
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Selects the first object in the given iterable that matches the given hamcrest Matcher Actually it handles also Maps, Arrays and Iterator by collecting their values. Note that this method accepts an Object in order to be used in conjunction with the Lambda#forEach(Iterable).


代码示例来源:origin: mariofusco/lambdaj

  1. /**
  2. * Returns true if the given iterable contains at least an item that matches the given hamcrest Matcher
  3. * Actually it handles also Maps, Arrays and Iterator by collecting their values.
  4. * Note that this method accepts an Object in order to be used in conjunction with the {@link Lambda#forEach(Iterable)}.
  5. * @param iterable The iterable of objects to be filtered
  6. * @param matcher The hamcrest Matcher used to filter the given iterable
  7. * @return True if the given iterable contains at least an item that matches the given hamcrest Matcher false otherwise
  8. */
  9. public static boolean exists(Object iterable, Matcher<?> matcher) {
  10. return selectFirst(iterable, matcher) != null;
  11. }

代码示例来源:origin: mariofusco/lambdaj

  1. /**
  2. * Selects the first object in this iterable that matches the given hamcrest Matcher
  3. * @param matcher The hamcrest Matcher used to retain the given iterable
  4. * @return The first object in the given iterable that matches the given hamcrest Matcher or null if there is no such object
  5. */
  6. public T first(Matcher<?> matcher) {
  7. return (T)Lambda.selectFirst(getInner(), matcher);
  8. }

代码示例来源:origin: net.flexmojos.oss/flexmojos-maven-plugin

  1. protected Artifact getDependency( Matcher<? extends Artifact>... matchers )
  2. {
  3. return selectFirst(getDependencies(), allOf(matchers));
  4. }

代码示例来源:origin: CloudSlang/cloud-slang

  1. private LanguageEventData selectByEventType(List<LanguageEventData> data, String eventType) {
  2. return selectFirst(data, having(on(LanguageEventData.class).getEventType(), equalTo(eventType)));
  3. }

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

  1. @Override
  2. public boolean compare(Neo4jConnectionCallback connection, InputStream dataset) throws NoSqlAssertionError,
  3. Throwable {
  4. DataParser dataParser = new DataParser();
  5. List<Object> expectedObjects = dataParser.readValues(dataset);
  6. Multimap<Class<?>, Object> expectedGroupByClass = groupByClass(expectedObjects);
  7. Set<Class<?>> expectedClasses = expectedGroupByClass.keySet();
  8. for (Class<?> expectedClass : expectedClasses) {
  9. Collection<Object> expectedObjectsByClass = expectedGroupByClass.get(expectedClass);
  10. List<Object> insertedObjects = findAndFetchAllEntitiesByClass(neo4jTemplate(connection), expectedClass);
  11. for (Object expectedObject : expectedObjectsByClass) {
  12. Object selectFirst = selectFirst(insertedObjects, equalTo(expectedObject));
  13. if(selectFirst == null) {
  14. throw new NoSqlAssertionError(String.format("Object %s is not found in graph.", expectedObject.toString()));
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }
  18. return true;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: CloudSlang/cloud-slang

  1. private long getCurrentId(Map<String, Long> stepReferences, Deque<Step> steps) {
  2. Long currentId;
  3. long max = Lambda.max(stepReferences);
  4. Map.Entry maxEntry = selectFirst(stepReferences.entrySet(),
  5. having(on(Map.Entry.class).getValue(), equalTo(max)));
  6. String referenceKey = (String) (maxEntry).getKey();
  7. Step step = null;
  8. for (Step stepItem : steps) {
  9. if (stepItem.getName().equals(referenceKey)) {
  10. step = stepItem;
  11. break;
  12. }
  13. }
  14. if (step == null || !step.isParallelLoop()) {
  15. // the reference is not a step or is not a parallel loop step
  16. currentId = max + NUMBER_OF_STEP_EXECUTION_STEPS;
  17. } else {
  18. //async step
  20. }
  21. return currentId;
  22. }

代码示例来源:origin: io.cloudslang.lang/cloudslang-compiler

  1. private long getCurrentId(Map<String, Long> stepReferences, Deque<Step> steps) {
  2. Long currentId;
  3. long max = Lambda.max(stepReferences);
  4. Map.Entry maxEntry = selectFirst(stepReferences.entrySet(),
  5. having(on(Map.Entry.class).getValue(), equalTo(max)));
  6. String referenceKey = (String) (maxEntry).getKey();
  7. Step step = null;
  8. for (Step stepItem : steps) {
  9. if (stepItem.getName().equals(referenceKey)) {
  10. step = stepItem;
  11. break;
  12. }
  13. }
  14. if (step == null || !step.isParallelLoop()) {
  15. // the reference is not a step or is not a parallel loop step
  16. currentId = max + NUMBER_OF_STEP_EXECUTION_STEPS;
  17. } else {
  18. //async step
  20. }
  21. return currentId;
  22. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars/nosqlunit-neo4j

  1. @Override
  2. public boolean compare(Neo4jConnectionCallback connection, InputStream dataset) throws NoSqlAssertionError,
  3. Throwable {
  4. DataParser dataParser = new DataParser();
  5. List<Object> expectedObjects = dataParser.readValues(dataset);
  6. Multimap<Class<?>, Object> expectedGroupByClass = groupByClass(expectedObjects);
  7. Set<Class<?>> expectedClasses = expectedGroupByClass.keySet();
  8. for (Class<?> expectedClass : expectedClasses) {
  9. Collection<Object> expectedObjectsByClass = expectedGroupByClass.get(expectedClass);
  10. List<Object> insertedObjects = findAndFetchAllEntitiesByClass(neo4jTemplate(connection), expectedClass);
  11. for (Object expectedObject : expectedObjectsByClass) {
  12. Object selectFirst = selectFirst(insertedObjects, equalTo(expectedObject));
  13. if(selectFirst == null) {
  14. throw new NoSqlAssertionError(String.format("Object %s is not found in graph.", expectedObject.toString()));
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }
  18. return true;
  19. }

