
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Method that allows checking whether this node is JSON Array node and contains a value for specified index If this is the case (including case of specified indexing having null as value), returns true; otherwise returns false.

Note: array element indexes are 0-based.

This method is equivalent to:

node.get(index) != null


node.get(index) != null


代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

private JsonNode getChildNode(final JsonNode jsonNode, final RecordField field) {
  if (jsonNode.has(field.getFieldName())) {
    return jsonNode.get(field.getFieldName());
  for (final String alias : field.getAliases()) {
    if (jsonNode.has(alias)) {
      return jsonNode.get(alias);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

private JsonNode getChildNode(final JsonNode jsonNode, final RecordField field) {
  if (jsonNode.has(field.getFieldName())) {
    return jsonNode.get(field.getFieldName());
  for (final String alias : field.getAliases()) {
    if (jsonNode.has(alias)) {
      return jsonNode.get(alias);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: kaaproject/kaa

 * Change encoding of uuids  from <b>latin1 (ISO-8859-1)</b> to <b>base64</b>.
 * @param json the json that should be processed
 * @return the json with changed uuids
 * @throws IOException the io exception
public static JsonNode encodeUuids(JsonNode json) throws IOException {
 if (json.has(UUID_FIELD)) {
  JsonNode jsonNode = json.get(UUID_FIELD);
  if (jsonNode.has(UUID_VALUE)) {
   String value = jsonNode.get(UUID_VALUE).asText();
   String encodedValue = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
   ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).put(UUID_VALUE, encodedValue);
 for (JsonNode node : json) {
  if (node.isContainerNode()) {
 return json;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

public Iterable<RecordWithMetadata<?>> convertRecord(Object outputSchema, RecordWithMetadata<byte[]> inputRecord,
  WorkUnitState workUnit)
  throws DataConversionException {
 try {
  try (JsonParser parser = jsonFactory.createJsonParser(inputRecord.getRecord())) {
   JsonNode jsonNode = parser.readValueAsTree();
   // extracts required record
   if (!jsonNode.has(RECORD_KEY)) {
    throw new DataConversionException("Input data does not have record.");
   String record = jsonNode.get(RECORD_KEY).getTextValue();
   // Extract metadata field
   Metadata md = new Metadata();
   if (jsonNode.has(METADATA_KEY) && jsonNode.get(METADATA_KEY).has(METADATA_RECORD_KEY)) {
    md.getRecordMetadata().putAll(objectMapper.readValue(jsonNode.get(METADATA_KEY).get(METADATA_RECORD_KEY), Map.class));
   return Collections.singleton(new RecordWithMetadata<>(record, md));
 } catch (IOException e) {
  throw new DataConversionException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldExcludeLegacyFormatIfAsked() throws Exception
  // Given
  ExceptionRepresentation rep = new ExceptionRepresentation( new KernelException( UnknownError, "Hello" )
  }, /*legacy*/false );
  // When
  JsonNode out = serialize( rep );
  // Then
  assertThat(out.get("errors").get(0).get("code").asText(), equalTo("Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownError"));
  assertThat(out.get("errors").get(0).get("message").asText(), equalTo("Hello"));
  assertThat(out.has( "message" ), equalTo(false));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro

for (Field field : schema.getFields())
 if (!isValidDefault(field.schema(),
           ? defaultValue.get(
           : field.defaultValue()))

代码示例来源:origin: kaaproject/kaa

  * Removes UUIDs from a json tree.
  * @param json json tree node
 public static void removeUuids(JsonNode json) {
  boolean containerWithId = json.isContainerNode() && json.has(UUID_FIELD);
  boolean isArray = json.isArray();
  boolean childIsNotArray = !(json.size() == 1 && json.getElements().next().isArray());

  if (containerWithId && !isArray && childIsNotArray) {
   ((ObjectNode) json).remove(UUID_FIELD);

  for (JsonNode node : json) {
   if (node.isContainerNode()) {

代码示例来源:origin: kaaproject/kaa

} else {
 for (JsonNode child : object.get(DEPENDENCIES)) {
  if (!child.isObject() || !child.has(FQN) || !child.get(FQN).isTextual()
    || !child.has(VERSION) || !child.get(VERSION).isInt()) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal dependency format!");
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertEquals( "one entry", initialData + 1, data.size() );
JsonNode entry = data.get( 0 );
assertTrue( "entry has row", entry.has( "row" ) );
assertTrue( "entry has graph", entry.has( "graph" ) );
JsonNode nodes = entry.get( "graph" ).get( "nodes" );
JsonNode rels = entry.get( "graph" ).get( "relationships" );

