[英]Makes an array-collecting method handle, which accepts a given number of trailing positional arguments and collects them into an array argument. The new method handle adapts, as its target, the current method handle. The type of the adapter will be the same as the type of the target, except that a single trailing parameter (usually of type arrayType) is replaced by arrayLength parameters whose type is element type of arrayType.
If the array type differs from the final argument type on the original target, the original target is adapted to take the array type directly, as if by a call to #asType.
When called, the adapter replaces its trailing arrayLengtharguments by a single new array of type arrayType, whose elements comprise (in order) the replaced arguments. Finally the target is called. What the target eventually returns is returned unchanged by the adapter.
(The array may also be a shared constant when arrayLength is zero.)
(Note: The arrayType is often identical to the last parameter type of the original target. It is an explicit argument for symmetry with asSpreader, and also to allow the target to use a simple Object as its last parameter type.)
In order to create a collecting adapter which is not restricted to a particular number of collected arguments, use #asVarargsCollector instead.
Here are some examples of array-collecting method handles:
MethodHandle deepToString = publicLookup()assertEquals("[won]", (String) deepToString.invokeExact(new Object[]{"won"}));
MethodHandle ts1 = deepToString.asCollector(Object[].class, 1);
assertEquals(methodType(String.class, Object.class), ts1.type());
//assertEquals("[won]", (String) ts1.invokeExact( new Object[]{"won"})); //FAIL
assertEquals("[[won]]", (String) ts1.invokeExact((Object) new Object[]{"won"}));
// arrayType can be a subtype of Object[]
MethodHandle ts2 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 2);
assertEquals(methodType(String.class, String.class, String.class), ts2.type());
assertEquals("[two, too]", (String) ts2.invokeExact("two", "too"));
MethodHandle ts0 = deepToString.asCollector(Object[].class, 0);
assertEquals("[]", (String) ts0.invokeExact());
// collectors can be nested, Lisp-style
MethodHandle ts22 = deepToString.asCollector(Object[].class, 3).asCollector(String[].class, 2);
assertEquals("[A, B, [C, D]]", ((String) ts22.invokeExact((Object)'A', (Object)"B", "C", "D")));
// arrayType can be any primitive array type
MethodHandle bytesToString = publicLookup()
.findStatic(Arrays.class, "toString", methodType(String.class, byte[].class))
.asCollector(byte[].class, 3);
assertEquals("[1, 2, 3]", (String) bytesToString.invokeExact((byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3));
MethodHandle longsToString = publicLookup()
.findStatic(Arrays.class, "toString", methodType(String.class, long[].class))
.asCollector(long[].class, 1);
assertEquals("[123]", (String) longsToString.invokeExact((long)123));
[中]生成一个array collecting方法句柄,该句柄接受给定数量的尾随位置参数,并将它们收集到一个数组参数中。新方法句柄将当前方法句柄作为其目标进行调整。适配器的类型将与目标的类型相同,只是单个尾随参数(通常为arrayType类型)被arrayLength参数替换,其类型为arrayType的元素类型。
MethodHandle deepToString = publicLookup()assertEquals("[won]", (String) deepToString.invokeExact(new Object[]{"won"}));
MethodHandle ts1 = deepToString.asCollector(Object[].class, 1);
assertEquals(methodType(String.class, Object.class), ts1.type());
//assertEquals("[won]", (String) ts1.invokeExact( new Object[]{"won"})); //FAIL
assertEquals("[[won]]", (String) ts1.invokeExact((Object) new Object[]{"won"}));
// arrayType can be a subtype of Object[]
MethodHandle ts2 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 2);
assertEquals(methodType(String.class, String.class, String.class), ts2.type());
assertEquals("[two, too]", (String) ts2.invokeExact("two", "too"));
MethodHandle ts0 = deepToString.asCollector(Object[].class, 0);
assertEquals("[]", (String) ts0.invokeExact());
// collectors can be nested, Lisp-style
MethodHandle ts22 = deepToString.asCollector(Object[].class, 3).asCollector(String[].class, 2);
assertEquals("[A, B, [C, D]]", ((String) ts22.invokeExact((Object)'A', (Object)"B", "C", "D")));
// arrayType can be any primitive array type
MethodHandle bytesToString = publicLookup()
.findStatic(Arrays.class, "toString", methodType(String.class, byte[].class))
.asCollector(byte[].class, 3);
assertEquals("[1, 2, 3]", (String) bytesToString.invokeExact((byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3));
MethodHandle longsToString = publicLookup()
.findStatic(Arrays.class, "toString", methodType(String.class, long[].class))
.asCollector(long[].class, 1);
assertEquals("[123]", (String) longsToString.invokeExact((long)123));
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
* Set MOP based constructor invocation path.