代码示例来源:origin: io.openscore.lang/score-lang-compiler

  1. private Map<String, Executable> fetchFlowReferences(Executable executable,
  2. Collection<Executable> availableDependencies,
  3. Map<String, Executable> resolvedDependencies) {
  4. for (String refId : executable.getDependencies()) {
  5. //if it is already in the references we do nothing
  6. if (resolvedDependencies.get(refId) == null) {
  7. Executable matchingRef = Lambda.selectFirst(availableDependencies, having(on(Executable.class).getId(), equalTo(refId)));
  8. if (matchingRef == null) {
  9. throw new RuntimeException("Reference: \'" + refId + "\' in executable: \'"
  10. + executable.getName() + "\', wasn't found in path");
  11. }
  12. //first we put the reference on the map
  13. resolvedDependencies.put(matchingRef.getId(), matchingRef);
  14. if (matchingRef.getType().equals(SlangTextualKeys.FLOW_TYPE)) {
  15. //if it is a flow we recursively
  16. resolvedDependencies.putAll(fetchFlowReferences(matchingRef, availableDependencies, resolvedDependencies));
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }
  20. return resolvedDependencies;
  21. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars/nosqlunit-core

  1. private SelectiveMatcher findSelectiveMatcherByConnectionIdentifier(
  2. SelectiveMatcher[] selectiveMatchers) {
  3. return selectFirst(
  4. selectiveMatchers,
  5. having(on(SelectiveMatcher.class).identifier(),
  6. equalTo(identifier)).and(
  7. having(on(SelectiveMatcher.class).location(),
  8. notNullValue())));
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

  1. public ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager getStartedServer(int port) {
  2. return selectFirst(
  3. this.servers,
  4. having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  5. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(true))));
  6. }

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

  1. private SelectiveMatcher findSelectiveMatcherByConnectionIdentifier(
  2. SelectiveMatcher[] selectiveMatchers) {
  3. return selectFirst(
  4. selectiveMatchers,
  5. having(on(SelectiveMatcher.class).identifier(),
  6. equalTo(identifier)).and(
  7. having(on(SelectiveMatcher.class).location(),
  8. notNullValue())));
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

  1. public ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager getStoppedServer(int port) {
  2. return selectFirst(
  3. this.servers,
  4. having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  5. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(false))));
  6. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars/nosqlunit-mongodb

  1. public ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager getStartedServer(int port) {
  2. return selectFirst(
  3. this.servers,
  4. having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  5. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(true))));
  6. }

代码示例来源:origin: CloudSlang/cloud-slang

  1. private Map<String, Executable> fetchFlowReferences(Executable executable,
  2. Collection<Executable> availableDependencies,
  3. Map<String, Executable> resolvedDependencies) {
  4. for (String refId : executable.getExecutableDependencies()) {
  5. //if it is already in the references we do nothing
  6. if (resolvedDependencies.get(refId) == null) {
  7. Executable matchingRef = selectFirst(availableDependencies,
  8. having(on(Executable.class).getId(), equalTo(refId)));
  9. if (matchingRef == null) {
  10. throw new RuntimeException("Reference: \'" + refId + "\' in executable: \'" +
  11. executable.getName() + "\', wasn't found in path");
  12. }
  13. //first we put the reference on the map
  14. resolvedDependencies.put(matchingRef.getId(), matchingRef);
  15. if (matchingRef.getType().equals(SlangTextualKeys.FLOW_TYPE)) {
  16. //if it is a flow we recursively
  17. resolvedDependencies
  18. .putAll(fetchFlowReferences(matchingRef, availableDependencies, resolvedDependencies));
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }
  22. return resolvedDependencies;
  23. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars/nosqlunit-mongodb

  1. public ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager getStoppedServer(int port) {
  2. return selectFirst(
  3. this.servers,
  4. having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  5. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedMongoDbLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(false))));
  6. }

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

  1. public ManagedRedisLifecycleManager getStartedServer(int port) {
  2. if(this.master.getPort() == port && this.master.isReady()) {
  3. return this.master;
  4. }
  5. return selectFirst(
  6. this.slaveServers,
  7. having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  8. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(true))));
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: lordofthejars/nosql-unit

  1. public ManagedRedisLifecycleManager getStoppedServer(int port) {
  2. if(this.master.getPort() == port && !this.master.isReady()) {
  3. return this.master;
  4. }
  5. return selectFirst(
  6. this.slaveServers,
  7. having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  8. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(false))));
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars/nosqlunit-redis

  1. public ManagedRedisLifecycleManager getStartedServer(int port) {
  2. if(this.master.getPort() == port && this.master.isReady()) {
  3. return this.master;
  4. }
  5. return selectFirst(
  6. this.slaveServers,
  7. having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  8. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(true))));
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars/nosqlunit-redis

  1. public ManagedRedisLifecycleManager getStoppedServer(int port) {
  2. if(this.master.getPort() == port && !this.master.isReady()) {
  3. return this.master;
  4. }
  5. return selectFirst(
  6. this.slaveServers,
  7. having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).getPort(),
  8. is(port)).and(having(on(ManagedRedisLifecycleManager.class).isReady(), is(false))));
  9. }