代码示例来源:origin: sismics/reader

 * Checks if the JSON node contains the properties (not null).
 * @param n JSON node to check
 * @param name Name of the property
public static void validateJsonRequired(JsonNode n, String name) throws Exception {
  if (!n.has(name)) {
    throw new Exception(MessageFormat.format("{0} must be set", name));

代码示例来源:origin: io.snamp/json-helpers

private static OpenType<?> deserializeComplexType(final JsonNode json) throws JsonProcessingException{
  if(json.has(IS_PRIMITIVE_FIELD) && json.has(ARRAY_ELEMENT_FIELD) && json.has(DIMENSIONS_FIELD))     //array type
    return deserializeArrayType(json);
  else if(json.has(ITEMS_FIELD)) //composite type
    return deserializeCompositeType(json);
  else if(json.has(INDEX_FIELD) && json.has(ROW_TYPE_FIELD))  //tabular type
    return deserializeTabularType(json);
    throw new OpenTypeProcessingException();

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

private JsonNode valueNode(JsonNode element) {
  if (element.has(KeyValueTokens.VALUE_TOKEN)) {
    return element.path(KeyValueTokens.VALUE_TOKEN);
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given dataset does not contain "+KeyValueTokens.VALUE_TOKEN+" token.");

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

private String implementationKeyClass(JsonNode element) {
  String implementationValue = NO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROVIDED;
  if (element.has(KeyValueTokens.IMPLEMENTATION_KEY_TOKEN)) {
    implementationValue = element.path(KeyValueTokens.IMPLEMENTATION_KEY_TOKEN).getTextValue();
  return implementationValue.trim();

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

private String implementationClass(JsonNode element) {
  String implementationValue = NO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROVIDED;
  if (element.has(KeyValueTokens.IMPLEMENTATION_TOKEN)) {
    implementationValue = element.path(KeyValueTokens.IMPLEMENTATION_TOKEN).getTextValue();
  return implementationValue.trim();

代码示例来源:origin: mobi.boilr/libdynticker

protected String getTicker(Pair pair) throws IOException {
    throw new IOException("Invalid pair: " + pair);
  JsonNode node = readJsonFromUrl("");
    throw new IOException(node.get("error").asText());
    return parseTicker(node, pair);

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

private Object keyValue(JsonNode element) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
  Object keyValue;
  if (element.has(KeyValueTokens.KEY_TOKEN)) {
    String implementationKey = implementationKeyClass(element);
    keyValue = readElement(element.path(KeyValueTokens.KEY_TOKEN), implementationKey);
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given dataset does not contain "+KeyValueTokens.KEY_TOKEN+" token.");
  return keyValue;

代码示例来源:origin: mobi.boilr/libdynticker

protected String getTicker(Pair pair) throws IOException {
  JsonNode node = readJsonFromUrl(peer + "getTrades&lastIndex=0&asset=" + pair.getMarket());
    throw new IOException(node.get("errorDescription").asText());
  return parseTicker(node, pair);

代码示例来源:origin: mobi.boilr/libdynticker

protected String getTicker(Pair pair) throws IOException {
  JsonNode node = readJsonFromUrl("" +
      pair.getCoin() + "_" + pair.getExchange());
    throw new IOException(node.get("error").get("message").asText());
  return parseTicker(node, pair);

代码示例来源:origin: mobi.boilr/libdynticker

protected String getTicker(Pair pair) throws IOException {
  JsonNode node = readJsonFromUrl("" +
      pair.getCoin() + pair.getExchange());
  if(node.has("error")) {
    throw new IOException(node.get("error").asText());
  } else {
    return parseTicker(node, pair);

代码示例来源:origin: mobi.boilr/libdynticker

protected String getTicker(Pair pair) throws IOException {
  JsonNode node = readJsonFromUrl(""
      + pair.getCoin() + "&valuationSecurityId=" + pair.getExchange());
  if(node.has("latestPrice")) {
    return parseTicker(node, pair);
  } else {
    throw new IOException("Invalid pair: " + pair);
