
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

 * Parse the source, sending the results to a {@link Model}.
 * The source must be for triples; any quads are discarded.
 * This method is equivalent to {@code parse(model.getGraph())}. 
public void parse(Model model) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with some parameters for the reader
 * @see #read(Model,String,String,Lang,Context) 
 * @param model     Destination for the RDF read
 * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
 * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
 * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
 * @deprecated To be removed.  Use {@code RDFParser.create().context(context)...}
public static void read(Model model, String uri, Context context)   { read(model.getGraph(), uri, context) ; }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Create a GraphStore from a Model
 * @param model
 * @return GraphStore
public static GraphStore create(Model model) { return create(model.getGraph()) ; }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Put (replace) the default model of a Dataset */
public void putModel(Model data)
  updater.httpPut(data.getGraph()) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Write the model to the output stream in the default serialization for the language.
 * @param out       OutputStream
 * @param model     Graph to write
 * @param lang      Language for the serialization.
public static void write(OutputStream out, Model model, Lang lang) {
  write(out, model.getGraph(), lang);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Write the graph to the output stream in the default serialization for the language.
 * @param out           OutputStream
 * @param model         Model to write
 * @param serialization Serialization format
 * @deprecated Use of writers is deprecated - use an OutputStream
public static void write(Writer out, Model model, RDFFormat serialization) {
  write(out, model.getGraph(), serialization);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Set the source of writing to the graph argument.
 * <p>
 * Any previous source setting is cleared.
 * <p>
 * Equivalent to {@code source(model.getGraph()(s)}
 * @param model A {@link Model}.
 * @return this
public RDFWriterBuilder source(Model model) {
  return source(model.getGraph());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public Model remove( Model m )
  GraphUtil.deleteFrom( getGraph(), m.getGraph());
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

 * Precompute the implications of a schema Model. The statements in the graph
 * will be combined with the data when the final InfGraph is created.
public Reasoner bindSchema(Model tbox) throws ReasonerException {
  InfGraph graph = new BasicForwardRuleInfGraph(this, rules, null, tbox.getGraph());
  return new BasicForwardRuleReasoner(rules, graph, factory);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

  protected void readWorker(Model model, Reader reader, String base)
    ParserTurtle p =  new ParserTurtle() ;
    p.parse( model.getGraph(), base, reader ) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Put (create/replace) a named model of a Dataset */
public void putModel(String graphUri, Model data)
  updater.httpPut(NodeFactory.createURI(graphUri), data.getGraph()) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

   Answer <code>model</code> after updating it with the sub-graph of
   <code>s</code> rooted at <code>r</code>, bounded by this instances
public Model extractInto( Model model, Resource r, Model s )
  { TripleBoundary tb = boundary.asTripleBoundary( s );
  Graph g = getGraphExtract( tb ) .extractInto( model.getGraph(), r.asNode(), s.getGraph() );
  return ModelFactory.createModelForGraph( g ); }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public Dataset addNamedModel(String uri, Model model) {
  checkGraphName(uri) ;
  Node n = NodeFactory.createURI(uri) ;
  dsg.addGraph(n, model.getGraph()) ;
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public PrefixMapping getPrefixMapping()
  return createModel().getGraph().getPrefixMapping();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

  public PrefixMapping getPrefixMapping()
    return ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().getGraph()

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

@Test public void dataset2()
  Dataset ds = graphLocation.getDataset() ;
  Graph g1 = ds.getDefaultModel().getGraph() ;
  Graph g2 = ds.getNamedModel("http://example/").getGraph() ;
  g1.add(new Triple(n0,n1,n2) ) ;
  assertTrue(g1.contains(n0,n1,n2) ) ;
  assertFalse(g2.contains(n0,n1,n2) ) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public void testSchema()
  Model schema = model( "P rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty" );
  Resource root = resourceInModel( "x rdf:type ja:ReasonerFactory; x ja:schema S" );
  Assembler sub = new NamedObjectAssembler( resource( "S" ), schema );
  ReasonerFactory rf = (ReasonerFactory) sub, root );
  Reasoner r = rf.create( null );
  assertIsomorphic( schema.getGraph(), ((FBRuleReasoner) r).getBoundSchema() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public void testFollowOwlImports()
  final Model modelToLoad = model( "this hasMarker B5" );
  Model  m = model( "x ja:reasoner y; _x owl:imports eh:/loadMe" );
  FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager().add( "eh:/loadMe", modelToLoad ); 
  Model m2 = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m );
  assertInstanceOf( MultiUnion.class, m2.getGraph() );
  assertIsoModels( modelToLoad.union( m ), m2 );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public void testImportMayBeLiteral()
  final Model modelToLoad = model( "this hasMarker B5" );
  Model  m = model( "x ja:reasoner y; _x ja:imports 'eh:/loadMe'" );
  FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager().add( "eh:/loadMe", modelToLoad ); 
  Model m2 = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m );
  assertInstanceOf( MultiUnion.class, m2.getGraph() );
  assertIsoModels( modelToLoad.union( m ), m2 );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public void mrswGraph2()
  Model m = create().getDefaultModel() ;
  Resource r = m.createResource("x") ;
  ExtendedIterator<Statement> iter1 = m.listStatements(r, null, (RDFNode)null) ;
  assertNotNull( ;
  Triple t = SSE.parseTriple("(<y> <p> 99)") ;
  m.getGraph().add(t) ;
  // Bad

