代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
public Location location() {
return location.at(line + 1, pos - lineStart + 1);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void reserved() {
String proto = ""
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " reserved 10, 12 to 14, 'foo';"
+ "}";
TypeElement message = MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
.reserveds(ImmutableList.of(ReservedElement.create(location.at(2, 3), "",
ImmutableList.<Object>of(10, Range.closed(12, 14), "foo"))))
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void syntaxSpecified() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(2, 1))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void noWhitespace() {
String proto = "message C {optional A.B ab = 1;}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
.name("C").fields(ImmutableList.of(FieldElement.builder(location.at(1, 12))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void syntaxMayFollowCommentsAndEmptyLines() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "/* comment 1 */\n"
+ "// comment 2\n"
+ "\n"
+ "syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(5, 1))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void extendInMessage() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "message Bar {\n"
+ " extend Foo {\n"
+ " optional Bar bar = 126;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1)).name("Bar").build()))
ExtendElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(3, 5))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void fqcnExtendInMessage() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "message Bar {\n"
+ " extend example.Foo {\n"
+ " optional Bar bar = 126;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1)).name("Bar").build()))
ExtendElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(3, 5))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void simpleWithExtendsToSchema() {
ProtoFileElement file = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
ExtendElement.builder(location.at(5, 1)).name("Extend").build()))
String expected = ""
+ "// file.proto\n"
+ "\n"
+ "message Message {}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "extend Extend {}\n";
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void proto3MessageFieldsPermitRepeated() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message Message {\n"
+ " repeated string a = 1;\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(2, 1))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(3, 3))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void extend() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "// Extends Foo\n"
+ "extend Foo {\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 126;\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
ExtendElement.builder(location.at(2, 1))
.documentation("Extends Foo")
FieldElement.builder(location.at(3, 3))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void proto3ExtensionFieldsPermitRepeated() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message Message {\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "extend Message {\n"
+ " repeated string a = 1;\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(2, 1))
ExtendElement.builder(location.at(4, 1))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(5, 3))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void packageDeclaration() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "package google.protobuf;\n"
+ "option java_package = \"com.google.protobuf\";\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing the .proto\n"
+ "// files it parses.\n"
+ "message FileDescriptorSet {\n"
+ "}\n";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(6, 1))
.documentation("The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing "
+ "the .proto\nfiles it parses.")
OptionElement.create("java_package", Kind.STRING, "com.google.protobuf")))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void stringWithSingleQuotes() {
String proto = ""
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional string name = 1 [default = 'single\"quotes'];\n"
+ "}";
FieldElement field = FieldElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
TypeElement messageElement = MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
/** It looks like an option, but 'default' is special. It's missing from descriptor.proto! */
@Test public void defaultFieldOptionIsSpecial() {
String proto = ""
+ "message Message {\n"
+ " required string a = 1 [default = \"b\", faulted = \"c\"];\n"
+ "}\n";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
OptionElement.create("faulted", Kind.STRING, "c")))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void fqcnExtendInMessageWithPackage() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "package kit.kat;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "message Bar {\n"
+ " extend example.Foo {\n"
+ " optional Bar bar = 126;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
.types(ImmutableList.<TypeElement>of(MessageElement.builder(location.at(3, 1))
ExtendElement.builder(location.at(4, 3))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(5, 5))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void adjacentStringsConcatenated() {
String proto = ""
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional string name = 1 [\n"
+ " default = \"concat \"\n"
+ " 'these '\n"
+ " \"please\"\n"
+ " ];\n"
+ "}";
FieldElement field = FieldElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
.defaultValue("concat these please")
TypeElement messageElement = MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void proto3MessageFieldsDoNotRequireLabels() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message Message {\n"
+ " string a = 1;\n"
+ " int32 b = 2;\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(2, 1))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(3, 3))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(4, 3))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void defaultFieldWithParen() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional string claim_token = 2 [(squareup.redacted) = true];\n"
+ "}";
FieldElement field = FieldElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
OptionElement.create("squareup.redacted", Kind.BOOLEAN, "true", true)))
OptionElement.create("squareup.redacted", Kind.BOOLEAN, "true", true));
TypeElement messageElement = MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto))
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void hexTag() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "message HexTag {\n"
+ " required string hex = 0x10;\n"
+ " required string uppercase_x_hex = 0X11;\n"
+ "}";
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
FieldElement.builder(location.at(3, 3))
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto)).isEqualTo(expected);
代码示例来源:origin: square/wire
@Test public void defaultFieldWithStringEscapes() throws Exception {
String proto = ""
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional string name = 1 [\n"
+ " x = \"\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\1f\01\001\11\011\111\\xe\\Xe\\xE\\xE\\x41\\X41\"\n"
+ " ];\n"
+ "}";
FieldElement field = FieldElement.builder(location.at(2, 3))
.options(ImmutableList.of(OptionElement.create("x", Kind.STRING,
assertThat(field.options()).containsOnly(OptionElement.create("x", Kind.STRING,
TypeElement messageElement = MessageElement.builder(location.at(1, 1))
ProtoFileElement expected = ProtoFileElement.builder(location)
assertThat(ProtoParser.parse(location, proto))