代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
* Parses a string that can consist of a simple string or JSON object/array.
* @param s The string to parse.
* @return The parsed value, or <jk>null</jk> if the input is null.
* @throws ParseException
public static Object parseAnything(String s) throws ParseException {
if (isJson(s))
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(s, Object.class);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
* Parses a string that can consist of a simple string or JSON object/array.
* @param s The string to parse.
* @return The parsed value, or <jk>null</jk> if the input is null.
* @throws ParseException
public static Object parseAnything(String s) throws ParseException {
if (isJson(s))
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(s, Object.class);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.juneau/juneau-rest-server
* Parses a string that can consist of a simple string or JSON object/array.
* @param s The string to parse.
* @return The parsed value, or <jk>null</jk> if the input is null.
* @throws ParseException
public static Object parseAnything(String s) throws ParseException {
if (isJson(s))
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(s, Object.class);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.juneau/juneau-marshall
* Convenience method for inserting JSON directly into an attribute on this object.
* <p>
* The JSON text can be an object (i.e. <js>"{...}"</js>) or an array (i.e. <js>"[...]"</js>).
* @param key The key.
* @param json The JSON text that will be parsed into an Object and then inserted into this map.
* @throws ParseException If the input contains a syntax error or is malformed.
public void putJson(String key, String json) throws ParseException {
this.put(key, JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(json, Object.class));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
private Object getExample(ClassMeta<?> sType, TypeCategory t, boolean exampleAdded) throws Exception {
boolean canAdd = isAllowNestedExamples() || ! exampleAdded;
if (canAdd && (getAddExamplesTo().contains(t) || getAddExamplesTo().contains(ANY))) {
Object example = sType.getExample(this);
if (example != null)
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(toJson(example), Object.class);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.juneau/juneau-marshall
private Object getExample(ClassMeta<?> sType, TypeCategory t, boolean exampleAdded) throws Exception {
boolean canAdd = isAllowNestedExamples() || ! exampleAdded;
if (canAdd && (getAddExamplesTo().contains(t) || getAddExamplesTo().contains(ANY))) {
Object example = sType.getExample(this);
if (example != null)
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(toJson(example), Object.class);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
private Object getExample(ClassMeta<?> sType, TypeCategory t, boolean exampleAdded) throws Exception {
boolean canAdd = isAllowNestedExamples() || ! exampleAdded;
if (canAdd && (getAddExamplesTo().contains(t) || getAddExamplesTo().contains(ANY))) {
Object example = sType.getExample(this);
if (example != null)
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(toJson(example), Object.class);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testInvalidJson() {
try {
p.parse("{\na:1,\nb:xxx\n}", Object.class);
fail("Exception expected.");
} catch (ParseException e) {}
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testReversed() throws Exception {
Accept accept = Accept.forString(this.accept);
MediaType[] mt = JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(mediaTypes, MediaType[].class);
int r = accept.findMatch(mt);
int expected2 = expectedReverse == -1 ? -1 : mt.length-expectedReverse-1;
TestUtils.assertEquals(expected2, r, "{0} failed", label);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testNonExistentAttribute() throws Exception {
String json = "{foo:,bar:}";
ObjectMap m = p.parse(json, ObjectMap.class);
assertEquals("{foo:null,bar:null}", m.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testCollectionPropertiesWithNoSetters() throws Exception {
JsonParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
String json = "{ints:[1,2,3],beans:[{a:1,b:2}]}";
C t = p.parse(json, C.class);
assertEquals(t.getInts().size(), 3);
assertEquals(t.getBeans().get(0).b, 2);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testParserListeners() throws Exception {
JsonParser p = JsonParser.create().ignoreUnknownBeanProperties().listener(MyParserListener.class).build();
String json = "{a:1,unknownProperty:\"/foo\",b:2}";
p.parse(json, B.class);
assertEquals(1, MyParserListener.events.size());
assertEquals("unknownProperty, line 1, column 5", MyParserListener.events.get(0));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void test() throws Exception {
ContentType ct = ContentType.forString(this.contentType);
MediaType[] mt = JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(mediaTypes, MediaType[].class);
int r = ct.findMatch(mt);
TestUtils.assertEquals(expected, r, "{0} failed", label);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void test() throws Exception {
Accept accept = Accept.forString(this.accept);
MediaType[] mt = JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(mediaTypes, MediaType[].class);
int r = accept.findMatch(mt);
TestUtils.assertEquals(expected, r, "{0} failed", label);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testSwapOnPrivateField() throws Exception {
JsonSerializer s = SimpleJsonSerializer.DEFAULT;
JsonParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
F1 x = F1.create();
String r = null;
r = s.serialize(x);
assertEquals("{c:'2018-12-12T05:12:00'}", r);
x = p.parse(r, F1.class);
assertObjectEquals("{c:'2018-12-12T05:12:00'}", x);
x = roundTrip(x, F1.class);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void p01_bodyWithReadOnlyProperty() throws Exception {
Swagger s = JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(p.options("/").accept("application/json").execute().getBodyAsString(), Swagger.class);
Operation o = s.getOperation("/", "get");
ParameterInfo pi = o.getParameter("body", null);
assertEquals("{\n\tf1: 1,\n\tf2: 2\n}", pi.getExamples().get("application/json+simple"));
ResponseInfo ri = o.getResponse("200");
assertEquals("{\n\tf1: 1,\n\tf2: 2\n}", ri.getExamples().get("application/json+simple"));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testEscapingSingleQuotes() throws Exception {
JsonSerializer s = SimpleJsonSerializer.DEFAULT;
String r = s.serialize(new ObjectMap().append("f1", "x'x\"x"));
assertEquals("{f1:'x\\'x\"x'}", r);
JsonParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
assertEquals("x'x\"x", p.parse(r, ObjectMap.class).getString("f1"));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testEscapingDoubleQuotes() throws Exception {
JsonSerializer s = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT;
String r = s.serialize(new ObjectMap().append("f1", "x'x\"x"));
assertEquals("{\"f1\":\"x'x\\\"x\"}", r);
JsonParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
assertEquals("x'x\"x", p.parse(r, ObjectMap.class).getString("f1"));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testSurrogatesThroughAnnotation() throws Exception {
JsonSerializer s = SimpleJsonSerializer.DEFAULT;
JsonParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
Object r;
E1 x = E1.create();
r = s.serialize(x);
assertEquals("{f2:'f1'}", r);
x = p.parse(r, E1.class);
assertEquals("f1", x.f1);
r = getSerializer().serialize(x);
x = roundTrip(x, E1.class);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/juneau
public void testSameType() throws Exception {
JsonSerializer s = JsonSerializer.create().ssq().pojoSwaps(ASwap.class).build();
JsonParser p = JsonParser.create().pojoSwaps(ASwap.class).build();
String r;
r = s.serialize("foobar");
assertEquals("'xfoobarx'", r);
r = p.parse(r, String.class);
assertEquals("foobar", r);
ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap("{foo:'bar'}");
r = s.serialize(m);
assertEquals("{xfoox:'xbarx'}", r);