
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-23 转载在 其他  



[英]Retrieve logging utility for a particular class.


代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Retrieve logging utility for a particular class.
 * @param c Class to retrieve logging for
 * @return Logger
public static Logging getLogger(final Class<?> c) {
 return getLogger(c.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-logging

 * Retrieve logging utility for a particular class.
 * @param c Class to retrieve logging for
 * @return Logger
public static Logging getLogger(final Class<?> c) {
 return getLogger(c.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki

 * Retrieve logging utility for a particular class.
 * @param c Class to retrieve logging for
 * @return Logger
public static Logging getLogger(final Class<?> c) {
 return getLogger(c.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki

 * Full constructor - all values.
 * @param actualMinimum actual minimum
 * @param actualMaximum actual maximum
 * @param theoreticalMinimum theoretical minimum
 * @param theoreticalMaximum theoretical maximum
 * @param theoreticalBaseline theoretical baseline
public BasicOutlierScoreMeta(double actualMinimum, double actualMaximum, double theoreticalMinimum, double theoreticalMaximum, double theoreticalBaseline) {
 if(Double.isNaN(actualMinimum) || Double.isNaN(actualMaximum)) {
  Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("Warning: Outlier Score meta initalized with NaN values: " + actualMinimum + " - " + actualMaximum);
 this.actualMinimum = actualMinimum;
 this.actualMaximum = actualMaximum;
 this.theoreticalMinimum = theoreticalMinimum;
 this.theoreticalMaximum = theoreticalMaximum;
 this.theoreticalBaseline = theoreticalBaseline;

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Full constructor - all values.
 * @param actualMinimum actual minimum
 * @param actualMaximum actual maximum
 * @param theoreticalMinimum theoretical minimum
 * @param theoreticalMaximum theoretical maximum
 * @param theoreticalBaseline theoretical baseline
public BasicOutlierScoreMeta(double actualMinimum, double actualMaximum, double theoreticalMinimum, double theoreticalMaximum, double theoreticalBaseline) {
 if(Double.isNaN(actualMinimum) || Double.isNaN(actualMaximum)) {
  Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("Warning: Outlier Score meta initalized with NaN values: " + actualMinimum + " - " + actualMaximum);
 this.actualMinimum = actualMinimum;
 this.actualMaximum = actualMaximum;
 this.theoreticalMinimum = theoreticalMinimum;
 this.theoreticalMaximum = theoreticalMaximum;
 this.theoreticalBaseline = theoreticalBaseline;

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-outlier

 * Full constructor - all values.
 * @param actualMinimum actual minimum
 * @param actualMaximum actual maximum
 * @param theoreticalMinimum theoretical minimum
 * @param theoreticalMaximum theoretical maximum
 * @param theoreticalBaseline theoretical baseline
public BasicOutlierScoreMeta(double actualMinimum, double actualMaximum, double theoreticalMinimum, double theoreticalMaximum, double theoreticalBaseline) {
 if(Double.isNaN(actualMinimum) || Double.isNaN(actualMaximum)) {
  Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("Warning: Outlier Score meta initalized with NaN values: " + actualMinimum + " - " + actualMaximum);
 this.actualMinimum = actualMinimum;
 this.actualMaximum = actualMaximum;
 this.theoreticalMinimum = theoreticalMinimum;
 this.theoreticalMaximum = theoreticalMaximum;
 this.theoreticalBaseline = theoreticalBaseline;

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Redistribute entries according to the given sorting.
 * @param newNode Node to split to
 * @param sorting Sorting to use
 * @param splitPoint Split point
public final void splitTo(AbstractNode<E> newNode, List<E> sorting, int splitPoint) {
 assert (isLeaf() == newNode.isLeaf());
 StringBuilder msg = LoggingConfiguration.DEBUG ? new StringBuilder(1000) : null;
 for(int i = 0; i < splitPoint; i++) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(getPageID()).append(' ').append(sorting.get(i)).append('\n');
 for(int i = splitPoint; i < sorting.size(); i++) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(newNode.getPageID()).append(' ').append(sorting.get(i)).append('\n');
 if(msg != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-index

 * Redistribute entries according to the given sorting.
 * @param newNode Node to split to
 * @param sorting Sorting to use
 * @param splitPoint Split point
public final void splitTo(AbstractNode<E> newNode, List<E> sorting, int splitPoint) {
 assert (isLeaf() == newNode.isLeaf());
 StringBuilder msg = LoggingConfiguration.DEBUG ? new StringBuilder(1000) : null;
 for(int i = 0; i < splitPoint; i++) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(getPageID()).append(' ').append(sorting.get(i)).append('\n');
 for(int i = splitPoint; i < sorting.size(); i++) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(newNode.getPageID()).append(' ').append(sorting.get(i)).append('\n');
 if(msg != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki

