" ).toString() );
JsonNode result = response.get( "results" ).get( 0 );
assertEquals( "value", result.get( "columns" ).get( 0 ).asText() );
assertEquals( value, result.get( "data" ).get( 0 ).get( "row" ).get( 0 ).asLong() );
代码示例来源:origin: kaaproject/kaa
if (!object.has(TYPE) || !object.get(TYPE).isTextual()
|| !object.get(TYPE).getTextValue().equals("record")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The data provided is not a record!");
if (!object.has(NAMESPACE) || !object.get(NAMESPACE).isTextual()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No namespace specified!");
} else if (!object.has(NAME) || !object.get(NAME).isTextual()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No name specified!");
} else {
fqn = object.get(NAMESPACE).getTextValue() + "." + object.get(NAME).getTextValue();
if (!object.has(VERSION) || !object.get(VERSION).isInt()) {
object.put(VERSION, 1);
if (!object.has(DEPENDENCIES)) {
} else if (!object.get(DEPENDENCIES).isArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal dependencies format!");
} else {
for (JsonNode child : object.get(DEPENDENCIES)) {
if (!child.isObject() || !child.has(FQN) || !child.get(FQN).isTextual()
|| !child.has(VERSION) || !child.get(VERSION).isInt()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal dependency format!");
} else {
String dependencyFqn = child.get(FQN).asText();
int dependencyVersion = child.get(VERSION).asInt();
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.jackson/jackson-mapper-asl
public int getIntValue() throws IOException, JsonParseException {
return currentNumericNode().getIntValue();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro
private String parseDocNode(JsonNode json) {
JsonNode nameNode = json.get("doc");
if (nameNode == null) return null; // no doc defined
return nameNode.getTextValue();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro
* Returns the value of the named, string-valued property in this schema.
* Returns <tt>null</tt> if there is no string-valued property with that name.
public String getProp(String name) {
JsonNode value = getJsonProp(name);
return value != null && value.isTextual() ? value.getTextValue() : null;
代码示例来源:origin: kaaproject/kaa
* Removes UUIDs from a json tree.
* @param json json tree node
public static void removeUuids(JsonNode json) {
boolean containerWithId = json.isContainerNode() && json.has(UUID_FIELD);
boolean isArray = json.isArray();
boolean childIsNotArray = !(json.size() == 1 && json.getElements().next().isArray());
if (containerWithId && !isArray && childIsNotArray) {
((ObjectNode) json).remove(UUID_FIELD);
for (JsonNode node : json) {
if (node.isContainerNode()) {
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldFixturesWork() throws Exception
// Given the rule in the beginning of this class
// When I run this test
// Then
HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST( neo4j.httpURI().toString() + "db/data/transaction/commit",
quotedJson( "{'statements':[{'statement':'MATCH (n:User) RETURN n'}]}" ) );
assertThat( response.get( "results" ).get( 0 ).get( "data" ).size(), equalTo( 2 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldWriteNestedMaps() throws Exception
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JsonGenerator json = new JsonFactory( new Neo4jJsonCodec() ).createJsonGenerator( out );
JsonNode rest = serialize( out, json, new RestRepresentationWriter( URI.create( "localhost" ) ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( rest.size(), equalTo( 1 ) );
JsonNode firstCell = rest.get( 0 );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( firstCell.get( "one" ).get( "two" ).size(), is( 2 ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( firstCell.get( "one" ).get( "two" ).get( 0 ).asBoolean(), is( true ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( firstCell.get( "one" ).get( "two" ).get( 1 ).get( "three" ).asInt(), is( 42 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
private void assertQueryGetsError( ServerControls server, String query, String error ) throws Throwable
HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST( server.httpURI().resolve( "db/data/transaction/commit" ).toString(),
quotedJson( "{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': '" + query + "' } ] }" ) );
assertThat( response.get( "errors" ).toString(), containsString( error ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
private void assertDBConfig( ServerControls server, String expected, String key ) throws JsonParseException
JsonNode beans = HTTP.GET(
server.httpURI().toString() + "db/manage/server/jmx/domain/org.neo4j/" ).get( "beans" );
JsonNode configurationBean = findNamedBean( beans, "Configuration" ).get( "attributes" );
boolean foundKey = false;
for ( JsonNode attribute : configurationBean )
if ( attribute.get( "name" ).asText().equals( key ) )
assertThat( attribute.get( "value" ).asText(), equalTo( expected ) );
foundKey = true;
if ( !foundKey )
fail( "No config key '" + key + "'." );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void txEndpointShouldReplyWithHttpsWhenItReturnsURLs() throws Exception
String baseUri = server.baseUri().toString();
HTTP.Response response = POST( baseUri + "db/data/transaction", quotedJson( "{'statements':[]}" ) );
assertThat( response.location(), startsWith( baseUri ) );
assertThat( response.get( "commit" ).asText(), startsWith( baseUri ) );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin
public void testRecord() throws DataConversionException, IOException {
Iterable<String> records = converter.convertRecord(null, sampleRecord, state);