public void setMetaClassCallHandleIfNedded(boolean standardMetaClass) {
if (handle!=null) return;
useMetaClass = true;
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("set meta class invocation path");
handle = MOP_INVOKE_CONSTRUCTOR.bindTo(mc);
handle = handle.asCollector(Object[].class, targetType.parameterCount()-1);
handle = MethodHandles.dropArguments(handle, 0, Class.class);
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("create collector for arguments");
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
* Sets a handle to call {@link GroovyInterceptable#invokeMethod(String, Object)}
public boolean setInterceptor() {
if (!(this.args[0] instanceof GroovyInterceptable)) return false;
handle = MethodHandles.insertArguments(INTERCEPTABLE_INVOKER, 1, this.name);
handle = handle.asCollector(Object[].class, targetType.parameterCount()-1);
handle = handle.asType(targetType);
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
handle = handle.asCollector(lastParam, 1);
} else if (params.length > args.length) {
handle = handle.asCollector(
args.length - params.length + 1);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
* Makes a fallback method for an invalidated method selection
protected static MethodHandle makeFallBack(MutableCallSite mc, Class<?> sender, String name, int callID, MethodType type, boolean safeNavigation, boolean thisCall, boolean spreadCall) {
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.insertArguments(SELECT_METHOD, 0, mc, sender, name, callID, safeNavigation, thisCall, spreadCall, /*dummy receiver:*/ 1);
mh = mh.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount()).
return mh;
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
* Creates a MethodHandle, which will use the meta class path.
* This method is called only if no handle has been created before. This
* is usually the case if the method selection failed.
public void setMetaClassCallHandleIfNedded(boolean standardMetaClass) {
if (handle!=null) return;
useMetaClass = true;
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("set meta class invocation path");
Object receiver = getCorrectedReceiver();
if (receiver instanceof Class) {
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("use invokeStaticMethod with bound meta class");
} else {
handle = MOP_INVOKE_METHOD.bindTo(mc);
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("use invokeMethod with bound meta class");
if (receiver instanceof GroovyObject) {
// if the meta class call fails we may still want to fall back to call
// GroovyObject#invokeMethod if the receiver is a GroovyObject
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("add MissingMethod handler for GrooObject#invokeMethod fallback path");
handle = MethodHandles.catchException(handle, MissingMethodException.class, GROOVY_OBJECT_INVOKER);
handle = MethodHandles.insertArguments(handle, 1, name);
if (!spread) handle = handle.asCollector(Object[].class, targetType.parameterCount()-1);
if (LOG_ENABLED) LOG.info("bind method name and create collector for arguments");
代码示例来源:origin: robolectric/robolectric
@Override public MethodHandle findShadowMethodHandle(Class<?> theClass, String name, MethodType type,
boolean isStatic) throws IllegalAccessException {
String signature = getSignature(theClass, name, type, isStatic);
InvocationProfile invocationProfile = new InvocationProfile(signature, isStatic, getClass().getClassLoader());
try {
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.lookup().findVirtual(getClass(), "invoke",
methodType(Object.class, InvocationProfile.class, Object.class, Object[].class));
mh = insertArguments(mh, 0, this, invocationProfile);
if (isStatic) {
return mh.bindTo(null).asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount());
} else {
return mh.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount() - 1);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
} else {
handle = handle.asCollector(Object[].class, targetType.parameterCount()-1);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
public FunctionReference asCollector(Class<?> arrayType, int arrayLength) {
return new FunctionReference(handle.asCollector(arrayType, arrayLength), this.parameterNames);
代码示例来源:origin: anba/es6draft
private static MethodHandle toObjectArray(List<Class<?>> types) {
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.identity(Object[].class);
mh = mh.asCollector(Object[].class, types.size());
return mh.asType(MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, types));
代码示例来源:origin: anba/es6draft
public static CallSite runtimeBootstrap(MethodHandles.Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type) {
assert "rt:stack".equals(name) || "rt:locals".equals(name);
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.identity(Object[].class);
mh = mh.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount());
mh = mh.asType(type);
return new ConstantCallSite(mh);
代码示例来源:origin: gravel-st/gravel
public MethodHandle wrapDNUHandle(MethodHandle dnuHandle) {
Symbol sym = selectorConverter.functionNameAsSelector_(selector);
MethodHandle withBoundSymbol = MethodHandles.insertArguments(dnuHandle,
1, sym);
MethodHandle message = withBoundSymbol.asCollector(Object[].class,
return message;
代码示例来源:origin: org.dynalang/dynalink
* Creates a method handle out of the original target that will collect the varargs for the exact component type of
* the varArg array. Note that this will nicely trigger language-specific type converters for exactly those varargs
* for which it is necessary when later passed to linkerServices.convertArguments().