 * Redistribute entries according to the given sorting.
 * @param newNode Node to split to
 * @param sorting Sorting to use
 * @param splitPoint Split point
public final void splitTo(AbstractNode<E> newNode, List<E> sorting, int splitPoint) {
 assert (isLeaf() == newNode.isLeaf());
 StringBuilder msg = LoggingConfiguration.DEBUG ? new StringBuilder("\n") : null;
 for(int i = 0; i < splitPoint; i++) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(getPageID()).append(" ");
 for(int i = splitPoint; i < sorting.size(); i++) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(newNode.getPageID()).append(" ");
 if(msg != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Splits the entries of this node into a new node using the given assignments
 * @param newNode Node to split to
 * @param assignmentsToFirst the assignment to this node
 * @param assignmentsToSecond the assignment to the new node
public final void splitTo(AbstractNode<E> newNode, List<E> assignmentsToFirst, List<E> assignmentsToSecond) {
 assert (isLeaf() == newNode.isLeaf());
 StringBuilder msg = LoggingConfiguration.DEBUG ? new StringBuilder(1000) : null;
 // assignments to this node
 for(E entry : assignmentsToFirst) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(getPageID()).append(' ').append(entry).append('\n');
 // assignments to the new node
 for(E entry : assignmentsToSecond) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(newNode.getPageID()).append(' ').append(entry).append('\n');
 if(msg != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-index

 * Splits the entries of this node into a new node using the given assignments
 * @param newNode Node to split to
 * @param assignmentsToFirst the assignment to this node
 * @param assignmentsToSecond the assignment to the new node
public final void splitTo(AbstractNode<E> newNode, List<E> assignmentsToFirst, List<E> assignmentsToSecond) {
 assert (isLeaf() == newNode.isLeaf());
 StringBuilder msg = LoggingConfiguration.DEBUG ? new StringBuilder(1000) : null;
 // assignments to this node
 for(E entry : assignmentsToFirst) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(getPageID()).append(' ').append(entry).append('\n');
 // assignments to the new node
 for(E entry : assignmentsToSecond) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(newNode.getPageID()).append(' ').append(entry).append('\n');
 if(msg != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki

 * Splits the entries of this node into a new node using the given assignments
 * @param newNode Node to split to
 * @param assignmentsToFirst the assignment to this node
 * @param assignmentsToSecond the assignment to the new node
public final void splitTo(AbstractNode<E> newNode, List<E> assignmentsToFirst, List<E> assignmentsToSecond) {
 assert (isLeaf() == newNode.isLeaf());
 StringBuilder msg = LoggingConfiguration.DEBUG ? new StringBuilder() : null;
 // assignments to this node
 for(E entry : assignmentsToFirst) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(getPageID()).append(" ").append(entry).append("\n");
 // assignments to the new node
 for(E entry : assignmentsToSecond) {
  if(msg != null) {
   msg.append("n_").append(newNode.getPageID()).append(" ").append(entry).append("\n");
 if(msg != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Get the distance function parameter.
 * @param config Parameterization
protected void getParameterDistanceFunction(Parameterization config) {
 ObjectParameter<NumberVectorDistanceFunction<? super V>> distanceFunctionP = new ObjectParameter<>(DistanceBasedAlgorithm.DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID, PrimitiveDistanceFunction.class, SquaredEuclideanDistanceFunction.class);
 if(config.grab(distanceFunctionP)) {
  distanceFunction = distanceFunctionP.instantiateClass(config);
  if(distanceFunction == null //
    || distanceFunction instanceof SquaredEuclideanDistanceFunction //
    || distanceFunction instanceof EuclideanDistanceFunction) {
  if(needsMetric() && !distanceFunction.isMetric()) {
   Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("This k-means variants requires the triangle inequality, and thus should only be used with squared Euclidean distance!");
  else {
   Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("k-means optimizes the sum of squares - it should be used with squared euclidean distance and may stop converging otherwise!");