Iterator<String> recordIt = records.iterator();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
String record = recordIt.next();
JsonNode parsedRecord = objectMapper.readValue(record, JsonNode.class);
Assert.assertEquals(parsedRecord.get("field1").getTextValue(), sampleRecord.get("field1").toString());
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldHandleMapParametersCorrectly() throws Exception
Response response = http.POST(
quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': " +
"'WITH {map} AS map RETURN map[0]', 'parameters':{'map':[{'index':0,'name':'a'},{'index':1,'name':'b'}]} } ] }"));
// then
assertThat( response.status(), equalTo( 200 ) );
JsonNode data = response.get( "results" ).get( 0 );
JsonNode row = data.get( "data" ).get( 0 ).get( "row" );
assertThat( row.size(), equalTo( 1 ) );
assertThat( row.get(0).get("index").asInt(), equalTo( 0 ) );
assertThat( row.get(0).get("name").asText(), equalTo( "a" ) );
assertThat( response.get( "errors" ).size(), equalTo( 0 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: voldemort/voldemort
Schema.Type fieldType = schema.getType();
String expectedVal = null;
switch(fieldType) {
case NULL:
if(!defaultJson.isNull()) {
expectedVal = "null";
if(!defaultJson.isBoolean()) {
expectedVal = "boolean";
if(!defaultJson.isInt()) {
expectedVal = "int";
if(!defaultJson.isInt() && !defaultJson.isLong()) {
expectedVal = "long";
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
if(!defaultJson.isNumber()) {
expectedVal = "number";
if(defaultJson.isTextual()) {
case STRING:
if(!defaultJson.isTextual()) {
expectedVal = "string";
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro
} else if (jsonNode.isNull()) {
return JsonProperties.NULL_VALUE;
} else if (jsonNode.isBoolean()) {
return jsonNode.asBoolean();
} else if (jsonNode.isInt()) {
if (schema == null || schema.getType().equals(Schema.Type.INT)) {
return jsonNode.asInt();
} else if (schema.getType().equals(Schema.Type.LONG)) {
return jsonNode.asLong();
} else if (jsonNode.isLong()) {
return jsonNode.asLong();
} else if (jsonNode.isDouble()) {
if (schema == null || schema.getType().equals(Schema.Type.DOUBLE)) {
return jsonNode.asDouble();
} else if (schema.getType().equals(Schema.Type.FLOAT)) {
return (float) jsonNode.asDouble();
} else if (jsonNode.isTextual()) {
return jsonNode.asText();
try {
return jsonNode.getTextValue().getBytes(BYTES_CHARSET);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new AvroRuntimeException(e);
} else if (jsonNode.isArray()) {
List l = new ArrayList();
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
assertThat( response.status(), equalTo( 200 ) );
JsonNode data = response.get( "results" ).get( 0 ).get( "data" );
assertTrue( "data is a list", data.isArray() );
assertEquals( "one entry", initialData + 1, data.size() );
JsonNode entry = data.get( 0 );
assertTrue( "entry has row", entry.has( "row" ) );
assertTrue( "entry has graph", entry.has( "graph" ) );
JsonNode nodes = entry.get( "graph" ).get( "nodes" );
JsonNode rels = entry.get( "graph" ).get( "relationships" );
assertTrue( "nodes is a list", nodes.isArray() );
assertTrue( "relationships is a list", rels.isArray() );
assertEquals( "one node", 1, nodes.size() );
assertEquals( "no relationships", 0, rels.size() );
Set<String> labels = new HashSet<>();
for ( JsonNode node : nodes.get( 0 ).get( "labels" ) )
labels.add( node.getTextValue() );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
protected boolean matchesSafely( HTTP.Response response )
JsonNode list = TransactionMatchers.getJsonNodeWithName( response, "rest" ).iterator().next();
assertThat( list.get( 0 ).get( "metadata" ).get( "deleted" ).asBoolean(), equalTo( Boolean.TRUE ) );
assertThat( list.get( 1 ).get( "someKey" ).get( "metadata" ).get( "deleted" ).asBoolean(),
equalTo( Boolean.TRUE ) );
return true;
catch ( JsonParseException e )
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro
public static void encode(Encoder e, Schema s, JsonNode n)
throws IOException {
switch (s.getType()) {
case RECORD:
for (Field f : s.getFields()) {
String name = f.name();
JsonNode v = n.get(name);
if (v == null) {
v = f.defaultValue();
case ARRAY:
case MAP:
Schema v = s.getValueType();
for (Iterator<String> it = n.getFieldNames(); it.hasNext();) {
String key = it.next();
encode(e, v, n.get(key));
case FIXED:
if (!n.isTextual())
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldReturnReadOnlyStatusWhenCreatingNodes() throws Exception
// Given
HTTP.Response response = http.POST( "db/data/transaction/commit",
quotedJson( "{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'CREATE (node)' } ] }" ) );
// Then
JsonNode error = response.get( "errors" ).get( 0 );
String code = error.get( "code" ).asText();
String message = error.get( "message" ).asText();
assertEquals( "Neo.ClientError.General.ForbiddenOnReadOnlyDatabase", code );
assertThat( message, containsString( "This is a read only Neo4j instance" ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro
private static boolean isValidDefault(Schema schema, JsonNode defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue == null)
return false;
switch (schema.getType()) {
case STRING:
case BYTES:
case ENUM:
case FIXED:
return defaultValue.isTextual();
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return defaultValue.isNumber();
return defaultValue.isBoolean();
case NULL:
return defaultValue.isNull();
case ARRAY:
if (!defaultValue.isArray())
return false;
for (JsonNode element : defaultValue)
if (!isValidDefault(schema.getElementType(), element))
return false;
return true;
case MAP:
if (!defaultValue.isObject())
return false;
for (JsonNode value : defaultValue)