[英]Obtains the current date from the system clock in the default time-zone.
This will query the Clock#systemDefaultZone() in the default time-zone to obtain the current date.
Using this method will prevent the ability to use an alternate clock for testing because the clock is hard-coded.
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
* Get a new instance set to today
* @return CalendarDay set to today's date
@NonNull public static CalendarDay today() {
return from(LocalDate.now());
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
public void onBindViewHolder(EntryViewHolder holder, int position) {
//set selected date to today
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
protected List<CalendarDay> doInBackground(@NonNull Void... voids) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LocalDate temp = LocalDate.now().minusMonths(2);
final ArrayList<CalendarDay> dates = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
final CalendarDay day = CalendarDay.from(temp);
temp = temp.plusDays(5);
return dates;
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
public StateBuilder() {
calendarMode = CalendarMode.MONTHS;
firstDayOfWeek =
LocalDate.now().with(WeekFields.of(Locale.getDefault()).dayOfWeek(), 1).getDayOfWeek();
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final LocalDate instance = LocalDate.now();
final LocalDate min = LocalDate.of(instance.getYear(), Month.JANUARY, 1);
final LocalDate max = LocalDate.of(instance.getYear(), Month.DECEMBER, 31);
new MySelectorDecorator(this),
new HighlightWeekendsDecorator(),
new ApiSimulator().executeOnExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
@Override protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Add a decorator to disable prime numbered days
widget.addDecorator(new PrimeDayDisableDecorator());
// Add a second decorator that explicitly enables days <= 10. This will work because
// decorators are applied in order, and the system allows re-enabling
widget.addDecorator(new EnableOneToTenDecorator());
final LocalDate calendar = LocalDate.now();
final LocalDate min = LocalDate.of(calendar.getYear(), Month.JANUARY, 1);
final LocalDate max = LocalDate.of(calendar.getYear() + 1, Month.OCTOBER, 31);
代码示例来源:origin: prolificinteractive/material-calendarview
@Override protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final LocalDate instance = LocalDate.now();
final LocalDate min = LocalDate.of(instance.getYear(), Month.JANUARY, 1);
final LocalDate max = LocalDate.of(instance.getYear(), Month.DECEMBER, 31);
new MySelectorDecorator(this),
new HighlightWeekendsDecorator(),
代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp
* Obtains the current {@code JapaneseDate} from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current date - today.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@linkplain Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current date, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the current date cannot be obtained
public static JapaneseDate now(Clock clock) {
return new JapaneseDate(LocalDate.now(clock));
代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp
* Obtains the current date from the system clock in the default time-zone.
* <p>
* This will query the {@link Clock#systemDefaultZone() system clock} in the default
* time-zone to obtain the current date.
* <p>
* Using this method will prevent the ability to use an alternate clock for testing
* because the clock is hard-coded.
* @return the current date using the system clock and default time-zone, not null
public static LocalDate now() {
return now(Clock.systemDefaultZone());
代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp
* Obtains the current {@code MinguoDate} from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current date - today.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@linkplain Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current date, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the current date cannot be obtained
public static MinguoDate now(Clock clock) {
return new MinguoDate(LocalDate.now(clock));
代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp
* Obtains the current {@code ThaiBuddhistDate} from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current date - today.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@linkplain Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current date, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the current date cannot be obtained
public static ThaiBuddhistDate now(Clock clock) {
return new ThaiBuddhistDate(LocalDate.now(clock));
代码示例来源:origin: shrikanth7698/Collapsible-Calendar-View-Android
public boolean isToady(@NonNull LocalDate day) {
return LocalDate.now().equals(day);
代码示例来源:origin: org.threeten/threetenbp
* Obtains the current date from the system clock in the default time-zone.
* <p>
* This will query the {@link Clock#systemDefaultZone() system clock} in the default
* time-zone to obtain the current date.
* <p>
* Using this method will prevent the ability to use an alternate clock for testing
* because the clock is hard-coded.
* @return the current date using the system clock and default time-zone, not null
public static LocalDate now() {
return now(Clock.systemDefaultZone());
代码示例来源:origin: shrikanth7698/Collapsible-Calendar-View-Android
public CalendarAdapter(Context context) {
this.mCal = LocalDate.now().withDayOfMonth(1);
mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
代码示例来源:origin: shrikanth7698/Collapsible-Calendar-View-Android
public LocalDate getSelectedDay() {
if (getSelectedItem() == null) {
return LocalDate.now();
return getSelectedItem();
代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp
* Obtains the current local date in this chronology from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current date - today.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@link Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current local date, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date
public ChronoLocalDate dateNow(Clock clock) {
Jdk8Methods.requireNonNull(clock, "clock");
return date(LocalDate.now(clock));
代码示例来源:origin: org.threeten/threetenbp
* Obtains the current year from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current year.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@link Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current year, not null
public static Year now(Clock clock) {
final LocalDate now = LocalDate.now(clock); // called once
return Year.of(now.getYear());
代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp
* Obtains the current month-day from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current month-day.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@link Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current month-day, not null
public static MonthDay now(Clock clock) {
final LocalDate now = LocalDate.now(clock); // called once
return MonthDay.of(now.getMonth(), now.getDayOfMonth());
代码示例来源:origin: org.threeten/threetenbp
* Obtains the current month-day from the specified clock.
* <p>
* This will query the specified clock to obtain the current month-day.
* Using this method allows the use of an alternate clock for testing.
* The alternate clock may be introduced using {@link Clock dependency injection}.
* @param clock the clock to use, not null
* @return the current month-day, not null
public static MonthDay now(Clock clock) {
final LocalDate now = LocalDate.now(clock); // called once
return MonthDay.of(now.getMonth(), now.getDayOfMonth());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public Date convert(LocalTime source) {
return toDate(source.atDate(LocalDate.now()).atZone(systemDefault()).toInstant());