代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public EnvVars getEnvironment(Node node, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
EnvVars env = super.getEnvironment(node, listener);
JDK jdkTool = getJDK();
if (jdkTool != null) {
if (node != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdkTool = jdkTool.forNode(node, listener);
} else if (!JDK.isDefaultName(jdk)) {
listener.getLogger().println("No JDK named ‘" + jdk + "’ found");
return env;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/maven-plugin
public JDK getJava(TaskListener log) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
JDK jdk = mms.getJDK();
if (jdk != null) jdk = jdk.forNode(getCurrentNode(), log).forEnvironment(envVars);
return jdk;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
public EnvVars getEnvironment(Node node, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
EnvVars env = super.getEnvironment(node, listener);
JDK jdkTool = getJDK();
if (jdkTool != null) {
if (node != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdkTool = jdkTool.forNode(node, listener);
} else if (!JDK.isDefaultName(jdk)) {
listener.getLogger().println("No JDK named ‘" + jdk + "’ found");
return env;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/maven-plugin
public JDK getJava(TaskListener log) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
JDK jdk = mms.getJDK();
if (jdk != null) jdk = jdk.forNode(getCurrentNode(), log).forEnvironment(envVars);
return jdk;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/envinject-plugin
* Gets JDK variables.
* For {@link AbstractBuild} it invokes operation on the node to retrieve the data;
* for other types it does nothing.
* @param run Run
* @param logger Logger
* @param result Target collection, where the variables will be added
* @throws IOException Operation failure
* @throws InterruptedException Operation has been interrupted
public static void getJDKVariables(@Nonnull Run<?, ?> run, TaskListener logger, EnvVars result)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (run instanceof AbstractBuild) {
AbstractBuild b = (AbstractBuild) run;
JDK jdk = b.getProject().getJDK();
if (jdk != null) {
Node node = b.getBuiltOn();
if (node != null) {
jdk = jdk.forNode(node, logger);
代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonar-scanner-jenkins
protected void buildEnvVars(EnvVars env, MavenInstallation mi) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
super.buildEnvVars(env, mi);
// Override JDK in case it is set on Sonar publisher
if (jdk != null) {
Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer();
if (computer != null) {
// just in case were not in a build
jdk = jdk.forNode(computer.getNode(), listener);
代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonar-scanner-jenkins
private void computeJdkToUse(Run<?, ?> build, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener, EnvVars env) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
JDK jdkToUse = getJdkToUse(getProject(build));
if (jdkToUse != null) {
Computer computer = workspace.toComputer();
// just in case we are not in a build
if (computer != null) {
jdkToUse = jdkToUse.forNode(computer.getNode(), listener);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/pipeline-maven-plugin
* Setup the selected JDK. If none is provided nothing is done.
private void setupJDK() throws AbortException, IOException, InterruptedException {
String jdkInstallationName = step.getJdk();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jdkInstallationName)) {
console.println("[withMaven] using JDK installation provided by the build agent");
if (withContainer) {
// see #detectWithContainer()
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Ignoring JDK installation parameter: {0}", jdkInstallationName);
console.println("WARNING: \"withMaven(){...}\" step running within a container," +
" tool installations are not available see https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-36159. " +
"You have specified a JDK installation \"" + jdkInstallationName + "\", which will be ignored.");
console.println("[withMaven] using JDK installation " + jdkInstallationName);
JDK jdk = Jenkins.getInstance().getJDK(jdkInstallationName);
if (jdk == null) {
throw new AbortException("Could not find the JDK installation: " + jdkInstallationName + ". Make sure it is configured on the Global Tool Configuration page");
Node node = getComputer().getNode();
if (node == null) {
throw new AbortException("Could not obtain the Node for the computer: " + getComputer().getName());
jdk = jdk.forNode(node, listener).forEnvironment(env);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/fitnesse-plugin
jdk = jdk.forNode(node, listener);
java = getJavaBinFromjavaHome(workingDirectory, jdk.getHome());
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/zap-plugin
* Set the JDK to use to start ZAP.
* @param build
* @param listener
* of type BuildListener: the display log listener during the Jenkins job execution.
* @param env
* of type EnvVars: list of environment variables. Used to set the path to the JDK.
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
private void computeJdkToUse(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener, EnvVars env) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
JDK jdkToUse = getJdkToUse(build.getProject());
if (jdkToUse != null) {
Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer();
/* just in case we are not in a build */
if (computer != null) jdkToUse = jdkToUse.forNode(computer.getNode(), listener);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/sbt-plugin
if (computer != null && jdk != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdk = jdk.forNode(computer.getNode(), listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
public EnvVars getEnvironment(TaskListener log) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
EnvVars env = super.getEnvironment(log);
FilePath ws = getWorkspace();
if (ws!=null) // if this is done very early on in the build, workspace may not be decided yet. see HUDSON-3997
env.put("WORKSPACE", ws.getRemote());
// servlet container may have set CLASSPATH in its launch script,
// so don't let that inherit to the new child process.
// see http://www.nabble.com/Run-Job-with-JDK-1.4.2-tf4468601.html
JDK jdk = project.getJDK();
if (jdk != null) {
Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer();
if (computer != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdk = jdk.forNode(computer.getNode(), log);
if (buildEnvironments!=null)
for (Environment e : buildEnvironments)
for (EnvironmentContributingAction a : Util.filter(getActions(),EnvironmentContributingAction.class))
return env;
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
public EnvVars getEnvironment(TaskListener log) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
EnvVars env = super.getEnvironment(log);
FilePath ws = getWorkspace();
if (ws!=null) // if this is done very early on in the build, workspace may not be decided yet. see HUDSON-3997
env.put("WORKSPACE", ws.getRemote());
// servlet container may have set CLASSPATH in its launch script,
// so don't let that inherit to the new child process.
// see http://www.nabble.com/Run-Job-with-JDK-1.4.2-tf4468601.html
JDK jdk = project.getJDK();
if (jdk != null) {
Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer();
if (computer != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdk = jdk.forNode(computer.getNode(), log);
if (buildEnvironments!=null)
for (Environment e : buildEnvironments)
for (EnvironmentContributingAction a : Util.filter(getActions(),EnvironmentContributingAction.class))
return env;
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
public EnvVars getEnvironment(TaskListener log) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
EnvVars env = super.getEnvironment(log);
FilePath ws = getWorkspace();
if (ws!=null) // if this is done very early on in the build, workspace may not be decided yet. see HUDSON-3997
env.put("WORKSPACE", ws.getRemote());
// servlet container may have set CLASSPATH in its launch script,
// so don't let that inherit to the new child process.
// see http://www.nabble.com/Run-Job-with-JDK-1.4.2-tf4468601.html
JDK jdk = project.getJDK();
if (jdk != null) {
Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer();
if (computer != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdk = jdk.forNode(computer.getNode(), log);
if (buildEnvironments!=null)
for (Environment e : buildEnvironments)
for (EnvironmentContributingAction a : Util.filter(getActions(),EnvironmentContributingAction.class))
return env;
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer();
if (computer != null) { // just in case were not in a build
jdk = jdk.forNode(computer.getNode(), log);