* @param target the original method handle
* @param parameterCount the total number of arguments in the new method handle
* @return a collecting method handle
static MethodHandle collectArguments(MethodHandle target, final int parameterCount) {
final MethodType methodType = target.type();
final int fixParamsLen = methodType.parameterCount() - 1;
final Class<?> arrayType = methodType.parameterType(fixParamsLen);
return target.asCollector(arrayType, parameterCount - fixParamsLen);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codelibs.elasticsearch.module/lang-painless
MIC(String name, MethodType type, int initialDepth, int flavor, int flags) {
this.name = name;
this.flavor = flavor;
this.flags = flags;
if (initialDepth > 0) {
initialized = true;
MethodHandle fallback = FALLBACK.bindTo(this)
.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount())
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
public static CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, Object... bsmArgs) {
boolean nullSafeGuarded = ((int) bsmArgs[0]) == 1;
String[] argumentNames = new String[bsmArgs.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < bsmArgs.length - 1; i++) {
argumentNames[i] = (String) bsmArgs[i + 1];
InlineCache callSite = new InlineCache(caller, name, type, nullSafeGuarded, argumentNames);
MethodHandle fallbackHandle = FALLBACK
.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount())
callSite.resetFallback = RESET_FALLBACK
.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount())
return callSite;
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
public static CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type) {
AdapterCallSite callSite = new AdapterCallSite(type, caller, name);
MethodHandle fallbackHandle = FALLBACK
.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount())
return callSite;
代码示例来源:origin: com.headius/invokebinder
public MethodHandle up(MethodHandle target) {
if (onlyTail()) {
// fast path for tail args
return target.asCollector(arrayType, count);
} else {
Permutes permutes = buildPermutes(source, target.type());
Binder binder = preparePermuteBinder(permutes);
return binder.invoke(target);
代码示例来源:origin: szegedi/dynalink
private MethodHandle createRelinkAndInvokeMethod(final RelinkableCallSite callSite, final int relinkCount) {
// Make a bound MH of invoke() for this linker and call site
final MethodHandle boundRelinker = MethodHandles.insertArguments(RELINK, 0, this, callSite, Integer.valueOf(
// Make a MH that gathers all arguments to the invocation into an Object[]
final MethodType type = callSite.getDescriptor().getMethodType();
final MethodHandle collectingRelinker = boundRelinker.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount());
return MethodHandles.foldArguments(MethodHandles.exactInvoker(type), collectingRelinker.asType(
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
public static CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, Object... bsmArgs) {
boolean constant = ((int) bsmArgs[0]) == 1;
String[] argumentNames = new String[bsmArgs.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < bsmArgs.length - 1; i++) {
argumentNames[i] = (String) bsmArgs[i + 1];
InlineCache callSite = new InlineCache(type, constant, argumentNames);
MethodHandle fallbackHandle = FALLBACK
.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount())
callSite.fallback = fallbackHandle;
return callSite;
代码示例来源:origin: org.dynalang/dynalink
private MethodHandle createRelinkAndInvokeMethod(final RelinkableCallSite callSite, int relinkCount) {
// Make a bound MH of invoke() for this linker and call site
final MethodHandle boundRelinker = MethodHandles.insertArguments(RELINK, 0, this, callSite, Integer.valueOf(
// Make a MH that gathers all arguments to the invocation into an Object[]
final MethodType type = callSite.getDescriptor().getMethodType();
final MethodHandle collectingRelinker = boundRelinker.asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount());
return MethodHandles.foldArguments(MethodHandles.exactInvoker(type), collectingRelinker.asType(
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
private static Object installVTableDispatch(InlineCache inlineCache, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (inlineCache.vtable == null) {
inlineCache.vtable = new WeakHashMap<>();
MethodHandle lookup = VTABLE_LOOKUP
.asCollector(Object[].class, args.length);
MethodHandle exactInvoker = exactInvoker(inlineCache.type());
MethodHandle vtableTarget = foldArguments(exactInvoker, lookup);
if (inlineCache.nullSafeGuarded) {
vtableTarget = makeNullSafeGuarded(vtableTarget);
if (shouldReturnNull(inlineCache, args[0])) {
return null;
return vtableTarget.invokeWithArguments(args);