
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a copy of this time with the specified period added.

This method returns a new time based on this time with the specified period added. This can be used to add any period that is defined by a unit, for example to add hours, minutes or seconds. The unit is responsible for the details of the calculation, including the resolution of any edge cases in the calculation.

This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.



LocalTime now =;
LocalTime later =, HOURS);


class Flight {
  LocalTime departure;
  Duration duration;

  LocalTime getArrival() {
    LocalTime arrival = duration );
    // If called *many* times, and you account for changing-data and thread-safety, you could cache this result for performance. 
    return arrival;

  Flight( LocalTime departureArg , Duration durationArg ) {
    this.departure = departureArg;
    this.duration = durationArg;

代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp

 * Returns a copy of this time with the specified period subtracted.
 * <p>
 * This method returns a new time based on this time with the specified period subtracted.
 * This can be used to subtract any period that is defined by a unit, for example to subtract hours, minutes or seconds.
 * The unit is responsible for the details of the calculation, including the resolution
 * of any edge cases in the calculation.
 * <p>
 * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
 * @param amountToSubtract  the amount of the unit to subtract from the result, may be negative
 * @param unit  the unit of the period to subtract, not null
 * @return a {@code LocalTime} based on this time with the specified period subtracted, not null
 * @throws DateTimeException if the unit cannot be added to this type
public LocalTime minus(long amountToSubtract, TemporalUnit unit) {
  return (amountToSubtract == Long.MIN_VALUE ? plus(Long.MAX_VALUE, unit).plus(1, unit) : plus(-amountToSubtract, unit));

代码示例来源:origin: org.threeten/threetenbp

 * Returns a copy of this time with the specified period subtracted.
 * <p>
 * This method returns a new time based on this time with the specified period subtracted.
 * This can be used to subtract any period that is defined by a unit, for example to subtract hours, minutes or seconds.
 * The unit is responsible for the details of the calculation, including the resolution
 * of any edge cases in the calculation.
 * <p>
 * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
 * @param amountToSubtract  the amount of the unit to subtract from the result, may be negative
 * @param unit  the unit of the period to subtract, not null
 * @return a {@code LocalTime} based on this time with the specified period subtracted, not null
 * @throws DateTimeException if the unit cannot be added to this type
public LocalTime minus(long amountToSubtract, TemporalUnit unit) {
  return (amountToSubtract == Long.MIN_VALUE ? plus(Long.MAX_VALUE, unit).plus(1, unit) : plus(-amountToSubtract, unit));


LocalTime lt = LocalTime.parse("10:00:00", DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss"));
lt =;


DateMidnight midnight = new DateTime("2012-12-13T21:39:45.618").toDateMidnight();
 LocalTime localTime = new LocalTime(midnight);;

代码示例来源:origin: ThreeTen/threetenbp

 * Returns a copy of this time with the specified period added.
 * <p>
 * This method returns a new time based on this time with the specified period added.
 * This can be used to add any period that is defined by a unit, for example to add hours, minutes or seconds.
 * The unit is responsible for the details of the calculation, including the resolution
 * of any edge cases in the calculation.
 * The offset is not part of the calculation and will be unchanged in the result.
 * <p>
 * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
 * @param amountToAdd  the amount of the unit to add to the result, may be negative
 * @param unit  the unit of the period to add, not null
 * @return an {@code OffsetTime} based on this time with the specified period added, not null
 * @throws DateTimeException if the unit cannot be added to this type
public OffsetTime plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) {
  if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
    return with(, unit), offset);
  return unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd);

代码示例来源:origin: org.threeten/threetenbp

 * Returns a copy of this time with the specified period added.
 * <p>
 * This method returns a new time based on this time with the specified period added.
 * This can be used to add any period that is defined by a unit, for example to add hours, minutes or seconds.
 * The unit is responsible for the details of the calculation, including the resolution
 * of any edge cases in the calculation.
 * The offset is not part of the calculation and will be unchanged in the result.
 * <p>
 * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
 * @param amountToAdd  the amount of the unit to add to the result, may be negative
 * @param unit  the unit of the period to add, not null
 * @return an {@code OffsetTime} based on this time with the specified period added, not null
 * @throws DateTimeException if the unit cannot be added to this type
public OffsetTime plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) {
  if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
    return with(, unit), offset);
  return unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd);
