
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Synchronously authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the specified name, password, and LDAP version.

If the object has been disconnected from an LDAP server, this method attempts to reconnect to the server. If the object has already authenticated, the old authentication is discarded.


代码示例来源:origin: glyptodon/guacamole-client

ldapConnection.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, userDN, passwordBytes);

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

private LDAPConnection getConnection() throws LDAPException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
//        LDAPSocketFactory ssf;
//        Security.addProvider(new;
      // String path ="C:\\j2sdk1.4.2_09\\jre\\lib\\security\\cacerts";
      //op("the trustStore: " + System.getProperty(""));
      // System.setProperty("", path);
//        op(" reading the strustStore: " + System.getProperty(""));
//        ssf = new LDAPJSSESecureSocketFactory();
//        LDAPConnection.setSocketFactory(ssf);

      LDAPConnection lc = new LDAPConnection();
      lc.connect(ldapHost, ldapPort);

      // bind to the server
      lc.bind(ldapVersion, loginDN, password.getBytes("UTF8"));
      // tbd
      // LDAPConnection pooling here?
      return lc;

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(int i, String s, String s1, LDAPConstraints ldapconstraints) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(i, s, s1, ldapconstraints);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(String s, String s1) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(s, s1);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(int i, String s, byte[] abyte0) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(i, s, abyte0);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(String s, String s1, String[] as, Map map, Object obj) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(s, s1, as, map, obj);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(int i, String s, byte[] abyte0, LDAPConstraints ldapconstraints) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(i, s, abyte0, ldapconstraints);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public LDAPResponseQueue bind(int i, String s, byte[] abyte0, LDAPResponseQueue ldapresponsequeue) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  return super.bind(i, s, abyte0, ldapresponsequeue);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(int i, String s, String s1) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(i, s, s1);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(String s, String s1, LDAPConstraints ldapconstraints) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(s, s1, ldapconstraints);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(String s, String s1, Map map, Object obj, LDAPConstraints ldapconstraints) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(s, s1, map, obj, ldapconstraints);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public LDAPResponseQueue bind(int i, String s, byte[] abyte0, LDAPResponseQueue ldapresponsequeue, LDAPConstraints ldapconstraints) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  return super.bind(i, s, abyte0, ldapresponsequeue, ldapconstraints);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(String s, String s1, Map map, Object obj) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(s, s1, map, obj);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public void bind(String s, String s1, String[] as, Map map, Object obj, LDAPConstraints ldapconstraints) throws LDAPException {
  bindAttempted = true;
  super.bind(s, s1, as, map, obj, ldapconstraints);

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-ldap-authenticator

 * Bind to LDAP server.
 * @param loginDN the user DN to connect to LDAP server.
 * @param password the password to connect to LDAP server.
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException error when converting provided password to UTF-8 table.
 * @throws LDAPException error when trying to bind.
public void bind(String loginDN, String password) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, LDAPException
  LOGGER.debug("Binding to LDAP server with credentials login=[{}]", loginDN);
  // authenticate to the server
  this.connection.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, loginDN, password.getBytes("UTF8"));

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

private void bind(LDAPConnection conn, String dn, String pw)
throws LDAPException {
  if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
    log.debug("bind(): binding [dn = " + dn + "]");
  try {
    conn.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, dn, pw.getBytes("UTF8"));
  } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to encode user password", e);


// exception handling not shown
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = new LDAPConnection(hostname,port);
BindRequest bindRequest = new SimpleBindRequest(username,password);
BindResult bindResult = ldapConnection.bind(bindRequest);
if(bindResult.getResultCode().equals(ResultCode.SUCCESS)) {
  /// successful authentication


LDAPConnection connection = new LDAPConnection( new LDAPJSSEStartTLSFactory() );
connection.connect(hostname, port);
connection.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, username+"@"+domain, password.getBytes());


// exception handling is not shown
final String dn = ....;
final byte[] password = ....;
final BindRequest bindRequest = new SimpleBindRequest(dn,password);
final LDAPConnection ldapConnection = new LDAPConnection(hostname,port);
final BindResult bindResult = ldapConnection.bind(bindRequest);
final ResultCode resultCode = bindResult.getResultCode();
  // user is authenticated


public static LDAPConnection getNewSSLConnection(String address, int port, BindRequest bindRequest) throws LDAPException, GeneralSecurityException
  SSLUtil sslUtil = new SSLUtil(new TrustAllTrustManager());
  SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslUtil.createSSLSocketFactory();
  LDAPConnection ldc = new LDAPConnection(sslSocketFactory);
  ldc.connect(address, port);
  return ldc;