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-clustering

 * Get the distance function parameter.
 * @param config Parameterization
protected void getParameterDistanceFunction(Parameterization config) {
 ObjectParameter<NumberVectorDistanceFunction<? super V>> distanceFunctionP = new ObjectParameter<>(DistanceBasedAlgorithm.DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID, PrimitiveDistanceFunction.class, SquaredEuclideanDistanceFunction.class);
 if(config.grab(distanceFunctionP)) {
  distanceFunction = distanceFunctionP.instantiateClass(config);
  if(distanceFunction == null //
    || distanceFunction instanceof SquaredEuclideanDistanceFunction //
    || distanceFunction instanceof EuclideanDistanceFunction) {
  if(needsMetric() && !distanceFunction.isMetric()) {
   Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("This k-means variants requires the triangle inequality, and thus should only be used with squared Euclidean distance!");
  else {
   Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).warning("k-means optimizes the sum of squares - it should be used with squared euclidean distance and may stop converging otherwise!");

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-batik-visualization

if(Logging.getLogger(task.getFactory().getClass()).isDebugging()) {
 LOG.exception("Visualization failed.", e);

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

if(Logging.getLogger(task.getFactory().getClass()).isDebugging()) {
 LOG.exception("Visualization failed.", e);

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Test the clustering result by comparing the score with an expected value.
 * @param database Database to test
 * @param clustering Clustering result
 * @param expected Expected score
protected <O> void testFMeasure(Database database, Clustering<?> clustering, double expected) {
 // Run by-label as reference
 ByLabelClustering bylabel = new ByLabelClustering();
 Clustering<Model> rbl =;
 ClusterContingencyTable ct = new ClusterContingencyTable(true, false);
 ct.process(clustering, rbl);
 double score = ct.getPaircount().f1Measure();
 Logging.getLogger(this.getClass()).verbose(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " score: " + score + " expect: " + expected);
 assertEquals(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Score does not match.", expected, score, 0.0001);

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

 * Remove the previous relation.
 * Manually also log index statistics, as we may be removing indexes.
 * @param relation Relation to remove
protected void removePreviousRelation(Relation<?> relation) {
 if(keep) {
 boolean first = true;
 for(It<Index> it = relation.getHierarchy().iterDescendants(relation).filter(Index.class); it.valid(); it.advance()) {
  if(first) {
   Logging.getLogger(getClass()).statistics("Index statistics when removing initial data relation.");
   first = false;
 ResultUtil.removeRecursive(relation.getHierarchy(), relation);

代码示例来源:origin: elki-project/elki

public synchronized void doThumbnail() {
 pendingThumbnail = null;
 try {
  VisualizationPlot plot = new VisualizationPlot();
  plot.getRoot().setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE, "0 0 " + getWidth() + " " + getHeight());
  // Work on a clone
  Visualization vis = visFactory.makeVisualization(context, task, plot, getWidth(), getHeight(), proj);
  final int tw = (int) (getWidth() * tresolution);
  final int th = (int) (getHeight() * tresolution);
  thumb = plot.makeAWTImage(tw, th);
  thumbid = ThumbnailRegistryEntry.registerImage(thumb);
  // The visualization will not be used anymore.
  svgp.requestRedraw(this.task, this);
 catch(Exception e) {
  final Logging logger = Logging.getLogger(task.getFactory().getClass());
  if(logger != null && logger.isDebugging()) {
   logger.exception("Thumbnail for " + task.getFactory() + " failed.", e);
  else {
   LoggingUtil.warning("Thumbnail for " + task.getFactory() + " failed - enable debugging to see details.");
  // TODO: hide the failed image?

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki-batik-visualization

public synchronized void doThumbnail() {
 pendingThumbnail = null;
 try {
  VisualizationPlot plot = new VisualizationPlot();
  plot.getRoot().setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE, "0 0 " + getWidth() + " " + getHeight());
  // Work on a clone
  Visualization vis = visFactory.makeVisualization(task, plot, getWidth(), getHeight(), proj);
  final int tw = (int) (getWidth() * tresolution);
  final int th = (int) (getHeight() * tresolution);
  thumb = plot.makeAWTImage(tw, th);
  thumbid = ThumbnailRegistryEntry.registerImage(thumb);
  // The visualization will not be used anymore.
  svgp.requestRedraw(this.task, this);
 catch(Exception e) {
  final Logging logger = Logging.getLogger(task.getFactory().getClass());
  if(logger != null && logger.isDebugging()) {
   logger.exception("Thumbnail for " + task.getFactory() + " failed.", e);
  else {
   LoggingUtil.warning("Thumbnail for " + task.getFactory() + " failed - enable debugging to see details.");
  // TODO: hide the failed image?
