[英]Constructs a LocalDateTime from a java.util.Date
using exactly the same field values.
Each field is queried from the Date and assigned to the LocalDateTime. This is useful if you have been using the Date as a local date, ignoring the zone.
One advantage of this method is that this method is unaffected if the version of the time zone data differs between the JDK and Joda-Time. That is because the local field values are transferred, calculated using the JDK time zone data and without using the Joda-Time time zone data.
This factory method always creates a LocalDateTime with ISO chronology.
代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform
getHourOfDay(), getMinuteOfHour(), getSecondOfMinute());
date.setTime(date.getTime() + getMillisOfSecond());
LocalDateTime check = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(date);
if (check.isBefore(this)) {
check = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(date);
check = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(date);
check = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(earlier);
if (check.equals(this)) {
date = earlier;
代码示例来源:origin: arnaudroger/SimpleFlatMapper
public LocalDateTime convert(Date in, Context context) throws Exception {
if (in == null) return null;
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(in);
代码示例来源:origin: metatron-app/metatron-discovery
public static LocalDateTime sqlTimestampToJodaLocalDateTime(Timestamp timestamp) {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(timestamp);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public LocalDateTime convert(java.time.Instant source) {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(new Date(source.toEpochMilli()));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.oreva/odata-core
* Creates a new LocalDateTime-valued OData property with {@link EdmSimpleType#DATETIME}
* @param name the property name
* @param value the property value
* @return a new OData property instance
public static OProperty<LocalDateTime> datetime(String name, Date value) {
return new Impl<LocalDateTime>(name, EdmSimpleType.DATETIME, value != null ? LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(value) : null);
代码示例来源:origin: odata4j/odata4j
* Creates a new LocalDateTime-valued OData property with {@link EdmSimpleType#DATETIME}
* @param name the property name
* @param value the property value
* @return a new OData property instance
public static OProperty<LocalDateTime> datetime(String name, Date value) {
return new Impl<LocalDateTime>(name, EdmSimpleType.DATETIME, value != null ? LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(value) : null);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public LocalDateTime convert(java.time.LocalDateTime source) {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(Jsr310Converters.LocalDateTimeToDateConverter.INSTANCE.convert(source));
代码示例来源:origin: net.s-jr.utils.converterutils/joda-converter-utils
@Contract("null -> null; !null -> !null")
public static @Nullable LocalDateTime utilDateToJodaDateTime(final @Nullable Date d) {
if (d == null) {
return null;
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(d);
代码示例来源:origin: org.sonatype.sisu/sisu-odata4j
* Creates a new LocalDateTime-valued OData property with {@link EdmSimpleType#DATETIME}
* @param name the property name
* @param value the property value
* @return a new OData property instance
public static OProperty<LocalDateTime> datetime(String name, Date value) {
return new Impl<LocalDateTime>(name, EdmSimpleType.DATETIME, value != null ? LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(value) : null);
代码示例来源:origin: actframework/actframework
private FileInfo(File parent, File file) {
this.isDir = file.isDirectory();
this.context = null == parent ? "/" : parent.getAbsolutePath();
this.path = printPath(file);
this.size = printSize(file);
this.timestamp = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(new Date(file.lastModified()));
this.hidden = file.isHidden();
代码示例来源:origin: com.stratio.mojo.unix/unix-sysv-pkg
public IEntry( Option<String> pkgClass, RelativePath path, File realPath )
super( pkgClass, Option.<Boolean>none(),
regularFile( path, fromDateFields( new Date( realPath.lastModified() ) ), realPath.length(),
FileAttributes.EMPTY ) );
this.realPath = realPath;
代码示例来源:origin: org.actframework/act
private FileInfo(File parent, File file) {
this.isDir = file.isDirectory();
this.context = null == parent ? "/" : parent.getAbsolutePath();
this.path = printPath(file);
this.size = printSize(file);
this.timestamp = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(new Date(file.lastModified()));
this.hidden = file.isHidden();
代码示例来源:origin: tcplugins/tcWebHooks
private LocalDateTime findTimeStamp(WebHookExecutionStats webHookExecutionStats) {
if (webHookExecutionStats.getRequestCompletedTimeStamp() != null) {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(webHookExecutionStats.getRequestCompletedTimeStamp());
} else {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(webHookExecutionStats.getInitTimeStamp());
代码示例来源:origin: no.arktekk.unix/unix-sysv-pkg
public IEntry( Option<String> pkgClass, RelativePath path, File realPath )
super( pkgClass, Option.<Boolean>none(),
regularFile( path, fromDateFields( new Date( realPath.lastModified() ) ), realPath.length(),
Option.<FileAttributes>none() ) );
this.realPath = realPath;
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.mojo.unix/unix-pkg
public IEntry( Option<String> pkgClass, RelativePath path, File realPath )
super( pkgClass, Option.<Boolean>none(),
regularFile( path, fromDateFields( new Date( realPath.lastModified() ) ), realPath.length(),
Option.<FileAttributes>none() ) );
this.realPath = realPath;
代码示例来源:origin: com.stratio.mojo.unix/unix-rpm
public void beforeAssembly( Directory defaultDirectory )
Validate.validateNotNull( defaultDirectory );
Directory root = UnixFsObject.directory( BASE, fromDateFields( new Date( 0 ) ), EMPTY );
fileSystem = create( new PlainPackageFileSystemObject( root ),
new PlainPackageFileSystemObject( defaultDirectory ) );
代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time-hibernate
public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String string) throws SQLException {
Object timestamp = StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP.nullSafeGet(resultSet, string);
if (timestamp == null) {
return null;
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields((Date) timestamp);
} else if (timestamp instanceof Calendar) {
return LocalDateTime.fromCalendarFields((Calendar) timestamp);
return new LocalDateTime(timestamp);
代码示例来源:origin: JodaOrg/joda-time-hibernate
public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String string) throws SQLException {
Object timestamp = StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP.nullSafeGet(resultSet, string);
if (timestamp == null) {
return null;
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
return LocalDateTime.fromDateFields((Date) timestamp);
} else if (timestamp instanceof Calendar) {
return LocalDateTime.fromCalendarFields((Calendar) timestamp);
return new LocalDateTime(timestamp);
代码示例来源:origin: no.arktekk.unix/unix-rpm
public void beforeAssembly( Directory defaultDirectory )
Validate.validateNotNull( defaultDirectory );
Directory root = UnixFsObject.directory( BASE, fromDateFields( new Date( 0 ) ), EMPTY );
fileSystem = create( new PlainPackageFileSystemObject( root ),
new PlainPackageFileSystemObject( defaultDirectory ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.mojo.unix/unix-dpkg
private static List<UnixFsObject> process( InputStream is )
throws IOException
TarInputStream tarInputStream = new TarInputStream( is );
TarEntry entry = tarInputStream.getNextEntry();
List<UnixFsObject> objects = new ArrayList<UnixFsObject>();
while ( entry != null )
Option<UnixFileMode> mode = some( UnixFileMode.fromInt( entry.getMode() ) );
FileAttributes attributes = new FileAttributes( some( entry.getUserName() ), some( entry.getGroupName() ), mode );
RelativePath path = relativePath( entry.getName() );
LocalDateTime lastModified = LocalDateTime.fromDateFields( entry.getModTime() );
objects.add( entry.isDirectory() ?
directory( path, lastModified, attributes ) :
regularFile( path, lastModified, entry.getSize(), some( attributes ) ));
entry = tarInputStream.getNextEntry();
return objects;