
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-22 转载在 其他  



[英]Write out a JSON value - pass a JSON Object to get legal exchangeable JSON


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-arq

/** Write out a JSON value to - pass a JSON Object to get legal exchangeable JSON */
  public static void write(JsonValue jValue)
    write(IndentedWriter.stdout, jValue) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Write out a JSON value - pass a JSON Object to get legal exchangeable JSON */
public static void write(JsonValue jValue) {
  write(IndentedWriter.stdout, jValue) ;

代码示例来源:origin: org.seaborne.rdf-delta/rdf-delta-server-local

private static byte[] jsonBytes(JsonValue json) {
  ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8*1024);
  JSON.write(out, json);
  return out.toByteArray();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

private static void doJsonQuery(Prologue prologue, QueryExecution queryExecution, ResultsFormat outputFormat) {
  JsonArray results = queryExecution.execJson();
  JSON.write(System.out, results);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Write to a file */ 
public static void write(String filename, StoreParams params) {
  try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); 
     OutputStream out2 = new BufferedOutputStream(out); ) {
    JsonObject object = encodeToJson(params) ;
    JSON.write(out2, object) ;
    out2.write('\n') ;
  catch (IOException ex) { IO.exception(ex); }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Write to a file */ 
public static void write(String filename, StoreParams params) {
  try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); 
     OutputStream out2 = new BufferedOutputStream(out); ) {
    JsonObject object = encodeToJson(params) ;
    JSON.write(out2, object) ;
    out2.write('\n') ;
  catch (IOException ex) { IO.exception(ex); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.seaborne.rdf-delta/rdf-delta-cmds

public static void writeJSON(DeltaServerConfig config, String file) {>{
    JsonObject obj = config.asJSON();
    try (OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(file))) {
      JSON.write(out, obj);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-arq

/** Write out a JSON value - pass a JSON Object to get legal exchangeable JSON */
public static void write(OutputStream output, JsonValue jValue)
  IndentedWriter iOut = new IndentedWriter(output) ;
  write(iOut, jValue) ;
  iOut.flush() ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** JsonValue to a formatted, multiline string */
public static String toString(JsonValue jValue) {
  try ( IndentedLineBuffer b = new IndentedLineBuffer() ) {
    JSON.write(b, jValue);
    return b.asString() ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Write out a JSON value - pass a JSON Object to get legal exchangeable JSON */
public static void write(OutputStream output, JsonValue jValue) {
  IndentedWriter iOut = new IndentedWriter(output) ;
  write(iOut, jValue) ;
  iOut.flush() ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Send a JSON value as a 200 response.  Null object means no response body and no content-type headers. */
public static void sendJson(HttpAction action, JsonValue v) {
  if ( v == null )
    return ;
  try {
    HttpServletResponse response = action.response ;
    ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream() ;
    response.setCharacterEncoding(WebContent.charsetUTF8) ;
    IndentedWriter iOut = new IndentedWriter(out) ;
    JSON.write(iOut, v) ;
    // Make sure we end with a newline.
    iOut.flush() ;
    out.flush() ;
  } catch (IOException ex) { ServletOps.errorOccurred(ex) ; }

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jena/jena-fuseki-core

/** Send a JSON value as a 200 response.  Null object means no response body and no content-type headers. */
public static void sendJson(HttpAction action, JsonValue v) {
  if ( v == null )
    return ;
  try {
    HttpServletResponse response = action.response ;
    ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream() ;
    response.setCharacterEncoding(WebContent.charsetUTF8) ;
    IndentedWriter iOut = new IndentedWriter(out) ;
    JSON.write(iOut, v) ;
    // Make sure we end with a newline.
    iOut.flush() ;
    out.flush() ;
  } catch (IOException ex) { ServletOps.errorOccurred(ex) ; }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** JsonValue to a string with no newlines */
public static String toStringFlat(JsonValue jValue) {
  try ( IndentedLineBuffer b = new IndentedLineBuffer() ) {
    JSON.write(b, jValue);
    return b.asString() ;

代码示例来源:origin: org.seaborne.rdf-delta/rdf-delta-base

/** Write out a JSON value - pass a JSON Object to get legal exchangeable JSON */
private static void writeFlat(OutputStream output, JsonValue jValue) {
  IndentedWriter iOut = new IndentedWriter(output) ;
  JSON.write(iOut, jValue) ;
  iOut.flush() ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

private void description(HttpAction action) throws IOException {
  ServletOutputStream out = action.response.getOutputStream() ;
  action.response.setCharacterEncoding(charsetUTF8) ;
  JsonBuilder builder = new JsonBuilder() ; 
  builder.startObject() ;
  describeServer(builder, action.request.getLocalPort()) ;
  describeDatasets(builder, action.getDataAccessPointRegistry()) ;
  builder.finishObject() ;
  JsonValue v = ;
  JSON.write(out, v) ;
  out.println() ; 
  out.flush() ;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jena/jena-fuseki-webapp

private void description(HttpAction action) throws IOException {
  ServletOutputStream out = action.response.getOutputStream() ;
  action.response.setCharacterEncoding(charsetUTF8) ;
  JsonBuilder builder = new JsonBuilder() ; 
  builder.startObject() ;
  describeServer(builder, action.request.getLocalPort()) ;
  describeDatasets(builder, action.getDataAccessPointRegistry()) ;
  builder.finishObject() ;
  JsonValue v = ;
  JSON.write(out, v) ;
  out.println() ; 
  out.flush() ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public static void main(String... args)
  if ( args.length == 0 )
    args = new String[] {"-"} ;
  try {
    for ( String fn : args )
      JsonValue json =null ;
      try {
       json = JSON.readAny(fn) ;
      } catch (JsonParseException ex)
        String name = fn.equals("-") ? "<stdin>" : fn ; 
        System.err.println(name+": "+JsonParseException.formatMessage(ex.getMessage(), ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn())) ;
        continue ;
      JSON.write(IndentedWriter.stdout, json) ;
      IndentedWriter.stdout.ensureStartOfLine() ;
  } finally { IndentedWriter.stdout.flush() ; }

代码示例来源:origin: org.seaborne.rdf-delta/rdf-delta-cmds

private void roundTrip(DeltaServerConfig c) {
    JsonObject obj = c.asJSON();
    DeltaServerConfig c2 = DeltaServerConfig.create(obj);
    if ( ! c.equals(c2) ) {
      System.out.println("c  : "+c.zkMode);
      System.out.println("c2 : "+c2.zkMode);
    assertEquals(c, c2);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-arq

public static void main(String... args)
  if ( args.length == 0 )
    args = new String[] {"-"} ;
  try {
    for ( String fn : args )
      JsonValue json =null ;
      try {
       json = JSON.readAny(fn) ;
      } catch (JsonParseException ex)
        String name = fn.equals("-") ? "<stdin>" : fn ; 
        System.err.println(name+": "+JsonParseException.formatMessage(ex.getMessage(), ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn())) ;
        continue ;
      JSON.write(IndentedWriter.stdout, json) ;
      IndentedWriter.stdout.ensureStartOfLine() ;
  } finally { IndentedWriter.stdout.flush() ; }

代码示例来源:origin: org.seaborne.rdf-delta/rdf-delta-fuseki-server

private void writeConf(BackupConfig cfg) {
    JsonObject obj = JSONX.buildObject(b->{
      b   .pair(jPort, cfg.port)
        b.startObject().pair(jName,, a.dir).pair(jFile, a.file).finishObject()
    JSON.write(System.out, obj);
